Competence management of the personnel reserve of an oil and gas company based on the use of foresight technology

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.40-49

The avalanche-like flow of innovations, instability in the global political arena, sanctions policy, shortage of qualified personnel complicates the development of strategic sectoral solutions for staffing in the Russian labor market. The personnel support system, as a complex system, is formed by a set of interconnected and interacting, but structurally relatively autonomous subsystems. At the corporate level, the system of continuous training and human resource development is aimed at meeting the strategic need of the company for qualified personnel in its priority areas. The formation of training programs for the personnel reserve using foresight technologies allows you to focus the company’s resources and achieve the so-called «dynamic equilibrium» according to A. Bogdanov [1]. The transition from strategic forecasting of required qualifications in the industry to planning of demanded competencies based on foresight technologies makes it possible to increase the competitiveness of the company.


1. Bogdanov A.A. Tectology. General organizational science: in 2 books. M.: Economica, 1989. 304 p.

2. Budzinskaya O.V. Personnel supply system as a mechanism for expanded reproduction of human resources: dis. Doctor of Economics: 08.00.05. M., 2022. 321 p.

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4. Martynov V.G., Budzinskaya O.V., Sheinbaum V.S. Design of a system of expanded reproduction of personnel for the fuel and energy complex in the context of the next reform of engineering education. Standard of living of the population of the regions of Russia. 2024. Vol. 20. No. 2. P. 243–257.

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Analysis of the prospects of using hydrogen as a fuel for generating electricity in the Far East

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.31-39

Today, due to the reorientation of the foreign economic activity of the Russian Federation to the countries of the East and the Asia-Pacific region, the Far East is one of the fastest growing regions. The growth of the region’s economy is closely linked to an increase in energy consumption. In the conditions of moral and physical deterioration of the generating equipment of the Far East, the question of ways to increase the efficiency of coal-fired power plants in the region is acute.


1. Karasevich V.A. Fundamentals of hydrogen energy: Textbook. M.: Publishing Center of National University of Oil and Gas «Gubkin University», 2023. 100 p.

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The state and prospects of hydrogen energy development within the framework of achieving carbon neutrality as a strategic priority of the national economy of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.18-30

It is shown that the hydrogen economy is considered one of the key directions in the implementation of state decarbonization and carbon neutrality programs today. The technological and organizational and economic aspects of the production of environmentally friendly types of hydrogen are considered, depending on the method of production and the volume of carbon dioxide emissions, namely «green», «yellow», «blue», «turquoise», «brown» and «gray». It has been established that hydrogen technologies are the basis in the foundation of the future global economy, in which environmental protection issues come first, and as a result, the use of hydrogen will become a new driver of development.

It is shown that Russia has a huge potential for hydrogen production and export on a global scale. Therefore, hydrogen technologies are not only talked about in a positive way both at the largest Russian forums, but also as part of the discussion of innovative strategies of the largest Russian companies, but also move on to the practical implementation of a number of government programs and national projects.


1. Borisova E.A. The development of hydrogen energy in the East. In the book: Economic, socio-political and ethno-confessional problems of Afro-Asian countrie, 2020. pp. 36–38.

2. Velikorossov.V., Genkin E.V., Filin S.A. The use of hydrogen energy to increase energy security and Gez transformation. National interests: priorities and security. 2023;19(8 (425)):1587–1600.

3. Volkov A.R., Makarenko E.D., Kim A.A. Hydrogen production from waste as a promising auxiliary vector for the development of hydrogen energy in the world. In the collection: Almanac of scientific works of young scientists of ITMO University. St. Petersburg, 2023. pp. 267–269.

4. Lebedkov R.K., Goryachev S.V. Hydrogen and alternative energy: past, present and future. Internauka. 2022;(13-3 (236)):18–20.

5. Plotnikov V.V., Aldoshina N.D. Hydrogen energy. Bulletin of scientific conferences. 2021;(4-3 (68)): 90–91.

6. Saitova A.A., Ilyinsky A.A., Dzhemilev E.R. Prospects for the development of hydrogen energy in the Russian Federation. Bulletin of the Perm University. Series: Economics. 2023;18(4):423–444.

