Responding to the Global Challenges of the Club of Rome: from “Limits to Growth” to “Sustainable Development”. To the Half-Century Anniversary of the First Report to the Club


The famous first report to the Club of Rome “The Limits то Growth” not only revealed strategic negative tendencies in the relationship of modern civilization with the natural environment, but also proposed a theoretical direction for overcoming them — “dynamic global equilibrium” (“zero growth”). The modern strategy of sustainable development is considered as a constructive response of civilization to the challenges of the realities of the “limits of growth” on the way of its advancement into the foreseeable future



1. Мeadows Donnella H., Randers Jorgen, Meadows Dennis L., William W. Behrens. The Limits to Growth: A Report for the Club of Rome’s Project on the Predicament of Mankind. Universe Books, 1972, 211 p.

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The Economic Attack on Russia and the Policy of Counteraction


The purpose of the study is to show the patterns of the deployment of an economic attack on Russia. The research methodology is a comparative and retrospective analysis, elements of a structural approach. In the course of the analysis, a result was obtained that boils down to the fact that the current model of the world economy with a high level of integration and dependence of the economy poses a threat to the national security of the country. Economic warfare is carried out through damaging sanctions. Good conditions for it were created by the liberal economic policy pursued in Russia, which held back growth. Moreover, such outcomes are typical not only for economic activity, but also for the functioning of science and education — “invisible” sanctions, which creates a long-term perspective of dependent and driven development. It is necessary to ensure control over the distribution of property owners in the domestic market, planning procedures that are reduced to the establishment of thresholds in the field of imports, exports in various areas of activity, as well as the admission of foreign resources and institutional rules to the domestic market. With the implementation of such an institutional policy, sanctions would cause much less damage or their negative effect would be absent. Today, it is necessary to resist the economic attack by maximizing the withdrawal of assets from the dollar denomination, pursuing an anti-devaluation policy, cutting off the banking system from the speculative depreciation game, and intensifying efforts to replace imports in each industry. It is required to close the contours of production to the domestic market with the re-profiling of production, practicing the seizure of foreign property as a response to similar external actions. Such actions require a systematic state policy in all areas of coordination of industries and activities.



1. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Bitva za lide rstvo v XXI veke. Rossiya, SShA, Kitai. Sem’ variantov blizhaishego budushchego [The Battle for Leadership in the XXI Century. Russia, USA, China. Seven Options for the Near Future]. Moscow, Knizhnyi mir, 2017, 352 p.

2. L’vov D.S. Ekonomika razvitiya [Development Economics]. Moscow, Ekzamen, 2002, 512 p.

3. Sukharev O.S. “Izvrashchennyi monetarism” budet diktovat’ ekonomicheskuyu strategiyu razvitiya Rossii? [“Perverted Monetarism” will Dictate the Economic Development Strategy of Russia?]. Investitsii v Rossii, 2017, no 6, pp. 27–35.

4. Krugman P. Depressii — eto nechto inoe [Depression is Something Else]. Ekonomika dlya lyuboznatel’nykh: o chem razmyshlyayut nobelevskie laureaty. Moscow, Izd-vo instituta Gaidara, 2017, pp. 26–27.

5. Sukharev O.S. Ekonomicheskie sanktsii: problema otsenki ushcherba [Economic Sanctions: the Problem of Damage Assessment]. Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo, 2017, no 8-4, vol. 11, pp. 80–87.

6. Anchishkin A.I. Prognozirovanie tempov i faktorov ekonomicheskogo rosta [Forecasting Rates and Factors of Economic Growth]. Moscow, Maks-Press, 2003, 300 p.

