Crypto Currencies of Central Banks: Current State and Prospects

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Crypto Currencies of Central Banks: Current State and Prospects

Meeting of the Bogomolov discussion club chaired by A.G. Aganbegyan, held on February 21, 2018 at the RAS Institute for Economic Strategies, was dedicated to analysis of the current state of the crypto-currencies of central banks and the prospects for financial technologies.

Russian Legislation as BigData

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
Russian Legislation as BigData

An attempt to establish a rule of law in Russia resulted in creation of a very complicated and inefficient legal system. Some Russian laws have a Soviet, if not earlier, origin, others are related to international and foreign law, yet others are the fruit of the State Duma thinking activity, still others are composed by executive authority or even its separate branches, since regional and local legislation also exists. In this paper, the authors analyze Russian legislation applying the “communal conception” of laws, that is without making a formal distinction between properly laws and normative acts that are in force throughout the whole territory of the Russian Federation and binding for execution.

The Educational Potential of the Book of Memoirs and Reflections of Generations “We Remember…” in the Environment of Digital Economy

#4. Until the Thunder Breaks Out
The Educational Potential of the Book of Memoirs and Reflections of Generations “We Remember…” in the Environment of Digital Economy

In the article, the problem of the new individual as presented in research-based and philosophical-economic literature is analyzed as well its influence on the consciousness and the behavior in the digital age. Different point of view are represented on the problem of turning the individual into a cyborg in the environment of the digital economy which increases GDP but narrows the personal space and threatens the essence of the human being. In the article, the hope of creating the Russian scenario of the development of the future is expressed which is based on IT-technologies and traditional national values in the process of which the significant role is played by the system of raising the future generations. The book of memoirs and reflections “We Remember…” is an effective instrument of instilling spiritual, moral and patriotic values, development of creativity and the internal culture of the youth in the digital environment.

The History of Artificial Intelligence Designing

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
The History of Artificial Intelligence Designing

Following up on development of microelectronics in our country, the topic raised in the previous “ES” issue, Valeri Valentinovich Ovchinnikov, Director of the Center for Global Expertise of the Global Industrial Center in the countries of Latin America, Europe and China, Doctor of Economic and Technical Sciences, Professor, in his conversation with Alexander Ageev concludes that there is the need for active state support of projects relating to artificial intelligence.

Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Forming Organizational and Information Management Mechanisms Building a Digital Economy in Russia

Successful development of our country is closely connected with the option of creating a digital economy in Russia. Herewith, one of the most important components of this process is creation of supporting infrastructure for the digital economy as a convergent aggregate of digital ecosystems based on “big data” technologies, quantum computers, new production methods and artificial intelligence. Development of the Russian economy requires effective state regulation, increased manageability based on introduction of digital platforms for the main sectors of economy. The article dwells on formation of strategic mechanisms for monitoring, planning and market regulation of the Russian economy on the basis of building an integrated system of electronic markets for commodity resources using electronic trading platforms (ETP). Integrating ETP for creation of a complex system of electronic markets for commodity resources, associated with digital management platforms for major industries, creates new opportunities for optimizing dynamic interaction and adaptive improvement of commodity management transactions chains for creating a common logic of management processes in different commodity and market spaces and at all levels of management in Russia (and EAEU), which form the demand for issuing support of economic activity and volumes of financial resources (assets), denominated in a particular currency of one of the states — members of the EAEU.

Information Technology as a Key Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Defense Industrial Enterprises in Modern Conditions

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Information Technology as a Key Mechanism for Sustainable Development of Defense Industrial Enterprises in Modern Conditions

The article deals with the problems of the introduction of the digital economy in the defense industry, ensuring sustainable development and a significant increase in the efficiency of their production. Information technologies are the basis of automation of production processes and together with the formation of a single information space allow you to move to a new higher level of production management.

