Modelling Cyclical Development of Society

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Modelling Cyclical Development of Society

The article discusses various types of systems development cycles and their mechanisms. The paper presents development of socio-economic systems, describes periods of their dynamics, as well as sources of their formation and cycle stimulators in the form of innovations, values, needs with the dynamics of cycles speeding up. The combination of socio-economic and socio-cultural cycles in the spiritual life of society is described. A planetary model of society development is proposed. A variant of spiral-cyclical development of society in phases is formed.

Capitalism for Everyone?!

#1. Minds Confusion
Capitalism for Everyone?!

The pension reform of 2018 caused serious changes in the labor relations system, in forming the country’s budget and sensitized the public opinion in respect of the real state of the Russian economy. For citizens, this resulted in a large-scale offensive on the retirement age, which, after previously prepared intervention by V.V. Putin, was adjusted in an acceptable manner. The problem of the citizens’ pension age is brought to the fore. Is it part of a prepared strategy or is it an answer to a demographic question (aging and longevity at the same time, lack of money for retirement pension payments)?

From a Social State-Guarantee to Insuring State of a Social Credit

#1. Minds Confusion
From a Social State-Guarantee to Insuring State of a Social Credit

Our country’s leading economists almost unanimously note the need for the earliest possible saturation of the domestic economy with financial and human resources to ensure its real growth. That’s why in the present conditions specification of organizational and legal forms, within which the process of filling the national economy with the above resources will take place, seems necessary as soon as possible. To this end, the author proposes to apply domestic and foreign experience of creating special sectoral investment funds (under the insuring guarantees of the state).

Mechanisms of Social Processes Self-Organization

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Mechanisms of Social Processes Self-Organization

One of the aims of the present article is an attempt to reveal self-organization mechanisms of complex social processes. The authors explain the main reasons for genesis of processes and events coherence in the social space of society. The examples show generality of the order emergence regularities as a result of the chaos self-organization in physical and social reality. On the other hand, significant differences between complex dynamic processes and events in physical and social reality are also described. All the basic concepts are formalized, self-organization mechanisms are presented at the level of technological processes. Proposed systemic approach assumes the possibility of using the obtained results in socio-engineering and other complex measures in order to provide social, legal and information security of society. Obtained results can also enter into one of the sections of scientific, practical and theoretical basis of sociology.

Choosing Singularity

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Choosing Singularity

The article continues the cycle of works dedicated to the social system transition into a new qualitative state — from zoopopulation to psychosocial formation, where the moral-ethical characteristics of people will be the factor determining its further development and functioning. The authors postulate that “singularity” like a “vertical” on a well-known graph of the phase transitions distribution of A.D. Panov is attributable not only to biological and technical development of civilization — “technical singularity”, how it seems to ideologists of transhumanism, but namely to “moral singularity”. Moral and ethical properties, “worked out” by mankind in the course of historical process, have an even higher level of complexity than technical ones, therefore they are the leading factor in the further systemogenetic development of our space-time continuum. Aspiration of the transhumanism ideologists to represent singularity as a result of purely technical progress is an attempt to camouflage due to various information campaigns the destructive “concept”, which somehow manifests itself in the continuum of nonspecific activity results — in destruction of social structures and stagnation of social processes, in blocking the begun phase transition (moral singularity).

Why Religious Renaissance Became Possible: Three Mistakes in Western Project’s Foundation

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Why Religious Renaissance Became Possible: Three Mistakes in Western Project’s Foundation

In the article, authors have made an attempt to find reasons for crisis condition of Western civilization project. In particular, authors discuss the importance of: 1) non-critical absolutization of religious imperatives in secular society; 2) overestimation of European culture’s uniqueness as a civilization model; 3) underestimation of circumstances of the secularization of transcendental in Western semantic universum. Basing on the analysis authors reached conclusions concerning the level of existing risks..