Major Factors of the Settlement of Migrants from Central Asian Countries in Siberia and the Far East


With the Soviet Union’s collapse Russia became a recipient country for labour migrants from Central Asian countries. First of all, this is related to the fact that migration subsystem has been formed, based on socio-economic relations between the countries of the former Soviet Union, as well as to geographic proximity; secondly, there are more opportunities for migrants in Russia — there is the lack of jobs in their countries, low wages and therefore migrants move to Russia mainly in search of a better life. In this article, the authors examine the settlement dynamics of migrants from Central Asian countries in the Siberian Federal District and in the Far Eastern Federal District. The main factors that influence the resettlement of migrants in these territories were identified. As a result of the study, it was revealed that these two federal districts are quite attractive for migrants from the mentioned countries, despite rather severe climate, since in case of the Central Asian countries the socio-economic factor prevails over the natural-climatic one.


1. Otchet o nauchno-issledovatel’skoi rabote “Printsipy formirovaniya Ekaterinburgskoi aglomeratsii”: Etap 2 “Podgotovka proektnykh predlozhenii po formirovaniyu Ekaterinburgskoi aglomeratsii” [Report on the “Principles of Forming the Yekaterinburg Agglomeration” Research Work: Stage 2 “Preparation of Project Proposals for the Formation of the Yekaterinburg Agglomeration”]. Ministerstvo stroitel’stva i razvitiya infrastruktury Sverdlovskoi oblasti, available at:

2. Ryazantsev S.V. Rol’ trudovoi migratsii v razvitii ekonomiki Rossiiskoi Federatsii [Role of Labour Migration in the Development of the Russian Federation’s Economy]. RefWorld, available at:

3. Shafranov-Kutsev G.F. Sotsial’no-demograficheskie problemy osvoeniya Sibiri [Socio-demographic Problems of Siberian Exploration]. Siberian Socium, 2017, no. 1, pp. 13–24, available at: DOI:

4. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 27 maya 2013 g. N 848-r “Perechen’ territorii prioritetnogo zaseleniya” (vstupilo v silu s 1 yanvarya 2014 g.) [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 27, 2013 No. 848-r “List of Priority Settlement Areas” (Came into Force on January 1, 2014)]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Pravitel’stva RF, available at:

5. Migratsionnye protsessy v Sibiri: narody, kul’tury, gosudarstvennaya politika [Migration Processes in Siberia: Peoples, Cultures, State Policy]. Sb. nauch. trudov. Omsk: ITs KAN, 2018, 328 p.

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The Cradle of Life will Become the “Pasture„ of “Unicorns„


The era of digital reorganisation will engender transformation of the world economy, largely determining the vector of civilizational development. Despite the losses of the 20th century, Russia, having the potential of fundamental science and resource self-sufficiency, is still among the few countries capable of leadership in changing conditions. Post-COVID economy has only accelerated the transformation process, generating thrust for the rapid growth of “unicorns”, mainly in the markets of platform and ecosystem solutions. Russia may become the “homeland” of such “unicorns”, and their scaling will provide the growing consumer market of Africa, which is a favourable territory for development and localization of scaling of science-intensive exports that can ensure the well-being of national economies.


1. Mirovaya geografiya kompanii-edinorogov [Global Geography of Unicorn Companies]. Nauka, tekhnologii, innovatsii, 2021, September, 24, available at:

2. United Nations e-Government Survey 2018. United Nations, 2018, available at:

3. Rossiya stala odnim iz mirovykh liderov po urovnyu proniknoveniya fintekh-uslug [Russia has Become One of the World Leaders in Terms of Fintech Services Penetration]. EY, available at:

4. Pri Mishustine nalogovoe vedomstvo Rossii stalo odnim iz luchshikh v mire [Under Mishustin, the Tax Department of Russia has Become One of the Best in the World]. Federal’noe agentstvo novostei, available at:

5. African Economic Outlook 2021. African Development Bank Group, available at:

6. Sammit “Rossiya — Afrika” [Russia-Africa Summit]. Ofitsial’nyi sait Prezidenta RF, available at:

7. From magazine: African air cargo market bucks global trend. Logistics update Africa, available at:

Polymorphic Gamma-Scale of Economic Development


The dynamic series of compound interest always contains transcendental numbers, which the author uses to construct the dual functions of polymorphic growth and development. These gamma functions quantize geoeconomic space and time in the form of historical stages of development. They also reveal dialectical pairs of gamma quanta of the core of civilization and lambda quanta of the leading countries. The author proposes a gamma scale for measuring the level of development of national economies.


