Regional franchising center is a new model for the development of franchising in regions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.75-86

Franchising has become popular only in recent decades. This form of entrepreneurship is increasingly used in various sectors of the economy, especially in retail and catering. According to official data, more than 70% of this type of entrepreneurial activity falls on regional franchising. The article analyzes the features of the development of regional franchising, evaluates the initiatives of individual regions to introduce franchising. A unified concept of the creation and functioning of a regional franchising center is proposed, the goals and objectives of its creation are determined, which are mainly aimed at systematizing and synchronizing work on business development in the region.


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The state and possibilities of social development of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.63-74

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the positions of the regions of the Arctic Zone according to the state of the social (demographic) environment. Such an analysis is carried out in order to identify the previously achieved quantitative characteristics of social (demographic) processes and ranking the positions of regions in the base year of the start of the implementation of the national project “Demography” and the corresponding five federal projects on the territory of the Russian Federation. The study of the approved criteria for the implementation of the national project “Demography” as a list of indicators of annual state statistical reporting to be monitored revealed the problem, the essence of which is that: the approved list of indicators is insufficient; quantitative results of the implementation of federal projects planned for 2022 and projected for 2024 exist only for some indicators from the approved list; in federal projects, indicators that are not contained in the annual state statistical reports are proposed as criteria, which does not allow an analysis of the state of the social (demographic) environment; the criteria contained in federal projects, which are indicators of annual state statistical reporting, have not been officially approved.


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Theoretical and methodological foundations of the study of a tourist destination on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.85-90

The scientific article summarizes the types, stages of the life cycle and the constituent elements of a tourist destination according to the R. Prossera method; the author’s definition of a tourist destination is given. A rating assessment of the indicator of the tourist destination of the Republic of Tatarstan was made on the basis of the points of dislocation of the centers of the tourist destination.


1. Zhukovskaya I.V. Specifics of service market research on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan // Microeconomics. 2020;5:93-98.  (In Russ.).

2. Vdovkina V.N., Kholodilina Yu.E. Foreign experience of formation and development of tourist and recreational systems //Electronic collection of articles based on the materials of the XLIII student International Scientific and Practical conference. Novosibirsk: Publishing house of ANS «SibAK». 2018;8 (43):25-31. URL:// (In Russ.).

3. Khusaenov R.R. The methodology of rank correlation as a way of assessing small and medium-sized businesses in the service sector: from theory to practice //Microeconomics. 2019;2:50-56. (In Russ.).

4. Maksakovsky N.V. Preliminary list of the World Heritage of Russia: history of development, modern composition, ways of optimization //Heritage and modernity. 2018;1(2):39-71. (In Russ.).

5. Official information of the Federal Agency for Tourism. URL: https:

Digitalization of the process of electricity consumption in residential buildings of the Arctic zone

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.75-84

The article identifies negative factors affecting the economic state and development of electricity industry in Murmansk Oblast cities and towns and provides a rationale for smart systems of energy consumption management based on digitalisation of the metering process. In particular, the high demand for and the scarcity and inefficient use of energy in the Arctic have laid the groundwork for the Smart House Project within the National Projects for Housing and Urban Environment and Digital Economy. Key results of the project include a reduction in consumer debt for energy, reduced costs of reading and processing data from electricity meters, increased efficiency of enforcing energy consumption restrictions, increased economic efficiency of the sector, and safety for people living in residential houses.


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2.  On amendments in Russian Federation legal acts due to development of electricity (power) metering systems in the Russian Federation. Federal Law 522-FZ of 27 December 2018. Collected Laws of the Russian Federation. 31.12.2018 №53 (Part I). Art. 8448.

3. National Project Data Sheet: Housing and Urban Environment (2018). approved by the Board of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the RF President. Protocol of 24.12.2018 №16. Official website for legal information. URL:

4.  National Project Data Sheet: National Programme for a Digital Economy in the Russian Federation.  Аpproved by the Board of the Council for Strategic Development and National Projects attached to the RF President. Protocol of 04.06.2019 №7. Official website for legal information. URL:

5. Bodrunov S., Demidenko D., Plotnikov V. Reindustrialization and the formation of the «Digital economy»: harmonization of trends through the process of innovative development // Managerial consulting. 2018;2 (110):43-54. (In Russ.).

6. Bodrunov S., Plotnikov V., Vertakova, Y. Technological Development as a Factor of Ensuring the National Security // Proceedings of the 30th International Business Information Management Association Conference — Vision 2020: Sustainable Economic development, Innovation Management, and Global Growth. Madrid. 2018. 8-9 November. pp.66-74.

7. Kelchevskaya N., Shirinkina E. Regional determinants of effective use of human capital in the digital economy // Economy of Region.2019;15(2):465-482. (In Russ.).

8.  Skotarenko O., Babkin A., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the region, IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 302 (1). 6 August. kod 012147

9. Frolov D., Lavrentyeva A. Цифровая экономика как объект регулирования: взгляд институциональной теории // Economic analysis: theory and practice. 2019;15(4)33-44. (In Russ.).

