Mathematical Poetry Knight

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.130-137

The present article is an essay dedicated to the life and work of mathematician Andrey Nikolaevich Kolmogorov.


1. Kolmogorov v vospominaniyakh: posvyashchaetsya 120-letiyu velikogo uchenogo Rossii, krupneyshego matematika XX veka Andreya Nikolaevicha Kolmogorova (25.IV.1903–20.X.1987) [Kolmogorov in Memories: Dedicated to the 120th Anniversary of the Great Russian Scientist, the Greatest Mathematician of the 20th Century Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov (25.IV.1903–20.X.1987)]. Red.-sost. A.N. Shiryaev. Moscow, Izd-vo Moskovskogo tsentra nepreryvnogo matematicheskogo obrazovaniya, 2023, 576 p.

2. Dolgov K.M. Iz vospominaniy o moey uchebe v MGU i rektore akademike Ivane Georgieviche Petrovskom: V kn.: Dolgov K.M. Sila slova, mysli, obraza [From the Memories of my Studies at Moscow State University and the Rector, Academician Ivan Georgievich Petrovsky: Dolgov K.M. The Power of Words, Thoughts, Images]. Vol. 2. Moscow, Berlin, Direkt-Media, 2016, pp. 509–517.

On the Question of Driving Forces Behind the Creation in 1925 of a “Legal Mechanism for ‘Pushing’ Germany” to the East

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.121-129

The article examines the driving forces that created, on the basis of the final documents of the Locarno Conference of 1925, the “legal mechanism for ‘pushing’ Germany to the East”. The actors in this process were located not only in Germany itself, but primarily outside its borders. The first group included a number of representatives of the ruling circles of Germany, in particular Chancellor Hans Luther and Foreign Minister Gustav Stresemann, as well as representatives of industrial and financial circles, led by the protégé of the thalassocratic bankers, the German financier Hjalmar Schacht. The second group should include a certain part of the ruling circles of England (Austen Chamberlain, Edgar Vincent D’Abernon, etc.), the USA (President Calvin Coolidge, etc.), and France (Prime Minister Aristide Briand, etc.). The most significant role was played by financiers — director of the Bank of England Montagu Collett Norman and director of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York Benjamin Strong.


1. Mackinder H.J. Democratic Ideals and Reality. A Study in the Politics of Reconstruction. London, Constable and Company Ltd, 1919, 273 p.

2. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o sozdanii v 1925 g. pravovogo mekhanizma “podtalkivaniya” Germanii na Vostok [On the Issue of the Creation in 1925 of a

Legal Mechanism for “Pushing” Germany to the East]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2016, no 412, Noyabr’, p. 84–88, available at: http://

3. Nikonova S.V. Germaniya i Angliya ot Lokarno do Lozanny [Germany and England from Locarno to Lausanne]. Moscow, 1966, 345 p.

4. Spaight J.M. Pseudo-Security. L. — N.Y. — Toronto, 1928, 177 p.

5. Foreign Relations of the United States. Vol. I. Washington, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1954, 1015 p.

6. D’Abernon, Viscount. Botschafter der Zeitwende. Bd. III. Leipzig, 1929–1930, 349 s.

7. Luther H. Politiker ohne Partei. Erinnerungen. Stuttgart, 1960, 437 p.

8. Lokarnskaya konferentsiya 1925 g. Dokumenty [Locarno Conference 1925. Documents]. Moscow, 1959, 512 p.

9. D’Abernon, Lord. An Ambassador of Peace. Pages from the Diary of Viscount d’Abernon. Vol. III. 1924–1926. London, 1930, 317 p.

10. Petrie Ch. The Life and Letters of the Right Honoured Sir Austen Chamberlain. Vol. II, London, 1940, 476 p.

11. Chicago Tribune. March 6, 1925.

12. World. May 10, 1925.

13. Dokumenty vneshney politiki SSSR [Documents of the USSR Foreign Policy]. Vol. VIII, Moscow, 1963, 864 c.

14. Times. March 19, 1925.

15. Peace in Our Time. Adresses on Europe and the Empire by the Right Hon. Sir Austen Chamberlain. London, 1928. 308 p.

16. New York Times. May 5, 1925.

17. Zimmerman L. Deutsche Aussenpolitik in der Ära der Weimarer Republik. Göttingen, 1958, 486 p.

18. New York Times. July 27, 1925.

19. New York Times. July 29, 1925.

20. New York Times. July 27, 1925.

21. Times. August 12, 1925.

Engineers’ Offices in Russia at the End of the 19th – Beginning of the 20th Century. Plans to Achieve the Best

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.112-121

The article examines the issue of creation and development of offices organized by engineers in Russia at the turn of the late 19th – early 20th centuries. The subject of the study includes the questions regarding fortunes of office owners and their activities in various regions of the country, the question of how to build trusting relationships with clients. The author gives an example of conditions that allowed office owners to successfully develop their business.


