The "Economic Strategies" journal


Coronavirus Superstrategy: Global Projection of the “Just-in-time Catastrophe’s” Financial Model for Overcoming the Crisis and Entering into a New Geo-Economic Normality

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.6-19

The world is changing rapidly and irreversibly. The critical value of accumulated macroeconomic imbalances requires radical managerial decisions. As a solution to the problem, catastrophe just-in-time was chosen — preparation and implementation of key extreme events aimed at fundamentally reformatting the global economic management structure with achieving a new global investment and financial cycle based on massive issue of US dollars. The classical model of transforming global crises into the format of phased global financial iterations has now been augmented with a new strategic tool — the coronavirus. The result of implementing the coronavirus superstrategy, which was similar in power to the third world war and successfully replaced it, is the shift in key macroeconomic determinants. The USA once again postponed financial collapse for 10–15 years. Dimension of the financial special operation is unprecedented in terms of resources, territorial scales and depth of impact: former key players voluntarily sacrifice their identity for the opportunity to remain on the Great Chessboard at least in the form of pawns. The other countries’ claims to world leadership have been completely removed. For Russia, unlike most countries — geo-economic competitors, coronavirus reality became a marker confirming the Great Power status. Elaboration of a strategy for the economic development of Russia in relation to new conditions is on the agenda

On building a model for managing scientific and technological activities in the context of scientific and technological development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.93.2020.12-24

The article analyzes possible options for scientific and technological development: import of technology and leadership in selected areas of science and technology development. Attention is focused on the task of implementing the achievements of science and technology. The proposed solutions are based on an analysis of the experience of the USSR, the experience of Russia and can be used to develop a modern model for the management of scientific and technical activities in the context of scientific and technological development.

Robots, Digital Twins of People, Dialectical Models of Society and Economics

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.58-67

Demographic crisis remains one of the main challenges to socio-economic development of Russia. The COVID–19 pandemic

has aggravated preconditions for a possible recovery from depopulation. The present article substantiates the need to develop and approve the RF social doctrine upon completion of national projects in 2018–2024. The authors suggest their own approach to overcoming the socio-demographic crisis with regard to the long-term demographic dynamics in Russia. Various scenarios of the “post-coronavirus” future of both specific countries and the world as a whole are proposed

Problems of Establishing Pension Rights in the Context of Pension Reform

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.38-45

Pension provision of disabled citizens is one of the basic functions of a modern welfare state, which should be based, on the one hand, on constitutional and legal norms, and on the other — on real organizational and administrative mechanisms and should have resources and economic support.

The study analyzes economic mechanism and peculiarities of forming the pension rights of insured persons in various employment conditions, taking into account the presence in the compulsory pension insurance system of both pay-as-you-go and funded components.

Following the study, a set of measures was developed for state regulation of macroeconomic and institutional factors in order to increase the efficiency of establishing the insurance pension rights in the pension system in the context of demographic aging of the population.

Strategy of a Legal Framework Formation in the Field of Determining Liability for the Harm Caused by Technologies with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Elements

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.118-124

In the modern world, introduction of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence into all spheres of life is developing rapidly, significantly ahead of the development of legislation. In this regard, the problem of determining liability for the harm caused by the use of such technologies arises. The problem can be solved by creating a comprehensive strategy for the development of the legal field in this area and bringing the current legislation to the level of information-oriented Society 5.0, the concept of which assumes technical breakthrough in the field of cyber technologies. The aim of this research is to analyze current situation in the field of legal regulation of liability for the harm caused by technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence and to determine the strategy for the formation of legal framework in this field. In the first part of the article the analysis of the current legal situation on the basis of scientific developments in this area is carried out, as well as the solutions proposed by the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence technologies as the basis for the formation of the legal framework are shown. The second part of the article is devoted to the strategy of a legal framework formation in the field of determining responsibility for the use of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence. In conclusion it is said that the strategy under consideration can be realized by developing a set of measures aimed at implementing the provisions that define responsibility for the use of technologies with elements of artificial intelligence into current legislation.

Social Networks, Their Basic Factors, as Well as Their Role in Society and the State in the Context of Digital Transformation

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.26-35

Society is historically associated with the state, which plays the role of an institution of power and government. The main task of the state is life support, survival, development of society and the sovereignty of the country. The main mechanism that the state uses to implement these functions is natural social networks. They permeate every cell of society, all elements of the country and its territory. However, they can have a control center, or act on the principle of self-organization (network centrism). The web is a universal natural technology with a category status in science. The work describes five basic factors of any social network, in particular the state, as well as what distinguishes the social network from other organizational models of society. Social networks of the state rely on communication, transport and other networks of the country, being a mechanism for the implementation of a single strategy and plan. However, the emergence of other strong network centers of competition for state power inevitably leads to problems — social conflicts and even catastrophes in society due to the destruction of existing social institutions. The paper identifies the main pitfalls using alternative social networks that destroy the foundations of the state and other social institutions, which leads to the loss of sovereignty, and even to the complete collapse of the country.

Compliance control system as a tool for economic security of an oil and gas company (on the example of PJSC «NK Rosneft»)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.44-54

Today, oil and gas enterprises operate in a difficult, frequently changing system of regulatory legal documents, including both national and international acts governing various business processes. At the same time, this system is complemented by sanctions measures that significantly limit the activities of Russian oil and gas enterprises, as well as related organizations. In this regard, the role of the compliance function is increasing, aimed at bringing the implemented business processes in line with the provisions of regulatory legal acts. This process allows to minimize the possibility of committing offenses by employees of the enterprise and exclude the financial losses associated with this possibility.

The article examines the corporate compliance system of PJSC «NK Rosneft», identifies the elements that make up it, determines the features of risks, external and internal threats to the company’s economic security, suggests measures to eliminate them and reduce risks, and provides factors that affect the control environment.

Innovative Activity in the Scientific and Technical Sphere of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.64-71

The article examines the state of innovative activity in Russia on the basis of the most significant indicators (federal budget spending on science, number of advanced technologies created, training of scientific personnel, effectiveness of new research, etc.), dynamics of innovative development in the Russian scientific and technical sphere over the past 25 years is analyzed. It is noted that with an acute shortage of budgetary funds, labor, investment, material and technical resources and other development factors, it is necessary to take new decisions on priorities for developing all life support spheres, taking into account the continuing threats of extension and possible tightening of international sanctions

Analysis approaches to assessing digital inequality of education systems

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.32-49.

In the new economic conditions such as globalization, the information revolution, and the growing need for a highly skilled workforce, countries are increasingly shifting priority to education. Digitalization, as a modern trend in the development of the world economy and society, also has an influence on the education system. However, it is difficult to make cross-country comparisons in the area of digital competitiveness because there are no common approaches to assessing the digital divide, which is shifting from the gap in access and connectivity to ICT to the knowledge gap. To consider various aspects of digitalization of education systems, it is important to identify the countries that are most advanced in this issue. With this in mind, to determine global trends of digital education it is advisable to carry out their classification by characteristics reflecting the differences between these digital systems. However, the absence of such system-forming features makes classification difficult. Therefore, it is important to identify factors that can serve as a basis for classifying the world’s education systems by their level of digitalization. There are no methodological approaches to measuring digital inequality in education systems in international practice. This work is an attempt to identify indicators that would allow us to compare global educational models in terms of creating conditions for learning using ICT. As a result, the relationship between the digital gap in access and connection to ICT and the digital inequality of national education systems is determined, and the comparison of national education systems using digital gap indicators is carried out.