Artificial intelligence and natural intelligence: relationships, opportunities and limitations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.14-25

Artificial intelligence and natural intelligence are two types of intelligence coexist in the world today. Despite the artificial intelligence is still little studied, it is changing all areas of human activity. It is a universal tool allows people to rethink how we integrate information, analyze data, and use insights to improve decision-making. The study analyzes areas where artificial intelligence and natural intelligence are unique. It also reveals the artificial intelligence positive value for natural intelligence. Artificial intelligence algorithms are not like passive machines capable of mechanical or predetermined responses. It combines information from different sources, instantly analyzes the material and displays information results obtained from the data. Data form can vary and may be as digital information, satellite imagery, visual information, text or unstructured data. Due to massive improvements in storage systems, processing speed, and analytical techniques, artificial intelligence is capable of incredibly complex analysis. The article identifies the main differences and similarities in the artificial and natural intelligence characteristics, as well as the exceptional capabilities of these concepts. Despite the natural intelligence is endowed with a creative component that nothing can supplant so far, artificial intelligence is already changing the world and raising important issues for the social, economic and political spheres. Artificial intelligence acts as an assistant to natural intelligence. Artificial intelligence is not a futuristic concept, but rather something that exists today, being integrated and implemented in various sectors. This includes areas such as finance, national security, healthcare, litigation, transportation, construction, and industry. There are many examples of how AI is already making an impact on the world and significantly expanding human capabilities.


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Quantum simulators as a tool for observability of a digital supersystem with a significant component of unpredictable behaviour of its elements

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.5-13

The article dwells on the problems of increasing stability of artificial societies consisting of organizational agents as elements of a digital supersystem with a significant component of unpredictable behaviour. The problems of supersystem observability are analyzed. It is proposed to unify information, telematic and computing services for creating a digital twin in order to support the transition of an individual from a cluster of unpredictable behaviour (aggressive behaviour) to a cluster with confirmed trust as a computing solution. Introduction of quantum computing allows us to obtain more substantiated assessments of productivity of the process of increasing the artificial societies’ sustainability based on the use of quantum simulators that allow, in difficult crisis conditions, to calculate all the optimization indicators for a large number of objects and resources in relation to the personalities of recipients (buyers) of information, each of whom is in a local uncertain and confusing choice of solutions for actions in a digital supersystem. The author substantiates direction of the imprinting vector of the reflexive matrices’ developed profiles depending on the different person’s satisfaction with life as a base point, from which one can start for artificially inducing the experience of reality in order to support transition of an individual from a cluster of unpredictable behaviour (aggressive) to a cluster with confirmed trust as a computing solution.


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