1. Yachmennikova N. Kogda v Rossii poyavitsya polnotsennaya otrasl’ bespilotnykh aviasistem [When will a Full-fledged Unmanned Aerial Systems Industry Appear in Russia?]. Rossiyskaya gazeta — Federal’nyy vypusk, 2023, 23 aprelya, no 88(9033).

2. Kommersant” [Kommersant]. 2023, 28 marta, no 52, p. 10, available at:

3. Karpova L.I. Osnovopolozhnik mirovoy aviatsii — Sikorskiy Igor’ Ivanovich [The Founder of World Aviation — Igor Ivanovich Sikorsky]. Vestnik nauki i obrazovaniya, 2020, no 13(91), part 1, p. 40.

4. Kirillova N. Glavnyy po santekhnike: kak zarabotat’ milliony na avariynykh i inzhenernykh uslugakh [Plumbing Chief: How to Make Millions on Emergency and Engineering Services]. biz360, 2019, 24 dekabrya, available at:

5. Zalesov V.G. Inzhenerno-stroitel’nye firmy v Sibiri v kontse XIX — nachale XX veka [Engineering and Construction Firms in Siberia in the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries]. Vestnik Tomskogo gosudarstvennogo arkhitekturno-stroitel’nogo universiteta, 2008, no 2(19), p. 6.

6. Vanaev V.S. Voda na kafedre: Ekologicheskoe obrazovanie i okhrana okruzhayushchey sredy. Tekhnicheskie universitety v formirovanii edinogo nauchno-tekhnologicheskogo i obrazovatel’nogo prostranstva SNG [Water at the Department: Environmental Education and Environmental Protection. Technical Universities in the Formation of a Unified Scientific, Technological and Educational Space in the CIS]. Moscow, MGTU im. N.E. Baumana, p. 83.

7. Khramchenko S.V. Uvazhaemye kollegi! [Dear Colleagues!]. Vodosnabzhenie i sanitarnaya tekhnika, 2014, no 6, p. 5.

8. Bogdanova O.V. Proektno-stroitel’nye i inzhenerno-tekhnicheskie firmy v blagoustroystve zapadnosibirskogo goroda kontsa XIX — nachala XX veka: Materialy Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii “Kul’tura gorodskogo prostranstva: vlast’, biznes i grazhdanskoe obshchestvo v sokhranenii i priumnozhenii kul’turnykh traditsiy Rossii”, Omsk, 12–13 noyabrya 2013 g. [Design, Construction and Engineering Firms in the Improvement of the West Siberian City of the Late 19th — Early 20th Centuries: Materials of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference “Culture of Urban Space: Government, Business and Civil Society in Preserving and Enhancing the Cultural Traditions of Russia.” Omsk, November 12–13, 2013]. Omsk, Nauka, 2013, pp. 81–86.

Activities of the State Defence Council to Strengthen the Defence Capability of the Russian Empire at the Beginning of the XXth Century

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.126-131

The author examines the main activities of the State Defenсe Council (SDC) of the Russian Empire to ensure the defenсe potential at the beginning of the XXth century, in particular elaboration of a general plan for the state defence in accordance with requirements of that time and development of the provisions of the state military doctrine, which was accompanied by a major scientific discussion. Based on a large number of archival documents and materials, the stages of decision-making by the SDC and implementation of major measures to strengthen the defence capability of the empire are revealed. The author traces the ways of solving a very difficult task – strengthening military potential of the state in difficult conditions on the eve of the First World War.


1. Stoletie Voennogo ministerstva [Centenary of the War Ministry]. Saint Petersburg, 1911, vol. 3, otd. 6, pp. 300, 301.

2. Rossiyskiy gosudarstvennyy voenno-istoricheskiy arkhiv (RGVIA) [The Russian State Military Historical Archive (hereinafter RGVIA)]. F. 830, Op. 1, D. 11.

3. Kuzin V.V. Sovet Gosudarstvennoy Oborony v Rossii (1905–1909 gg.): Diss. … kand. ist. nauk [Council of State Defense in Russia (1905–1909): Diss. Candidate of… ist. sciences]. Moscow, 1950.

4. Russkaya voennaya mysl’: konets XIX — nachalo XX v. [Russian Military Thought: End of XIX — beginning XX century]. Moscow, Nauka, 1982.

5. Russkaya voenno-teoreticheskaya mysl’ XIX — nachala XX v. [Russian Military Theoretical Thought of the 19th century — beginning XX century]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1960.

6. Strokov A.A. Vooruzhennye sily i voennoe iskusstvo v Pervoy mirovoy voyne [Armed Forces and Military Art in the First World War]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1974, pp. 87–117.

