Two Friends, Two Golden Pens of Russia

#3. Immortal Power
Two Friends, Two Golden Pens of Russia

The article presents a comparative analysis of intellectual environment, creative development and the literary activity results of two writers of the early twentieth century, who depicted the last days of their epoch in their works, — I.A. Bunin and A.I. Kuprin, binded by long-term friendship.

They are the First to Enter the Hell, or the Total Plot

#1. Theodicy of the Future
They are the First to Enter the Hell, or the Total Plot

We begin to publish fragments from the new book by S.Y. Rybas “They are the first to enter the Hell, or the total plot”. This is a book about the February 1917, about secret circumstances and figures of the coup d’état, accomplished by political, financial and military top of the Russian Empire. The author examines the nature of the plot as a problem of relations between society and the power on the background of intra-collision of economic and political interests, as well as international competition for access to resources and communications.

Science as a Natural Resource of Development, Irreplaceable Instrument of a Country’s Modernization and a Global Project

#9. Preserving humanness
Science as a Natural Resource of Development, Irreplaceable Instrument of a Country's Modernization and a Global Project

The article discusses two approaches to assessing the relationship between Science (grasping principles of nature) →Engineering (application of science) →Technology and Innovation (making engineering useful for public good and/or commercial gain) and their role in formation of economy. It is considered in relation to the Soviet history and economic development as well as in conjunction with planning, social policy and education. The philosophy of the process is at attempt to be analysed the achievement of the status of the superpower.

The Image of the Teacher. Ten Years Later

#8. Logic and ethic of fake
The Image of the Teacher. Ten Years Later

An outstanding specialist in applied mathematics, interdisciplinary research, philosophy and methodology of science, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Pavlovich Kurdyumov used to say: “The future tenses the present and clarifies the past”. In addition, the next generations arrive and there is a desire to communicate them the results, hopes, dreams of the previous generations and, if possible, to protect them from already made mistakes. Just from this perspective now we would like to look at the scientific work of Sergei P. Kurdyumov, at the ideas put forward by him and being developed now by his scientific school.

Carlos Prats — Commander Era of Profound Change

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Carlos Prats — Commander Era of Profound Change

September 11, 1973 in Chili was a military coup. It was not the usual type of rebellion garrison, and well-planned military operation, the of which was made a combined attack using aircraft, artillery and infantry. The rebels were immediately engaged all public and government agencies. The officers refused to support the coup were shot. In a coup toppled President Salvador Allende and the ruling National Unity. To power a military junta, led by General Augusto Pinochet, who succeeded General Cаrlos Prats, a prominent military and political statesman of Chili, which will be discussed in this article. The article tells about the time of his command of the Chilean army, and climax in his military career. His role in the dramatic events which took place in Chile in the 70th of the XX century. Also shows traces of his personal diary, in which General Prats wrote that meant for his country during the government of Salvadore Allende and what was the real role of the armed forces in the political process of the country.