The role of ESG during the energy transition

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.98.2021.45-56

The necessity of a multidimensional approach to the assessment of energy transition is considered. There is a growing trend towards abandoning investment in publicly traded oil and gas companies and the need for environmental and social management measures to introduce the concept of “sustainable” investments. Emphasis is placed on responsible investments in the oil and gas industry, taking into account factors of the environment, social and governance (ESG). The relationship between ESG, finance and economics is discussed. The results of the activities of oil and gas companies in the context of the ESG requirements are presented. Information on the capacities and volumes of renewable energy sources production by the largest companies has been systematized. The conclusion is made about the dominance of the climate change problem in the tasks of financial management.

The impact of CO2 emissions on the prices of Gazprom’s LNG and pipeline gas in Europe and the world (analytical review)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.75-82

In November 2021, the climate summit of the countries participating in the Paris Climate Agreement will be held. It should be taken into account that the energy and carbon intensity of LNG production during its liquefaction and transportation can be significant. Carbon neutral LNG adds a «Green premium» to the LNG price of 17-37 % of the value of the LNG cargo in the current spot market. The «Green premium» can be estimated at 0,8–$ 1.7/MMBtu or $ 10-20/t of CO2 for removing CO2 from LNG.

The article shows that the carbon intensity of American LNG in Europe is 3 times higher than that of Russian pipeline gas.

Business process model of regulating electric power distribution tariff-setting

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.64-74

The paper proposes a business process model of regulating electric power distribution tariff-setting. The model differs from the existing today model in that the regulatory decision-making process is carried out straight from the top down without intersection of information flows. At first key regulation indicators are set at macroeconomic level. These indicators support the achievement of Sustainable Development Goals adopted by the United Nations in 2015. Then the key regulation indicators are distributed among the subjects of the Russian Federation based on empirical dependencies. At the lowest level the actual performance indicators received from independent automated state information systems are compared with the key regulation indicators. Such a model has got a clear structure, allows to increase the objectivity and reduce the resource intensity of regulatory decision-making.

Economy of the balanced nuclear fuel cycle at innovative REMIX-fuel

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.55-63

The estimates of the competitiveness of the balanced closed nuclear fuel cycle with thermal reactors VVER, PWR and BWR and innovative REMIX-fuel are given. REMIX-fuel obtained by reprocessing spent fuel. Considered three options for REMIX-fuel — А, Б and C, differing in the way of achieving enrichment (concentration of fissile isotopes 235U and 239Pu), needed for reactors. The fuel component of the NPP electricity cost is used as competitiveness criterion, which reflects all the costs of the fuel cycle for both before the reactor and after the reactor stages. The developed economic-mathematical model of the fuel cycle makes it possible to calculate a cost indicators of nuclear fuel components and the fuel components of the NPP electricity cost depending on the cost characteristics of key technological conversions, including reprocessing of spent fuel, enrichment of regenerated and natural uranium, manufacture of fuel assemblies, radioactive waste management and compare with the traditional fuel cycle.

Decline in Russian gas exports and prices to Europe in 2020 and their forecast until 2030

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.62-71

The article provides research on Russian natural gas drastic decrease in volume and prices in Europe in 2020, specifically Gazprom piped gas. The key factors of such decrease are economic growth slowdown due to pandemic, warm weather and competition with US LNG. At the end of the year, US LNG shifted focus to Asia markets, where the demand and prices for LNG increased. 2030 outlook for natural gas volumes and prices sourced from Russia and US LNG to Europe is given.

Economic effect of implementation of integrated programs for optimizing local energy on the example of the Khabarovsk region

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.66-73

The article analyzes the features of technologically isolated energy districts, suggests measures to optimize the energy supply of localities, and presents technical and economic calculations and indicators.

Economic estimation of energy supply of a mining enterprise in the hard-to-reach areas using high penetration hybrid power plant

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.55-65

The article describes the strategic tasks facing the mining industry of the Russian Federation in the field of energy efficiency, analyzes the problems of energy supply in this industry in isolated and hard-to-reach areas and assesses the economic efficiency of the high penetration hybrid power plant.

Compliance control system as a tool for economic security of an oil and gas company (on the example of PJSC «NK Rosneft»)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.44-54

Today, oil and gas enterprises operate in a difficult, frequently changing system of regulatory legal documents, including both national and international acts governing various business processes. At the same time, this system is complemented by sanctions measures that significantly limit the activities of Russian oil and gas enterprises, as well as related organizations. In this regard, the role of the compliance function is increasing, aimed at bringing the implemented business processes in line with the provisions of regulatory legal acts. This process allows to minimize the possibility of committing offenses by employees of the enterprise and exclude the financial losses associated with this possibility.

The article examines the corporate compliance system of PJSC «NK Rosneft», identifies the elements that make up it, determines the features of risks, external and internal threats to the company’s economic security, suggests measures to eliminate them and reduce risks, and provides factors that affect the control environment.

Prospects of inter-fuel competition for heat energy production in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.56-61

Reliable and uninterrupted supply of energy resources to the Arctic territories of the Russian Federation in the extremely harsh climatic conditions of the North is the primary state task of state authorities at each level. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the factors that determine the priority demand for energy resources that have the highest efficiency of their use. As a result of the analysis of the use of traditional types of primary energy resources, such as coal, crude oil, diesel fuel and gas condensate at the enterprises of electric and heat power engineering of the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), inter-fuel competitiveness was revealed. Calculations have been made of the energy and environmental efficiency of using alternative fuels, such as liquefied natural gas (LNG) instead of the existing traditional types of fuel for boiler houses in the Arctic regions of the republic. Methods for assessing the energy and environmental assessment of the efficiency of replacing traditional fuels with liquefied natural gas for the production of heat energy at heat power plants in the Arctic regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), which are universal for use in each region with local heat supply to its territories, are proposed.

Economic efficiency assessment of different various models of generation projects based on res in the hard-to-reach areas

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.47-55

The article describes the current economic problems in the situation under consideration, the analysis of existing schemes for implementing investment projects in the considered area is carried out, the optimal agreements between the investor and the customer in various conditions of energy supply.