Academician A.N. Efimov, Debates of the 1920s and Some Problems of the Present. To the 110th Anniversary of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov

#5. Longstanding Generation
Academician A.N. Efimov, Debates of the 1920s and Some Problems of the Present. To the 110th Anniversary of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov

The name of Anatoly Nikolayevich Efimov, the first director of Scientific Research Economic Institute under the State Planning Committee of the USSR (SREI), elected in 1955, is associated with fundamentally new stage in the history of planning after the end of the Stalin era in 1953. Pioneer and fundamental developments of the interbranch balance, awarded with the USSR State Prize in 1968, methodology for forecasting the country’s economy development, widely used today in the market conditions, have made up the content and novelty of this stage, as well as the main vector of SREI’s scientific research. The choice of these directions is not a flash of reason or sudden enlightenment. Their roots go not only into the environment, but also to the turbulent and dramatic events of the 1920s, which became a time of choosing the way of the country’s development, overcoming economic and cultural backwardness in conditions of isolation and a hostile external environment. Transition from the policy of “military communism” to the NEP, the broadest democratization of society served as a powerful impetus for development of planned economic thought.

Transcendental-Historical Significance of the Russian Revolution

#5. Longstanding Generation
Transcendental-Historical Significance of the Russian Revolution

The article reveals the non-Marxist meaning of the October Revolution of 1917. The author claims that the sequence of exploiter formations has a historical goal, not taken into account by Marxism, as a system of global power. The main idea of the article is that the 1917 revolution is a struggle not against capitalism, but against the supranational elite that is building the system of global power.

Slavic World: Myth-Making and Reality in 1500 Years

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Slavic World: Myth-Making and Reality in 1500 Years

Representing a mentally unified whole, but consisting of various forcibly dismembered parts that exist separately in space and time — this is the picture of today economy of the Slavic and then the Russian world. And exactly in such a broad and full-fledged sense, and not like now, in many times truncated and degraded form, the Slavic and later on the Russian world, their role and place, authority and significance should be positioned in the modern world. The authors of the article considering the Slavic world as a mental reality and virtual space, analyze the world economy of the second millennium, when Russia and a number of other young Slavic states began to enter the world scene; they wonder what are the prospects for modern world economic forces order and what place in this arrangement is assigned to Russia, the Russian world and the entire Slavic world.