7. Sokolov A.S. Hydrogen energy: the beginning of a long journey. In the book: Lomonosov readings. The history and modernity of physics (ISOF-2020), 2020. p. 70.

8. Chopanov D.A. Hydrogen energy as the future of the energy industry and renewable energy sources. Internauka. 2022;(15-3 (238)):44–45.           

9. Shevandronov N.A., Brostilova T.Yu., Brostilov S.A. Application of hydrogen energy in transport and small-scale energy facilities. Proceedings of the international symposium «Reliability and Quality». 2024. Vol. 2. pp. 140–142.

10. Amir F.A. The world hydrogen economy: opportunities and difficulties of use. In the collection: Russian regions in the focus of change. Yekaterinburg, 2023. pp. 703–708.

Establishment and development of the institutions and management tools in the power industry and renewables in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.119.2024.5-17

Todaу, a multi-level institutional structure has been established in the electric power industry in Russia. The analysis of the system of institutionalism in the Russian electric power industry and the identification of incentives for the development of renewable energy as a perspective area are important steps which help to understand the conditions for the development of renewable energy in Russia. The lack of a balanced and developed institutional environment can cause additional risks and instability in the energy industry, as well as hinder the investment attraction and new technologies in renewable energy.


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7. Urinson Y.M., Kozhukhovsky I. S., Sorokin I.S. Reforming the Russian electric power industry: results and unresolved issues.  HSE Economic Journal. 2020;24(3)323–339.

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The role of renewable energy sources and secondary renewable energy sources in the energy management of the European union countries

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.118.2024.65-77

This article examines the role of renewable energy sources (RES) and secondary renewable energy sources (VVE) in the energy management of the European Union countries in modern socio-economic conditions. The decrease in electricity consumption in the EU over the past two years amounted to 6%, reflecting the serious impact of the energy crisis on European consumers and industry. This decrease of 60% is due to a slowdown in the growth rate of EU industrial production and the transfer of energy-intensive technological processes from the EU to regions with cheaper energy. It is concluded that Europe’s transition to renewable energy has reached a colossal pace, which will lead to a further reduction in fossil fuel electricity production, with renewable energy sources (wind and solar) becoming the backbone of the future EU electricity supply system by the end of 2024.


1. Zhiznin S. Vasilev S. Options for using secondary renewable energy sources. Nezavisimaya Gazeta, 2020. URL:

2. Redl C., Hein F., Buck M., Graichen P., Jones D. The European Power Sector in 2020: Up-to-Date Analysis on the Electricity Transition. Agora Energiewende and Ember. 2021. p. 18.

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5. Verbruggen A. In the hurdle race to the energy transition: transformations, reforms and innovations / A. Verbruggen / ed. A. Brunnengräber, Di Nucci, M. Rosaria. Wiesbaden: Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden, 2014. p. 120.

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7. Baek Ja.H., Park S.Ho., Choi S., Kim H. Renewable forecasting method for local renewable management system. Transactions of the Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers. 2022;71(8):1062–1069.

8. Beksultanova A., Aygumov T., Valeev S. Achieving renewable energy goals through the utilization of renewable resources. International Conference on Actual Problems of the Energy Complex and Environmental Protection (APEC-VI-2023). Les Ulis, 2023, p. 01008.

9. Chien F., Chayka Ka.Y., Sadiq M., Diep G.L., Tran T.K., Pham T.Ha.An. What is the role of renewable energy consumption, renewable electricity, energy use and import play in environmental quality? Energy Reports. 2023;10:3826–3834.

10. Çinar M. The investigation of the causal relationship between renewable and non-renewable energy resources and economic growth. Cankiri Karatekin Universitesi Iktisadi ve Idari Bilimler Fakultesi Dergisi, 2023.

11. Mohammadi H., Saghaian S., Zandi Dareh Gharibi B. Renewable and non-renewable energy consumption and its impact on economic growth. Sustainability. 2023;15(4):3822.

12. Soares P.H., Kang M., Choo Ph. Art and design entanglements for renewable energy education: renewable energy art and design approach. Interdisciplinary Journal of Environmental and Science Education. 2024;20(1):2401.

