When Digital Boom Falls Down: Two Stratagems for Public Administration

#2. Breakthrough Betting
When Digital Boom Falls Down: Two Stratagems for Public Administration

2018 did not bring a significant breakthrough in the Russian digital economy development, the boom is being replaced by disappointment. Digital transformation as a process of cardinal change is gradually being superseded by numeralization or digitalization, that is, simply by converting “everything” into digital form. At the same time, practical issues concerning approaches of the state bodies to implementation of digital economy plans both in the nearest future and in the 5–10 years prospect, stay out of the attention zone. Of paramount importance becomes the discussion by the authorities not about the processes of effective changes in the economy, but the accelerated introduction of foreign digital technologies or provision of services on digital platforms. The article proposes to discuss two stratagems that will allow the government bodies of the Russian Federation to consolidate their leadership position in the digital transformation process, not only by implementing control and supervisory functions, but also through providing greater economic opportunities to large, medium and small businesses based on numeral.

Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Changing Elements of the Personnel Management System in the Conditions of Organizations Digital Transformation

The article publishes research results of the strategic behavior of modern organizations in the field of human resources management in terms of digitalization. The study sample — 250 companies from the Forbes list in 2008. The annual reports data of organizations in the selected years was used as the main research material. Within the study framework, it is hypothesized that in conditions of digitalization substantial shifts occur in the systems of strategic HR management of organizations.

Transition to Multipolarity: Battlefields or Positional Opposition?

#1. Minds Confusion
Transition to Multipolarity: Battlefields or Positional Opposition?

The article analyzes the current transitional stage of development of the world community, when unipolarity under the leadership of the United States begins to weaken. Under these conditions, the resistance of the establishment of countries losing their dominance in the world community, the position of states defending the principles of multipolarity, in connection with which the conflict character of the development of the world community increases. The theory of the balance of forces inherent in the “cold war”, which considers balancing the nuclear potential of countries possessing it, now involves the inclusion of elements of information confrontation and cyber opposition, the latter can lead to radical negative consequences. The article analyzes the development of international law as a basic element of the formation of polycentrism, opposition to information attacks from the West, as well as the need to develop a single platform for the BRICS countries to digitize economies and information and communication interaction.

Quantum of the Production Digitization

#1. Minds Confusion
Quantum of the Production Digitization

Today, society is moving from generating income through digital platforms to digitizing the means of production at all levels. Transformation of the former monopoly enterprises into more competitive and flexible structures is the means and goal of the digitalization process. Politicians of 2017 provide the legal and institutional basis for the Russian entrepreneurs’ global leadership in the field of digital solutions. Successful implementation focuses on three main areas: expanding national economic opportunities, drawing regions together with the help of digital infrastructure and identifying trends in the global digital order. Trade, of course, is associated with the network, which is one of the synonyms used to describe the virtual sphere in certain languages. Trade and market are organically non-hierarchical and open classical structures. Synchronization of the digital space is carried out in bilateral and multilateral forums. The main issue is balancing digital sovereignty and security of national users with integration into the global economy. Eliminating the block structure in economy and simplifying networks is part of the digital revolution. A new form of development is the geo-economic model of a cluster network.

Digital Technologies in Developing and Producing Weapons, Military and Special Equipment

#8. Ideas Change the World
Digital Technologies in Developing and Producing Weapons, Military and Special Equipment

The article discusses the introduction of digital technologies in the military-industrial complex (MIC). Digital technologies ensure sustainable development and a significant increase in the efficiency of high-tech and high-tech production. The article deals with the problems and basic requirements for the digital production of weapons, military and special equipment, analyzed the depth of penetration of digital technologies in the production processes of the defense industry of Russia, identified promising areas of digitalization of production, considered issues of information security, formulated proposals to address the problems of implementation of digital technologies in the defense industry.

The Main Barriers to the Russian Silicon Valley Development

#7. Connected Space
The Main Barriers to the Russian Silicon Valley Development

The article focuses on the institutional causes of the digital economy development. The concept of a “start-up company” and distinctive features of such companies are explored — how they differ from other companies, the reason for their wide expansion and geography of their distribution. Start-up companies are target residents of the Skolkovo innovation center. The article reveals the main reasons contributing to development of these companies or to the choice of geographic location. In conclusion, the main institutional barriers to development of ecosystem start-ups in Russia are identified.

Cryptocurrency Management Model for Forming the EAEU Unified Electronic Currency

#6. For the High Norm
Cryptocurrency Management Model for Forming the EAEU Unified Electronic Currency

The article discusses the possibility of forming (based on cryptocurrency principles) a single electronic currency of the EAEU. On the basis of a cryptocurrency approach — e-currency emission — it becomes possible to solve the problems of increasing investments, including to overcome the limited capabilities of national financial institutions in their competition with financial and banking groups — non-residents of the EAEU member states. A cryptocurrency management model allows to solve the problem of rearranging volumes, structure and conditions of emission and turnover of digital financial assets within the EAEU as a kind of bundled package of various types of investment resources based on an integrated cryptocurrency control, mining and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in conjunction with economic activity and exchange rates of the EAEU Member States. The unified financial system of the EAEU in terms of financial resources amount will be able to withstand the risks of currency and financial collapses due to manipulative games and currency attacks by international speculative groups.

Why the Future is with Hybrid AI Systems

#6. For the High Norm
Why the Future is with Hybrid AI Systems

The article by Gary Marcus Deep Learning: A Critical Appraisal [1] dwells on the questions about the current achievements of in-depth training and artificial intelligence (AI). The overall tone of the work is pessimistic and tends to rethink the results, even if they are intermediate. Markus makes forecasts and writes about the possible consequences of another hype around AI technologies [2]. The article gives a vision on which direction to move while developing AI systems.

On Cycles, Cultural Complexity, Digital Economy and Industrial Revolution

#6. For the High Norm
On Cycles, Cultural Complexity, Digital Economy and Industrial Revolution

The article dwells on hypothesis of changing the “system assembly points” of the world space, put forward by the author in the course of the Ust-Kachka Strategic Community meeting for preparing a strategic scenario forecast in the PEST(M) format.

Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

#6. For the High Norm
Digital Organizations: Trends and Development Prospects in the Future

Most of the business conferences today are organized around the theme “How we realized the importance of Big Data and became the most successful in our market”. It is safe to say that since 2015, the business has been covered by a wave of so-called hype about digital technologies, and those who create these technologies have taken dominant positions in the economy structure. If we take the Fortune-100 list for the 1960s, we’ll find that about 80% of the companies on this list have ceased to exist, and one of the reasons for this is denying inevitability of digitalization.