Concept of a New Industrial Platform Organizational

#3. For Nothing, or an Invisible Threat
Concept of a New Industrial Platform Organizational

The article examines one of the possible areas of designing and manufacturing complex high-tech products through implementing the concept of creating a single digital industrial platform. Formation and development of the new digital economy paradigm in Russia is actively discussed at all levels of public administration, it contributes to global involvement of a large number of stakeholders, to emergence of new strategic decisions that are realized in various forms — from government programs to successful business models at the level of individual organizations. Materials of the article reflect the content and prospects of developing sectoral and inter-branch relations on the example of implementing the program for creation of a promising Frigate Ecojet wide-body short-range airplane.

Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

#2. Sisyphean Task
Convergent Monitoring and Programming of Personality as a Tool for Managing Intellectual Dynamics of Behavioral Activity of Large Groups of People

To ensure political and economic stability in Russia the article proposes technology of convergent monitoring and personality programming within the system “bioelectric activity of the brain — psychosemantic subjectivity of the individual — imprinted reflexive matrices — information stimuli” based on its multi-parameter monitoring analysis. The authors study relationships between metastable states of individuals as a bifurcation point in developing intellectual dynamics of behavioral activity and interrelated political, economic, social and other processes that are determined by the influence of coherent-resonant clusters of manifestations having biophysical and information-cognitive nature. As a result of obtaining the forecast, it becomes possible to use both standard measures of preparation for possible extreme manifestations of different degrees of organization, and to implement communicative and other measures to “quench” the amplitude of coherent manifestations of biophysical and information-cognitive nature and to create conditions for their asymmetry in order to “dump” accumulated stresses within identified and unidentified aggregated groups of people due to a series of targeted information impacts, through changing communication mechanisms for obtaining information, etc.

History of Constructing Artificial Intelligence

#2. Sisyphean Task
History of Constructing Artificial Intelligence

At the recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Russian representatives expressed the opinion that “development of artificial intelligence has become the event of 2017 in the world”, that Russia needs to create and to develop an ecosystem for promoting priority technologies (blockchain, quantum technologies, artificial intelligence). And at the Gaidar forum in the beginning of 2018 the RF Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev issued a word of caution that development of artificial intelligence may lead to reassessment of fundamental values, including in connection with reduction of personal space in human activities. The world is on the verge of a new long-term economic cycle — the sixth Kondratieff wave. As its driving forces, the specialists consider development of information and communication technologies, bio- and nanotechnologies and their convergence, the course for “environmental friendliness” of new developments and methods of management in general. According to Kondratieff’s theory of large cycles, which has become classic, social upheavals arise most easily in the period of the onslaught of new economic forces. So far, nobody managed to unequivocally answer the question: what awaits us if we learn to produce large numbers of robots with high intellectual abilities — a catastrophe or a blessing. Therefore, new research is needed to prove their benefit or harm to all of us. In the interview with Alexander Ageev, the editor-in-chief of the “ES” magazine, Professor Valery V. Ovchinnikov, Director of the Global Expertise Center of the Global Industrial Center in the countries of Latin America, Europe and China, Doctor of Economic and Technical Sciences tells about the history of creating microelectronics in our country and its innovation center in Zelenograd, the main problems in development of artificial intelligence, about international projects in this field, the brain drain problem and the inevitable social “accompaniment” of every technological revolution.

Decentralized Network Structures in the Scientific Community, the Educational System, Civil Society and Business: the Hirama Model

#2. Sisyphean Task
Decentralized Network Structures in the Scientific Community, the Educational System, Civil Society and Business: the Hirama Model

The present work focuses on the applications of decentralized network structures with split leadership to various spheres of society. They are denoted herein as hiramas (High-Intensity Research And Management Associations). Special emphasis is placed on the use of hiramas in the organization of nontraditional interdisciplinary creative labs and NGOs in civil society, interactive teaching, and in business. It is stressed that the importance of traditional hierarchical institutions exemplified by universities and academic research institutions is not diminished by the spread of alternative decentralized network structures. Hierarchical institutions are to be held responsible for the consolidation and self-identification of the national scientific community, for furthering the interests of the scientific community in the face of external and internal challenges, and for evaluating the performance of decentralized network structures to select the hiramas that should receive material and ideological support.