The energy strategy of the Russian Federation in the system of national economy and security: goals, promising directions and development scenarios

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.91-102

This article provides an analytical review of the energy strategy of the Russian Federation in the system of national economy and security. Its goals, promising directions and development scenarios in the context of economic sanctions are considered. It has been established that Russia’s transition to alternative fuels will take place no earlier than in ten years. In the coming decade, the domestic energy sector will not rush to take measures to combat global warming, but will begin to think about a gradual shift in the balance from coal and oil to solar, hydrogen and other stations that are safe for nature. Currently, not only Russia, but also other countries are not yet ready to completely abandon fuels with a high carbon footprint in the atmosphere. Oil and gas account for about 54% of the global energy sector.

In the long term, the energy balance will remain for 10–20 years with different forecasts for the development of renewable energy sources. At the same time, the energy transition has begun, and this can be seen by the increased investments in this promising sector. Investments in alternative energy, including solar, wind, and hydrogen, are growing sharply. In particular, it is planned to involve the achievements of previous years in the field of nuclear energy. Russia has begun to prepare for the transition to clean fuel, not only officials, but also representatives of science and industry are working on the process.


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3. Stalin I.V. Writings. T. 18. Tver: Soyuz Information and Publishing Center, 2006.

US economic growth model and the state of the world economy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.69-75

A factor model of US economic growth, developed by famous economists P.E. Samuelson and V.E. Nordhouse, is presented. [1]. An analysis of the growth of inflation in the US and European economies in 2023 and ways to reduce it due to an increase in interest rates by the US Federal Reserve System and the European Central Bank is given. It is noted that the Russian economy in 2022–2023. ranked fifth in the world in terms of GDP calculated at purchasing power parity (PPP), ahead of European countries, and according to the World Bank in May 2024 it rose to fourth place.


1. Samuelson P.E., Nordhaus V.D. Economy. 16th edition. Williams Publishing House, 2003. 688 p.

2. Global fun. The IMF has raised its forecasts for the global and Russian economies. Kommersant, January 30, 2024. URL:

3. Khazin M. Why will the USA and the dollar face «horror-horror-horror» in 2024 and what is Russia’s strategy? URL: https:/www. business-gazeta ru/article/6188366

4. Kuzovkin A.I. Climate Summit in Rome and Climate Conference in Glasgow in 2021. Microeconomics. 2022;1:91–97. (In Russ.).

5. From the minutes of the Federal Open Market Committee. URL:

6. Milchakova N. Mysteries of GDP: how and why did Russia become the fifth economy in the world? Moskovsky Komsomolets. April 1, 2024. URL:

7. Vedeneeva N. Academician Aganbegyan told how to make Russians rich: «A very effective tool». Moskovsky Komsomolets, March 20, 2024. URL:

An improved model for calculating microeconomic criteria for the effectiveness of investments in energy projects

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.116.2024.41-68

An improved methodology for calculating microeconomic criteria for the effectiveness of investments in energy projects (and other real sector projects) based on the UNIDO methodology is presented. It allows to determine the analytical relationship between the engineering and economic parameters of power plants (throughout their life cycle) and a set of microeconomic criteria for the effectiveness of investments. Strictly mathematically, the secondary criteria are derived from the definition of the main microeconomic criterion – net present value (NPV): the internal rate of return IRR, the levelized cost of electricity (LCOE) and the discounted payback period DPP.  Numerous examples and graphic illustrations of estimates of individual parameters of investment projects and criteria for investment efficiency are given. A significant difference between the proposed methodology for calculating investment efficiency criteria is the use of average annual values of revenue, operating costs and production, as well as the introduction of special coefficients (φ) reflecting the effect of discounting cash flows at each period of the life cycle (construction, operation and decommissioning).


1. Management of Nuclear Power Plant Projects. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-1.6. Vienna, 2020. 160 p.

2. Kharitonov V.V., Kosterin N.N. Criteria of investment payback in nuclear power engineering // Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2017;2:157-168. (In Russ.).

3. Meso-economics of development / edited by Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences G.B. Kleiner. CEMI RAS. Moscow: Nauka, 2011. 805 p. (In Russ.).