1. Ponomarev V. Antropologicheskaya politekonomiya: Kontseptsiya teorii samorazvitiya [Anthropological Political Economy: The Concept of the Theory of Self-Development]. Saarbryuken, LAP, 2013.

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Methodological Support of the Competitiveness Management of the Machine-Building Complex of the Republic of Belarus on the Basis of the Strategic Business Units Creation


In the context of a rapidly changing economic reality, the management of large industrial complexes at the macro level has been become increasingly complex and difficult to predict. Directly, the ability to find, create, and combine new and existing conceptual foundations of management policy that have not been used before, but take into account the trends and features of certain socio-economic systems provides an opportunity to develop and create a flexible, adaptive management competitive mechanism that allows, depending on the circumstances, both to re-develop the system from the inside and adjust it to the existing conditions of the macro-environment. Thus, management becomes the main strategic resource that ensures the competitive advantage of the socio-economic system, as well as its’ “survival”, adaptation, transformation and development. The machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus is an example of a multidimensional volumetric socio-economic system that requires large management costs to increase and strengthen its competitive capabilities and potential. This article is devoted directly to the development of methodological tools for managing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex of the Republic of Belarus, taking into account the features and conditions of its functioning.



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8. Naurodski S., Benc V., Lacny M., Lafiuk I., Valetka U. Machine Industry Report. CASE Belarus, available at:

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“Soft Power„ Instrument in Promoting International Development


In the present article the authors substantiate the following thesis: in the context of real polycentrism and increased confrontation between the states with liberal system of values and the states that defend real sovereignty and non-interference in internal affairs of aid-recipient states through a variety of development assistance tools, exceptionally “soft power” can become an effective mechanism of creating conditions for sustainable development of the world community as a whole. In preparing the study the authors applied the methods of historicism and comparative analysis of approaches to the policy of realizing the “soft power” goals.


1. Abramova A.V., Gabarta A.A., Degterev D.A., Degtereva E.A., Kapitsa L.M. Inostrannaya pomoshch’ [Foreign Aid]. Pod obshch. red. L.M. Kapitsy; MGIMO (U) MID Rossii, kaf. mirovoi ekonomiki. Moscow, MGIMO-Universitet, 2013, p. 8.

2. Abramova A.V., Zav’yalova E.B., Zaitsev Yu.K., Kapitsa L.M, Kozlova O.A. Sodeistvie mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu. Kurs lektsii [Promotion of International Development. Lecture Course]. Pod red. V.I. Barteneva i E.N. Glazunovoi. Moscow, 2012, 408 p.

3. Roger C. Riddel. Does Foreign Aid Really Work? Oxford University Press, 2008. P. 77.

4. Sodeistvie mezhdunarodnomu razvitiyu kak instrument vneshnei politiki: zarubezhnyi opyt [Promotion of International Development as a Foreign Policy Instrument: Foreign Experience]. Pod red. V.G. Baranovskogo, Yu.D. Kvashnina, N.V. Toganovoi. Moscow, IMEMO RAN, 2018, p. 19.

5. Ligorio V. Vneshnyaya tenevaya politika Rossii: “myagkaya vlast’” i mezhdunarodnoe obrazovanie [Foreign Shadow Policy of Russia: “Soft Power” and International Education]. European science, 2019, no 5, pp. 83–91.

