Use of renewable energy sources in UNEG for energy supply of oil and gas complex facilities in the south of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.66-76

In this article, the possibilities of energy supply of oil and gas facilities of the south of Russia with renewable energy sources and stored energy, the estimated potential of the south of Russia and its individual entities are available.

Prospects for using renewable sources in order to newly commissioned hydrocarbon deposits energy supply

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.92.2020.56-65

The article considers the current state of mineral deposits energy supply using renewable energy, also the description of hydrocarbon deposits energy supply problems is given, variants of arctic oil-gas-condensate field energy supply using renewable energy are considered, the forecast of the date on which renewable energy projects in oil and gas fields become cost effective is presented.

Prospects for solar stations as part of autonomous hybrid power plants for the far eastern region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.67-74

The article describes the problems that are typical for technologically isolated energy districts, shows the values of the annual insolation of the Khabarovsk territory, provides an example of an implemented project to supply a field with a solar power plant, and builds a model of an Autonomous hybrid power plant for one of the settlements of the Khabarovsk territory.

Technology and cost structure of gas pipelines and regulation of profit margins (analytical review)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.91.2020.57-66

The necessity of actualization the concepts in part of stomatological practice in a changing economic paradigm is substantiated. A conceptual apparatus has been developed that reflects the role, place and functionality of dental practice in the economy of our country. The semantic load of the specified categories corresponds to the prevailing economic conjuncture and established norms of economic practice. The use of specified categories in professional activities will allow scientists and practitioners to avoid misunderstandings, to achieve mutual understanding regarding the interpretation of organizational, economic, regulatory, medical, dental, and other aspects of the studied type of activity.Right arrangement of content will contribute to the intensive development of dental practice and the solution of priority tasks in terms of its regulation.

Impact of prices on imported and domestic natural gas supplies to China

The article identifies the problems of pricing in China for the transportation of natural gas local and imported from Central Asia, as well as imported and local liquefied natural gas (LNG). The works of foreign authors on this subject are analyzed. The author concludes that currently it is necessary to take into account the import of gas to China through the Power of Siberia gas pipeline, which will supply 38 billion m3 of Russian gas per year for the Eastern regions of China, as well as other new gas import projects from Russia to China, which will make a significant contribution to the implementation of China’s plans to switch from coal to gas and improve the environmental situation in the country.

Criteria for evaluating energy efficiency used for the development of local energy optimization programs

DOI: 1111

This article is devoted to the definition and description of energy efficiency assessment criteria used to develop local energy optimization programs. The values of the parameters included in the technical, economic and social groups, which are used to analyze the energy facilities of decentralized energy areas, are disclosed.

Analysis of features of technologically isolated energy distributions taken into account in the development of local energy optimization programs

The article compares the centralized and decentralized energy supply of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, analyzes the energy supply of isolated energy regions of the country. The features of local energy areas are determined, their difference from centralized energy zones is revealed. Recommendations are given that must be considered when creating a program for optimizing the energy of technologically isolated energy regions.

Management of oil field development at a late stage in the context of liquidation tasks and abandonment of deposits

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.90.2020.65-73

The scientific article offers some solutions for the management of oil and gas fields at a late stage of development and possible extension of the field operation period. The analysis of the practices of elimination of production facilities in the Asia-Pacific region, assessed the possibility of using these practices in Russian companies. We propose a set of measures to extend the period of operation of fields, which can be used if their profitability and safety of operation are maintained, including: cost management; additional drilling or changes in the production profile; improvement of operational indicators; improvement of tax or commercial conditions.