4. Chernyakhovskaya Yu.V. Macroeffects of international NPP projects. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2018;1(166):29-37. (In Russ.).

5. Chernyakhovskaya Yu.V. Integrated NPP sales: how does it work? Economic and organizational aspects. Problems of Atomic Science and Engineering. Series: Physics of Nuclear Reactors. 2016;3:147-148. (In Russ.).

6. Kharitonov V.V, Kosolapova N.V., Ulyanin Yu.A. Forecasting of the investment efficiency in the multi-unit power plants. Vestnik of NRNU MEPhI. 2018;7(6):545-562. (In Russ.).

7. Akinfeeva E.V., Semenova D.Yu., Kharitonov V.V. Forecasting of investment efficiency in the digitalization of nuclear power. Studies on Russian Economic Development. 2021;6:648-653. (In Russ.).

8. Klauz A.V., Frolov I.E., Kharitonov V.V., Shaeva A.A. Calculation methodology of the criteria of the economic efficiency of the investments into the nuclear icebreakers. Izvestiya vuzov. Yadernaya Energetika. 2021;3:107-120. (In Russ.).

9. Listopadov I.Yu., Kharitonov V.V. Estimation of Investment Efficiency in Nuclear Desalination of Sea Water. Atomic Energy. 2021;130(3):174-179. (In Russ.).

10. Economic Evaluation of Bids for Nuclear Power Plants. 1999 Edition. Technical Reports Series No. 396, IAEA, Vienna, 2000. 224 p.

11. INPRO Methodology for Sustainability Assessment of Nuclear Energy Systems: Economics. INPRO Manual. IAEA Nuclear Energy Series No. NG-T-4.4. IAEA, Vienna, 2014. 92 p.

The impact of renewable energy on the country’s economic growth

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.89-94

Efficient use of energy is a prerequisite for economic development. The article identifies the relationship between economic growth and the use of renewable energy sources. The study shows that renewable energy contributes to economic growth for both developing and developed countries.


1. Armeanu D.S., Joldes C.C., Gherghina S.C., Andrei J.V. (2021). Understanding the Multidimensional Linkages Among Renewable Energy, Pollution, Economic Growth and Urbanization in Contemporary Economies: Quantitative Assessments across Different Income Countries’ Groups. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 142. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2021.110818

2. Baniya B., Giurco D., Kelly S. (2021). Green Growth in Nepal and Bangladesh: Empirical Analysis and Future Prospects. Energy Policy 149. doi:10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112049

3. Come Zebra E. I., van der Windt H. J., Nhumaio G., Faaij A.P. (2021). A Review of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems in Mini-Grids for Off-Grid Electrification in Developing Countries. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 144. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2021.111036

4. Doytch N., Narayan S. (2021). Does Transitioning towards Renewable Energy Accelerate Economic Growth? an Analysis of Sectoral Growth for a Dynamic Panel of Countries. Energy 235. doi:10.1016/

5. Jenniches S. (2018). Assessing the Regional Economic Impacts of Renewable Energy Sources — A Literature Review. Renew. Sustain. Energ. Rev. 93 (October), pp. 35–51. doi:10.1016/j.rser.2018.05.008

6. Ogonowski P. (2021). Application of VMCM, to Assess of Renewable Energy Impact in European Union Countries. Proced. Comput. Sci. 192, pp. 4762–4769. doi:10.1016/j.procs.2021.09.254

7. Shrinkhal R. (2019). «Economics, Technology, and Environmental Protection», in Phytomanagement of Polluted Sites (Amsterdam: Elsevier), pp. 569–580. doi:10.1016/B978-0-12-813912-7.00022-3

On changes in promising trends in the ratio of annual increases in global GDP and global demand for oil and energy

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.113.2023.76-88

Forecasts are given for 2023–2028 global demand for oil and energy, as well as real GDP growth by region of the world. The linear regression models developed by the authors and graphs of the relationship between the annual growth rate of global GDP and the annual growth rate of global oil and energy demand are presented.

According to the authors, the fight against inflation by the US Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Europe through raising interest rates leads to a decrease in investment and a decrease in the growth rate of GDP in the US and Europe.


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