Critical Analysis and Legal Qualifications of the Destruction and Rehabilitation of the Union Space (USSR — EAEU, 1990–2015)

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.108-117

In his work with the economic, legal and socio-political point of view are considered causes of the collapse of the USSR, worked in a complex questions of integration and disintegration of the former Soviet Union, examines the integration processes on the post-Soviet space, given the author’s assessment of the results of the construction of the Eurasian Economic Union. Conducted analysis of the international legal instruments in the framework of the Eurasian post-Soviet integration. Extended terminological system, through the development of the author’s definition of the EAEC

Economic and Political Strategy of the British East India Company: Complementarity or Mutual exclusion?

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.92-99

The article deals with correlation between the trade and the power nature of the East India Company (1600–1874) as a key agent of the British Empire in Asia. The main stages of its activity are traced, transformation of its strategies and goals is explained. If in the first century and a half economic and political strategies of the company complemented each other with priority of the first, then with the company’s institutional mutation in the middle of the XVIII century there emerged tension between strategies arose. The company’s coming to power in Bengal, establishment of state control over the company and the British industrial revolution not only brought the company’s political strategies to the forefront, but replaced its economic goals with political ones, transforming the company into an instrument of governing India

Railroad That has Led Benes to Munich

#1. Minds Confusion
Railroad That has Led Benes to Munich

More than eighty years have passed since the ruling elite of England, France, Italy, Germany, and Czechoslovakia signed the Munich Agreement — a treaty that destroyed the integrity of Czechoslovakia. In the era of the “post-archive revolution of the 1990s” emergence in the scientific circulation of new, previously unknown documents has caused a new round of interest to this event among historians and the public.

Nikolay Charnovsky — the New Time Agent

#1. Minds Confusion
Nikolay Charnovsky — the New Time Agent

In the first quarter of the XXth century, just like nowadays, the issues of reorganizing Russian economy were addressed. The most important scientific work of the early XXth century is considered the book of V.I. Grinevetsky. His colleague in the Moscow Technical School N.F. Charnovsky, an outstanding scientist in the production organization sphere, the author of the world’s first manual on management, also contributed to creating the country’s economic power. The article attempts to answer the question of why namely N.F. Charnovsky, as one of the participants of the Industrial Party process, was executed in 1938.

A Man That was Ahead of His Time

#8. Ideas Change the World
A Man That was Ahead of His Time

The article is focused on the life and work of the outstanding scientist Academician Jermen M. Gvishiani. It describes the main milestones of his personal and scientific biography, marks extraordinary personality traits that enabled him to achieve outstanding success in science, to ensure implementation of unique socially significant projects in the Soviet Union, to become a creator and leader of scientific organizations that had a significant impact on the development of mankind — International Institute of Applied Systems Analysis, All-Union Scientific Research Institute for Systemic Studies, International Scientific Research Institute of management problems, to become an active member of the famous Club of Rome, the founder of new scientific directions, the author of outstanding books.

Rotation of Elites: Military Time

#5. Longstanding Generation
Rotation of Elites: Military Time

Soon we’ll celebrate the 100th anniversary from the end of the First World War. To a large extent this war is still considered as a political, not a historical event, but it is already far enough in the past and can become the subject of an impartial research. In the present situation, of particular interest are the details of unleashing the war and specifics of its institutionalization, that is, its turning into a bloody conflict for years, the cost of which — in human lives, in money terms, and in social deformations — has repeatedly exceeded the value of disputed territories and assets. The authors are interested in a slightly different problem, though closely related to the above-mentioned: mechanisms of changing military and political leaders who demonstrated their inadequacy in wartime conditions.