Factors and Prospects for Overcoming the Socio-Demographic Crisis in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.74-81

Demographic crisis remains one of the main challenges to socio-economic development of Russia. The COVID–19 pandemic

has aggravated preconditions for a possible recovery from depopulation. The present article substantiates the need to develop and approve the RF social doctrine upon completion of national projects in 2018–2024. The authors suggest their own approach to overcoming the socio-demographic crisis with regard to the long-term demographic dynamics in Russia. Various scenarios of the “post-coronavirus” future of both specific countries and the world as a whole are proposed

Supplementary Education Within Transition Strategy Towards Post-Industrial Development Stage

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.82-89

The lead role in the post-industrial economy’s establishment of the social layer of highly qualified specialists’ formation determines the strategic importance of education. The article presents an analysis of the statistical indicators distribution characterizing the correlation of changes in the structure of GDP and economics of education. The analysis showed the relevance of supplementing basic education systems at all levels with informal flexible training courses. These courses allow adapting the acquired competencies to dynamic changes in the nature of labor and the structure of employment. The prospects of attracting potential of public-state partnership for the organization of additional adaptive training are considered. In such a case, basic education is combined with capabilities of educational public organizations that are not bound by the inertia of standards and agreeing on topics and methods

Reproductive Behaviour of Female Entrepreneurs in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.90-97

Research in the field of fertility often focuses on peculiarities of reproductive behaviour of various groups of population different

in socio-economic status, material and moral needs and reproductive attitudes. Comprehension of these features is important when shaping a pro-birth policy, since different groups of the population may respond differently to the proposed measures. In the article women entrepreneurs are presented as one of the groups of the Russian population with specific reproductive behaviour. The features of demographic profile and reproductive behaviour are analyzed on the basis of results of the All-Russian population census of 2002 and 2010 and a sample survey of the population reproductive plans of 2017

On the Issue of Class Stratification in Modern Russian Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.114-119

The author analyzes the latent process of reestablishing a class society in Russia, which aims to eliminate the equal opportunity society that existed in the Soviet Union

Invisible Dysontogenesis of X, Y, Z Generations (Transformation of Social Subjectivity Features)

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.80-89

The article analyzes the causes of population dysontogenesis-a hidden process of loss of human subjectivity: the destruction of its psychophysiological and psychosocial qualities necessary for the normal activity of society. Violations caused by unformed structures of the child’s brain during the period of socialization in the family and school are hardly noticeable in a state of comfort, but they manifest themselves under normative and especially peak psychophysiological loads: deviant behaviors, educational failure, deterioration of health and loss of reproductive functions.
The consolidation of dysontogenesis in generations X, Y, and Z occurs through international educational standards that simplify educational programs and reduce didactic requirements to a level beyond which pathophenomenes become barely noticeable, but continue to accumulate statistically at the lower limit of the norm. Compensation for impaired functions occurs at the expense of modern means of digital communication-there is a non-specific “swarm” subjectivity: emotionally unstable, easily suggestible representatives of generations Y and Z become the main resource base of extremist and terrorist organizations.
The loss of basic social functions of goal-setting and control, empathy and passionarity in generations X, Y, Z, a simplified view of reality, increased lability and network conformism, decreased libido, and redirection of creative energy to the virtual-all this leads to the cessation of reproduction of the properties of society as a system structure. Restoration of systemogenetic development is possible only if the basic functions of the social state — science, education and upbringing-are provided.

Global Shift: What to Do?

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.108-117

The authors postulate that modern destructive phenomena in society are associated with the conflict of regulators-attractors at the critical moment of “Re-Quantization of Reality” — at the time of transition from mass-kinetic regulation of system constructions to the dominant information-semantic regulation, which has a higher level of complexity. In society projection of this meta-process manifests itself globally, ends historic era of traditional politics and Economics as Topopulation “self-regulation”, ensuring the satisfaction of vital needs of humanity on the basis of technical progress and opens a new era of Psychosocial regulation systems based on the implementation of the Anthropic principle of regulation — to meet the higher needs for creative activity and participation in the development of the Universe. The most important property and a necessary condition of Anthropic regulation are the moral qualities of man, limiting the possibility of introducing entropy into the structure of information and semantic constructs. Arbitrary science-based Anthropic regulation allows for a crisis-free transition to Psychosocial formation on the basis of existing opportunities: institutional (constitutional) properties of the social state of the Russian Federation, as well as humanitarian and environmental properties of Closing technologies that allow once and for all to “close the issue” with the life of the human population and move to the direct creative process of psychosocial construction and humanistic transformation of reality

What it Means to Manage the Economy in the Interests of a Man

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.118-125

The article discusses the current problems of economic science, which should participate in the state goal-setting and strategic planning and should become a doctrine of the laws of production aimed at all-round development of a man. Moral principles should pervade the entire economy. In the 21st century special attention should be paid to the system of education and upbringing. To educate a new person, it is necessary to reconstruct society in accordance with its traditional foundations

Housing Policy and National Planning: Road Map Draft

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.83-93

One of the most pressing social problems in Russia continues to be providing needy Russians with decent housing. The lack of possibilities for the population to satisfy their housing needs impedes the full development of an individual, reduces demographic activity, which ultimately causes a slowdown in economic growth. It is possible and it is necessary to counteract the growing negative trend by improving the housing policy, putting in its the basis joint efforts of the state, science and business by actively introducing modern organizational forms and management tools. National project “Housing and Urban Environment” can become a systemic solution to accumulated problems. Its implementation requires developing a modern concept of housing construction, complemented by advantages, means and professionalism of the state and corporate management systems based on partnership relations, legislated as publicprivate partnerships

Post-non-classical Strategizing of the Problem Situations in the Concept of Social Navigation: Transition from Target Management to Attributive Designing

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.94-101

The article deals with issues related to the concept of “strategizing” — the evolution of ideas about strategizing (classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and post-classical approaches). A new understanding of the concept of problem-solving strategies is presented from the point of view of the concept of socionavigation, as a process of maneuvering using attribute design: management/regulation of intensity, direction (balance) and complexity of the discourse of a single creative field (EKP) with regard to the level of disequilibrium (K-level) system/environment, allowing to increase the efficiency of teamwork. A new construction of the notion “problem situation” is proposed as a non-zero conjunction of the actors’ ideas about the problem/ problems underlying the problem situation, their (actors) problem states and systems of key goals and values that form the problem-target area (PTA)

Management of Superposition in Information-Cognitive Processes (Invariance of Methods of Destruction of Society)

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.124-133

The second part of the work analyzes new information-semantic methods of social destruction, which have a higher level of complexity in relation to traditional forms: hot, cold wars, as well as various forms of hybrid wars. The difference between wars of a new kind is in the management of information and cognitive processes: in the formation of the so-called superposition with the help of a global digital platform: programming the perception and evaluation of a social event. The use of new methods of destruction blocks the processes of regulation of social systems, disorganizes the work of institutional structures, acting as an organizational weapon. The danger of war of superpositions as “war of schr dinger” is almost infinite variability of sophisticated methods of destruction, their stealth and high efficiency achieved by imposing the external contour of information management, as well as the use of the specifics of shimmering subjectivity — when objects and subjects of war are constantly changing places. The authors postulate that the tactical and strategic counteraction in the war of superpositions can be organized only on the basis of scientific methodology, which has an appropriate level of complexity, that is, on the platform of the social state