About the possibility of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.83-90

The article discusses the possibilities of using a scenario approach in forecasting and budgeting in the practice of corporate governance of PJSC Aeroflot. According to the methodology of the National Corporate Governance Rating in 2018, Aeroflot PJSC has a rating of 7++, which indicates compliance with Russian legislation, taking into account the interests of all interested parties (shareholders, the state, employees, consumers of services). Currently, it is established that in 2020-2021. This aspect of corporate governance in PJSC Aeroflot is not fully implemented and needs to be improved. It can be assumed that precisely because of this, the risk management system of PJSC Aeroflot could not cope with the development of anti-crisis measures in a timely manner. The authors recommend considering pessimistic and optimistic scenarios in detail when drawing up budgets, planning a budget system for each of them, developing measures to reduce risks, and responding quickly to emerging threats. It has been established that the use of a scenario approach in budgeting and corporate governance practices will allow PJSC Aeroflot to consider all possible situations, including unlikely ones, to inform representatives of the Board of Directors about all possible risks in a timely manner, and to develop measures to minimize risk.


1. Alenina E.E., Zyulina V.V., Redin D.V. Priority directions of formation of organizational structures of innovative development of high-tech industries. In the collection: Innovations in business creation and management. Materials of the VIII International Scientific Conference of teachers, staff and Graduate students. 2016. pp. 3-8. (In Russ.).

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Systematization of scientific approaches to the study of competition and competitiveness of services: from theory to practice

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.75-82

In the scientific article, within the framework of the study of the terminological definitions of «competitiveness» and «competition», the concept of competitiveness of services is clarified. The classification of scientific schools in the field of management theory based on directive, descriptive and complex approaches is presented. The specific typology of the competitiveness of services in the context of the theoretical formula «personnel – processes – partners – products» is substantiated.


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Applied aspects of researching the raw materials potential of building complex organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.102.2022.66-74

The purpose of the article is determined by the need to research the raw materials potential and its impact on the growth and development of building organizations. The article determines that the efficiency of raw materials used in the activities of building complex organizations is a reserve for development of the building potential as a kind of economic activity and stimulates particular actions to fulfill the national objective «Comfortable and safe environment for life». The hypothesis is stated that the identification of the potential types for growth and development of building complex organizations as an economic system acquires real meaning only when there is a possibility of adequate measurement of the parameters of growth and development of the economic system. Proposed signs of parameters identification for measuring the growth of the economy of building organizations reflect the quantitative and qualitative characteristics of the growth of their economy. The potential types that determine the functioning and development of building organizations have been broadened by supplementing the existing classification with the potential for administrative transformation in the construction industry. Allocation of the potential of administrative transformation into an independent type of the raw materials potential is justified from the perspective of its impact on the entire raw materials potential of the building organization and the existing backgrounds in the construction sector.


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7. Chepachenko N.V., Yudenko M.N., Goncharova М.S., Sergeeva N.Y. Methodical approach to measurement and evaluating effective activity of construction organizations // Microeconomics.   2019;1:13-19. (In Russ.).

Systematization of theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of the competitiveness of enterprises on the example of tourism and recreation at the meso-level

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.51-57

The scientific article puts forward theoretical and practical provisions, in aggregate, constituting a new method of managing competitiveness in a market environment. The proposed methodology serves as the basis for the development of practical measures, and can be used for subsequent scientific and theoretical research, as well as in the practical work of enterprises in the field of tourism services and in the development of effective management decisions. The competitive market of tourist services and recreation is investigated on the example of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Analysis of mergers and acquisitions (corporate control market) of Rosatom State Corporation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.40-50

This article discusses the issues of mergers and acquisitions (corporate control market) of the Rosatom State Corporation. It has been established that the Rosatom State Corporation is a multidisciplinary holding company combining assets in the energy, mechanical engineering, and construction. After analyzing the profitability indicators, the authors note a drop in all profitability positions: sales by net profit (ROS), assets by net profit (ROA) and equity by net profit (ROE) for 2019. The revealed trend means that the efficiency of the company’s use of assets has dropped significantly, which indicates the ineffective use of financial resources and the distraction of managers from the main strategy of the state corporation (increasing resources). Recommendations for improving the corporate governance of the state corporation «Rosatom» are proposed, aimed at orienting management personnel to the main strategy of the corporation, delineating the official powers of managers and increasing the transparency of corporate reporting.

Maximizing margin profit at known demand curves

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.101.2021.34-39

The article deals with optimization of enterprise pricing management. An economic and mathematical model has been developed that allows you to investigate the dependence of margin profit on the price of goods with a certain dependence of the volume of demand for it on the established price. Based on the study of the model, a theoretical estimate of the optimal level of the price of the product was obtained, which provides the enterprise with the maximum margin profit from its sales. It is proposed to generalize the model in case of simultaneous sales of several goods. A formalized setting of the task of joint optimization of prices and deliveries of several types of products is presented, with restrictions on the possibility of deliveries and financing of variable costs of the enterprise.

Evolvement of the company’s competitiveness concept in the context of development of strategic thought

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.36-43

The notion of competitiveness has a key value in strategic management. The issues of determining competitive advantage and its usage for reaching company’s goals attract significant attention from business, management, economists, which has led over the past four decades to a gradual conceptualization and an increase in the desire to understand competitiveness at the level of business, regions, nations. Numerous studies have been carried out to study competitiveness theoretically and to test it in practice. This article discusses the ways of forming approaches to study the company’s competitiveness.

Elements of protection of property interests of alcoholic market participants

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.44-48

The development of the alcoholic beverages market took place against the backdrop of a changing government policy. However, the problems of protecting property interests existed at every stage of the market evolution. Today, issues of protecting property interests affect the activities of all participants in the alcoholic beverages market: manufacturers, suppliers, retailers and consumers. The preservation of property and the implementation of related interests is ensured at every stage of the organization’s activities, therefore, solving the issues of using the tools of legal and information protection of property interests, considered in this article, is an urgent task in the activities of participants in the alcohol market.

Social responsibility, competitiveness of a company and value creation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.63-70

Many companies continue to consider value creation too unilaterally, aiming to maximize short-term financial results and ignoring the influence of a wider set of factors, which determine long-term competitiveness. Recognition of the need for a new paradigm of competitiveness, based on the complex approach, taking into account financial and non-financial goals, already exists among strategic thinkers and successful business-leaders, there are promising elements of the new model emerging in practice. Still for many companies the issues of social responsibility remain optional, dispensable to be included in strategic agenda. Efforts in this direction remain on the periphery, not in the center of managers’ attention. This article considers the relation between social responsibility, competitiveness of a company and value creation.

Practical application of the results of space activities in transport

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.71-75

The entry of our country into space in the twentieth century was of enormous political and economic importance. Currently space remains a priority and important direction in the economy and politics of states. The use of space technologies is a huge diversified business with enormous potential in increasing the country’s income.

The article analyzes the use of space technologies in transport infrastructure, examines foreign and Russian experience.