6. Burlinova N. Russian soft power is just like Western soft power, but with a twist. Russia Direct, 2015, April, 7, available at:

7. Conley H., Gerber T., Moore L., David M. Russian Soft Power in the 21st Century: An Examination of Russian Compatriot Policy in Estonia. Washington, 2011, D.C, Centre for Strategic and International Studies, available at:

8. Giragosian R. Soft Power in Armenia: Neither Soft, nor Powerful. European Council on Foreign Relations, 2015, available at:

9. Cheskin A. History, Conflicting Collective Memories, and National Identities: How Latvia’s Russian-Speakers Are Learning to Remember. Nationalities Papers, 2012, vol. 40, iss. 4, pp. 561–584.

10. Ćwiek-Karpowicz J. Limits to Russian Soft Power in the Post-Soviet Area. DGAPanalyse, 2012, available at:

11. Kornilov A., Makarychev A. Russia’s soft power in the South Caucasus: discourses, communication, hegemony. Agadjanian Alexander; Joedicke, Ansgar; van der Zweerde, Evert (Ed.). Religion, Nation and Democracy in the South Caucasus. Routledge Taylor & Francis Ltd, 2015, pp. 238–254.

Olympic Games as a Way to Evaluate the Mobilization (Strategic) Resources of the Country


Team success at the Olympic Games is a combination of material, demographic and cultural factors with non-material factors — will, fighting spirit, passion, patriotism. Exactly the same combination of factors determines the ability of a state to wage a war. Therefore, military capabilities of the state (as well as economic and technological ones), according to the author, can be assessed by results at the Olympic Games.

Sustainability Metrics of the EAEU Economic Development: Problem of the “Core” of the Indicators and Thresholds System


In the subject area of macroeconomic indicators there is currently not only an active search for new solutions, but also their almost continuous implementation in the practice of macroeconomic regulation. Multiple crisis processes in the world economy and politics, unfolding technological transformation, sharp manifestation of medical and biological threats have created additional impulses for forming and applying new models for assessing macroeconomic realities and a set of sustainable development problems. In the practice of world integration associations and the EAEU in particular, considerable experience has been accumulated in applying the systems of macroeconomic indicators with threshold values and procedures for responding to their violations. Critical analysis of the current system of macroeconomic indicators in the EAEU made it possible to substantiate a new vision of both the composition of indicators of sustainable economic development of the EAEU member states and assessment criteria as well as threshold values.

The Project of Crating a New World Logistics. Part I. History and Economics of the Project


The article presents one of the most promising and ambitious in socio-economic, political, humanitarian aspects of the Russian scientists’ project: “United Eurasia: Trans-Eurasian Belt of RAZVITIE — Integrated Eurasian Transport System (United Eurasia: TEBR-IETS)”.

The main purpose of the project is to ensure the connectivity of the territories of the Russian Federation and their active development, first of all, the deep integrated development of Siberia, the Far East and the Arctic. The role of the project in the partnership of the progressive world community is great; the radically modernized Trans-Siberian Railway — the backbone of the project — is designed to connect the Far East, including Japan, with Western Europe and the USA in the future. This fact will make it possible to carry out on the territory of the Russian Federation and the countries included in the project, the systemic coordination of all types of transport, including river and nautical, to create a single world logistics complex of advanced technical and managerial development.

The creation of the IETS will consolidate Russian geopolitical position as a transport bridge between the world economic and civilizational regions. It will create conditions for mutually beneficial cooperation with Austria, Germany, France, Czech Republic, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Singapore, India; will open up new opportunities for cooperation with North Korea, Canada and USA in the future. It will arouse interest from the PRC in the integration of a similar Chinese project, the “Silk Road” with

the Russian Megaproject. The implementation of the Megaproject will allow Russia to offer the world a new effective version of a non-confrontational way of solving international problems, become a geo-economic and geopolitical integrator on the Euro-Asian continent, lay the foundations for the solidarity development of all civilizational centers around Russia as a civilization state, make it senseless and impossible to impose sanctions on Russia, and raise to a qualitatively new level of authority and the role of the Russian Federation in the modern world