Public-private partnership: current state and development dynamics

One of the tools for implementing the project approach in the public administration field, improving the financial, technological and innovative potential of various sectors of the Russian economy is public-private partnership (PPP). A comparative assessment of the dynamics of the public-private partnership development in Russia and abroad determines the purpose of this paper. The paper also presents an analysis of trends in the development of the PPP market, which caused a surge of interest in PPP on the business part and the risks that arise in the process of PPP projects’ implementing.

About the concept of «Strategic Forecasting»

Based on the study of the regulatory framework and comparative analysis of concepts, it is concluded that strategic forecasting should be considered as a special kind of forecasting, which is not identical to long-term and long-term forecasting. The principal specificity of strategic forecasting is its organic involvement in the complex of strategic management with the system of goal-setting. This determines the additional content of the logical scope of the concept.

Formation of a digital increase model within the EAEU transparency and success of ensuring control over the movement of assets between participants in commodity, financial and property transactions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.5-12

The article discusses the problems of creating a digital model for increasing transparency and the success of ensuring control over the movement of assets between participants in commodity, financial and property transactions within the framework of the EAEU financial system. It is proposed to increase the observability of any segments of the financial system, which can be digitally structured by electronic digital identification of each currency in the monitoring spaces of digital financial assets. The results of the analysis can be used to optimize the operational dynamics of electronic transactions of explicit alliances and informal cartels of financial agents in the observed space of digital formats of financial communications, taking into account the movement of funds in various forms and denominated in different currencies.

Organization of development of the state strategic forecast

Development of the strategic forecast is presented as a multicomponent complex, which includes the following sub-complexes: strategic goals and objectives; objects of strategic forecasting; subjects of strategic forecasting; organization and management of the development of the strategic forecast; scientific and information support; staffing; countering illegal activities in the development and implementation of strategic forecasts; documentary support. In the absence of Russia’s system to develop a scientifically sound strategic forecast as a temporary measure, it is proposed to develop an annual integrated analytical review of the world strategic forecasts.

Network neurocognitive management of complex organizations with a political component in fuzzy information environments

The article discusses the organization of information and network events aimed at protecting key points of political management of vital functions of the State on the basis of information and computing tools to operate the operating parameters of neural network monitoring and study the set of data on processes affecting personality. The need for the use of intelligent means of unclean logic and neural networks to support state systems of counterintelligence, surveillance and political governance with respect to subjects available for identification, digital description and analysis of their sociopathicity in relation to state institutions of political governance is justified. Neural network synthesis of digital matrices of key cognitive and psychosocial indicators of individuals and their groups is carried out to detect reactions to the package of political information of any subject using electronic communicative services. On this basis, measures are implemented to manage the metastable states of his personality and to configure cognitive and psychosocial mechanisms of interpretation of reality in conditions of dominance of unreported factors of an information nature (information stimuli).

Neurooperating the behavior of cognitive agents based on electronic semantic interpretation of states of consciousness and psyche with the effects of immersion, presence and unity with virtual reality

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.5-12

The article is devoted to the possibility of neurooperating behavior of heterogeneous groups of cognitive agents, which in the conditions of immersion of consciousness in virtual reality is based on the formation of a complex image of quasi-reality in the human mind using the information technology platform of non-invasive neurointerfaces. The necessity of using neural networks and fuzzy logic for identification and analysis of nonlinear neuro-fuzzy approximations of the psychosemantic state of the control object’s personality on the basis of electronic semantization (semantic interpretation) of the States of its consciousness and psyche is justified. It is proposed to develop software tools for quenching or activating, depending on the need, neurophysiological or psychoemotional stress as a source of aggressive behavior in real life, through neuro-linguistic elements and neuro-marketing mechanics with the effects of immersion, presence and unity of the individual with the digital virtual environment.