7. Kozlov S. Voennaya nauka i voennye doktriny [Military Science and Military Doctrines]. Voenno-istoricheskiy zhurnal, 1964, no II, pp. 72.

8. Neznamov A.A. Sovremennaya voyna. Deystviya polevoy armii [Modern War. Field Army Actions]. Saint Petersburg, 1911.

9. Strokov A.A. Istoriya voennogo iskusstva [Armed Forces and Military Art]. In 5 vol. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1955, 1965, 1967 (vol. 1–3); Saint Petersburg, Poligon, 1994 (vol. 4, 5).

10. Zayonchkovskiy A. Edinstvo voennoy doktriny (opasnosti i uvlecheniya) [Unity of Military Doctrine (Danger and Passion)]. Russkiy invalid, 1911.

11. Frunze M.V. Izbrannye proizvedeniya [Selected Works]. Moscow, Voenizdat, 1984.

12. Zhurnal (no 10) Osoboy podgotovitel’noy komissii pri SGO [Journal (No. 10) of the Special Preparatory Commission for the CSD]. RGVIA, F. 2000, Op. 1, D. 346.

13. RGVIA [RGVIA]. F. 830, Op. 1, D. 168.

14. RGVIA [RGVIA]. F. 2000, Op. 1, D. 153.

How the Fuhrer and Others Like Him Forced out Soviet Oil from the German Market

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.118-131

Based on diplomatic documents, a detailed picture of driving oil product suppliers – the Soviet companies, Derop and Derunaft – out from the German market during 1933 is restored. Soviet intelligence materials prove that one of the inspirers of this process can be considered the major Anglo-Dutch oil tycoon Henry Deterding, who in the course of the alleged “crusade” against the USSR, among other things hoped to seize the Caucasian oil fields.


1. Morozov S.V. K voprosu o roli neftyanogo faktora v evropeiskikh mezhdunarodnykh otnosheniyakh v techenie 1933–1935 gg.: VII chteniya, posvyashchennye pamyati R.L. Yavorskogo: Materialy Vserossiiskoi nauchnoi konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem[On the question of the role of the oil factor in European international relations during 1933–1935: VII readings dedicated to the memory of R.L. Yavorsky. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation]. Novokuznetsk, RIO KuzGPA, 2011, 288 p.

2. Morozov S.V. Khronika vytesneniya sovetskoi nefti s germanskogo rynka v techenie 1933 g.: IX chteniya, posvyashchennye pamyati R.L. Yavorskogo: Materialy Vserossiiskoi (s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem) nauchnoi konferentsii[Chronicle of the displacement of Soviet oil from the German market during 1933: IX readings dedicated to the memory of R.L. Yavorsky. Materials of the All-Russian Scientific Conference with International Participation]. Novokuznetsk, RIO KuzGPA, 2013, 320 p.

3. Gekht E.V. Neft’ v politike Germanii (1933–1943) [Oil in German Politics (1933–1943)]. Avtoref. dis. … kand. ist. nauk. Ekaterinburg, 2007. 22 s.

4. Medlicott W.N. The Economic Blockade. Vol. 1. L., Longmans, Green and Co., 1952, 756 p.

5. Birkenfeld W. Der synthetische Treibstoff 1933–1945: Ein Beitrag zur nationalsozialistischen Wirtschafts- und Rüstungspolitik. Göttingen, Berlin, Frankfurt, Musterschmidt-Verlag, 1964, 278 p.

6. Teichert E. Autarkie und Grossraumwirtschaft in Deutschland 1930–1939: Aussenwirtschaftpolitische Konzeptionen zwischen Wirtschaftskriese und Zwseitem Weltkrieg. München, Oldenburg, 1984, 390 p.

7. Mejcher H. Die Politik und das Öl im Nahen Osten. Bd. 2: Die Teilung der Welt 1938–1950. Stuttgart, Klett-Gotta, 1990, 490 p.

8. Karlsch R., Stockes G.R. Faktor Öl. Die Mineralölwirtschaft in Deutschland 1859–1974. München, C.H. Beck Verlag, 2003, 460 p.

9. Kockel T. Deutsche Ölpolitik 1928–1938. Berlin, Akademie Verlag GmbH, 2005, 393 p.

10. Klein B.H. Germany’s Economic Preparations for War. Cambridge Massachusets, Harvard University press, 1959, 272 p.

11. Friedwald E.M. Oil and the War. L., Heineman, 1941, 88 p.

12. Pеarton M. Oil and the Romanian State. Oxford, Clarendon press, 1971, 361 p.

13. Sesyuli R. IG Farbenindustri[IG Farbenindustri]. Moscow, Gos. izd-vo in-i lit-ry, 1948. 244 s.

14. Bruks M. Neft’ i vneshnyaya politika[Oil and foreign policy]. Moscow, Izd-vo in-i lit-ry, 1949, 173 p.