Model for the development of a long-term forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research in the context of the implementation of strategic planning documents in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.5-21

The article deals with the regulatory and legal grounds and the subject of development of the forecast for the development of fundamental and exploratory scientific research. Provisions, factors and conditions regulating the formation of this forecast have been developed. Proposals for the development of information and expert support of the forecast are formulated.


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On the possibility of classification of the economic pole of the state due to economic transactions the state or its property

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.17-23

The economic interest of the state is decided not by one, but by means of several business operations. Within the framework of each business transaction, their tasks are solved. Each business operation has its own logical events (stages), in each of which it is important to formulate tasks that the state needs to solve.

The article gave a list of the main tasks of the state in business operations involving the state or its property; features of the main logical events of business transactions conducted with the participation of the state or its property are considered. The authors formulated tasks that the state needs to solve in order to create jobs and organize the production of socially important products, as well as tasks related to the creation of jobs and production of new equipment; examples of situations with conflicts of state interests are given.

Development problems of the Russian integrated system of state strategic planning

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.5-16

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for improving the domestic strategic planning system. In modern conditions, the most important directions for its further development are increasing the complexity, consistency and validity, as well as the level of information and analytical support. In this work, the following issues have been resolved: 1) as a result of the analysis of the Russian and Soviet systems, the main shortcomings and unresolved organizational and methodological problems of domestic strategic planning have been identified; 2) the possible area of ​​use in the planned work of the mechanisms of program-target management has been substantiated; 3) a set of organizational and economic measures is proposed to increase the efficiency of the functioning of the domestic system of state strategic planning. Specific measures are given for the organization in Russia under the Security Council of a special governing body – the State Committee for Strategic Development.

On the question of the development of the socio-economic system in the conditions of the economic crisis

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.5-13

The article considers the problem of social tension from the position of economic determinism. The author approaches the consideration of this issue from the point of view of the theory of the expediency of the existence of a socio-economic system as a whole. At the same time, the integrity of the system will be determined, according to the author, by the total dependence of a number of stressful factors that produce an economic crisis, affect the state of social stability and the level of social tension. The author considers the crisis not only as a disorganizing beginning of the organizational whole, but also as a process of rational changes, as a natural reaction of the socio-economic system, which allows diagnosing the state of its stability, development trends and the most vulnerable elements. According to the author, the determination of critical parameters that characterize the oscillation of the system and the degree of its stability will allow to regulate the level of social tension and to localize the foci of instability in the constituent components of the system in a timely manner, thus leveling the possible prerequisites for a social explosion.

Models and csenarios of development of socio-economic systems

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.5-11

The article defines the purpose of the study, which consists in the need to analyze the existing and projected models and scenarios for the development of Russian socio-economic systems. The analysis is carried out based on the understanding of the socio-economic system as a partial image of reality in the individual of public consciousness. A brief description of the existing socio-economic models in Russia and strategies for their development is given. The conclusion is made about the importance of the process of choosing methods for describing models of development of socio-economic systems. The goals and disadvantages of the proposed methods of describing the model of the development of socio-economic systems.

On improving the model of public administration in the field of science, technology and innovation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.12-21

The article considers the main changes in management systems in the field of science, technology and innovation, tasks, functions and powers of subjects of management in connection with the adoption of a new version of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Federal Constitutional Law «On the Government of the Russian Federation», decrees of the President of the Russian Federation and a number of other legal acts. It is proposed to create a non-departmental federal executive body in the structure of the Government of the Russian Federation, the main task of which will be the organization and coordination of the introduction of scientific and technological achievements into the real sector of production. The tasks, functions and powers of such a management body are formulated.

The impact of customs payment as an institution of development on stimulating economic growth

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.22-28

The article briefly analyzes the impact of customs duties on certain parameters of financing federal budget expenditures aimed at implementing key priorities and national goals, which will contribute to accelerating economic growth. It is shown that customs revenues to the federal budget are an important characteristic, they allow their part to satisfy public needs, remaining one of the stable sources of formation of its revenue.

It is concluded that it is necessary to include in the control indicators of the implementation of the Strategy for the Development of the Customs Service of the Russian Federation until 2030 indicators of customs payments that contribute to the financing of budget expenditure programs that affect the stimulation of economic growth.

Change management in the federal project «Regional and local road network» as part of the national project «Safe high-quality roads» based on the transformation models 4P «Results orientation», «Transformation triangle» and 4R Guiyar-Cayley

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.29-41

This article considers the issue of change management in the Federal Project «Regional and Local Road Network» as part of the National Project «Safe High – quality Roads» based on the transformation models 4P, «transformation triangle» and 4R Guiyar-Cayley. It is established that the investment potential of the Federal Project is significant and, using mixed investments of interested medium and large businesses, as well as state funds, the transport industry at this stage has mainly solved the main investment task at the federal and regional levels – the restoration and modernization of the transport complex in 83 subjects of the Russian Federation and 104 urban agglomerations.

Managerial analysis of socio-cultural activities using the L. Euler diagram

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.15-21

This article presents a managerial analysis of socio-cultural activities using the L. Euler diagram. When separating the concepts of «culture» and «quality», «quality» and «values», «values» and «culture», such concepts as «quality culture», «cultural values» and «quality of culture» are formed. This confirms the relevance of the use of L. Euler diagrams, which were used to analyze the components in the field of culture. This tool helped the authors to illustrate the relationships between different concepts and to formulate new definitions that come from the analyzed concepts.

Forecasting the performance of credit institutions based on simulation modeling

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.5-14

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for the use of simulation methods for solving the problems of planning and forecasting the financial results of credit institutions. The article addresses the following issues: 1) an analysis of the activities of credit institutions of the Russian Federation was carried out, based on the results of which “pain points” were identified – unresolved problems, including the management of overdue loan debt; 2) the feasibility of using simulation modeling methods for the development of scenarios for the development of commercial banks was justified; 3) an approach based on simulation modeling was proposed to determine the impact of the amount of overdue debt on the indicators and economic standards of activity.