Digital transformation in the context of socio-economic development of regions: problems and prospects

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.103.2022.65-74

The article defines the purpose of the study, which is to identify the most pressing problems of digital transformation at the regional level. A brief description of the digital transformation strategies of several subjects of the Russian Federation, differing in the level of socio-economic development, is presented. The authors also present a comparative analysis of the regions in six mandatory areas of digitalization. It is concluded that it is necessary to create an appropriate infrastructure, including new models of interaction between business, scientific organizations, authorities and, as a result, the formation of a high level of public confidence in the reliability and security of digital infrastructure.


1. Voronina E.V., Ushakova E.V., Fugalevich E.V. Digital transformation of the activities of regional authorities as a form of crisis mitigation // Creative Economy. 2022;16(1):37. (In Russ.). doi: 10.18334/ce.16.1.114146

2. Dobrolyubova E.I., Yuzhakov V.N., Efremov A.A., Klochkova E.N., Talapina E.V., Startsev Ya.Yu. Digital future of public administration based on results.  M.: Publishing house «Delo» RANEPA, 2019.  pp. 37-38. (In Russ.).

3.  Pechatkin V.V., Vildanova L.M. The level of digitalization of types of economic activity as a factor of their competitiveness in a pandemic // Issues of innovative economics.  2021;11(1):48. (In Russ.).

4.  On the Strategy for the Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017-2030: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation. URL:

5.  Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of St. Petersburg: approved at an expanded meeting of the Presidium of the Council for Strategic Development and Project Activities in St. Petersburg, protocol No. 6 of 25.08.2021. URL:

6. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Tatarstan: approved by the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Tatarstan dated August 18, 2021, No. 748. URL:

7. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Kurgan region: approved by the Order of the Government of the Kurgan region of August 19, 2021, No. 161-r. URL: //

8. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of the sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Oryol region: approved by the Order of the Governor of the Oryol region dated August 20, 2021, No. 54-r. URL:;base=RLAW127;n=77576#uaYyXwSTwaUqy3rJ

9. Strategy in the field of digital transformation of sectors of the economy, social sphere and public administration of the Republic of Kalmykia for the period 2022-2024: approved by the Decree of the Republic of Kalmykia dated August 16, 2021, No. 36. URL:

Market research of the meso-economic level paid services in the context of economic instability

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.78-82

The scientific article reveals the characteristic features and features of the competitive market of paid services at the meso-economic level on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan. The analysis of the paid services market in the context of financial and economic indicators during the active phase of the pandemic and the instability of the economy is carried out. The study of the presented data was conducted on the basis of a survey of respondents of small and medium-sized businesses in the paid services market.

Problems of the development of the Northern Sea Route and its infrastructure amid a decline in economic activity

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.69-77

The article notes that the development of the Northern Sea Route and the Russian Arctic area around it is a necessary condition for improving long-term competitiveness of the national economy. Negative economic trends are identified that have resulted from a decline in economic activity due to the coronavirus epidemic, which significantly affect the performance of ongoing investment projects in the field of mining in the Arctic zone. It is proposed to clarify and correct the existing forecasts for the transportation of goods along the Northern Sea Route, to ensure the most efficient use of the federal budget resources for the development of its infrastructure. Using the methods of comparative analysis and a systematic approach, the authors conclude that in the context of a decline in economic activity, the volume of cargo transportation by private companies along the Northern Sea Route by 2024 will be in the range of 47-50 million tons, and a number of planned projects in the field of production minerals will not be sold. Recommendations are given for adjusting the existing plans for the development of the infrastructure of the Northern Sea Route (including the construction of nuclear icebreakers) in order to more efficiently use the federal budget funds.

Foreign management experience spatial development: the municipal aspect

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.88-93

The article is devoted to the consideration of foreign practice of spatial development management at the municipal level. The theoretical vector of managing the spatial development of regions is considered, the participants of this process are shown. The most important areas of practical activity of local authorities regulating the structure of spatial development management are analyzed. Taking into account the foreign practice of managing spatial development at the municipal level, it is concluded that there is a need for broader interregional interaction of Russian territories, increasing the level of their infrastructure support, and more proactive involvement of municipalities in economic activities.

Strategic analysis of the development of the educational sphere of the city of Moscow in the XXI century

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.88-102

In the context of the most important legislative acts and documents of strategic planning in Russia, national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation until 2030, the state and prospects for the development of the educational sphere of Moscow in the XXI century are analyzed. Identified external and internal contradictions and challenges to the development of the education sector in the capital of the Russian Federation associated with the dominance of technocratic and liberal – market approaches to strategic planning and education management in the city of Moscow. In this regard, strategic guidelines and prospects for the development of education in the Moscow metropolis in the medium term until 2024 are outlined.

Problems of economic policy implementation on the example of the Republic of Dagestan

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.81-87

The article examines the approaches to the characteristics of depressed regions and concludes that these criteria should be considered in conjunction with the potential of region to carry out reproduction processes in the main areas of activity and resources for economic growth. The mechanism of implementation of the economic policy of the Republic of Dagestan is evaluated and the main problems that hinder the effectiveness of its implementation are identified. The priorities of economic development of the Republic of Dagestan are evaluated and tasks for their implementation are proposed.