Strategy for the True Digital Transformation of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.100-107

The article substantiates the doubt on constructiveness of the existing approach to digital transformation of Russian society. The author proposes types of solutions, which should become the basis for developing the strategy of its actual transformation. It will allow to set requirements not only for application, but also for digital technologies development and to protect society from lagging behind and imitating world economic trends. Outlining the strategic view on goal-setting, the author proceeds from understanding the essence of relationship between the technologies development and development of a society as a culture. The material is developed based on the methods of conceptual analysis and design of organizational management systems

Encoding of Economic Performance Indicators as a Key Factor in the Digital Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.102-109

Realization of the national interests of the Russian Federation in the sphere of digital economy, as defined in Decree No. 203 of the President of the Russian Federation of May 9, 2017 “On the Strategy for Development of the Information Society in the Russian Federation for 2017–2030”, is possible through digital encoding of economic performance data and using results of their analysis, which, compared to traditional forms of management, should significantly increase the efficiency of various types of production. This article discusses the encoding principles of various indicators of economic activity and the main mechanism of their relatedness for reflecting data in the new created forms: a digital unified plan and a digital analytical balance. The article presents technology of forming a “digital contract” and “digital documents-bases” for creating an innovative mechanism for automatic reflection of accounting entries in the standard accounting registers and digital management balance

Trump’s Election Strategy: Neuromathematical Key to Deeper Layers of the American Voter Consciousness

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.78-93

The key factor determining success of Trump’s election strategy was the use of cognitive neurophysiology methods — digital identification of a virtual doppelganger of a real voter in information and social networks. Semantization of the states of consciousness and psyche of individuals, being identified in the Global Network, on the basis of computational decisions allows to encapsulate (grab) an integral position that suits most people available for monitoring in order to set the vector of stable convergence of Trump’s election platform and the views of a particular American voter described and analyzed. Identification allows to influence the dominant focus of the emotional-imagination block for remote cognitive correction of the people’s political position in conditions of strategic bifurcation (elections). Russian developments in the field of personality neuro-management are also of great scientific and practical importance

Architecture of the National Data Management System for Creating Proactive Artificial Intelligence

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.94-104

The article examines two approaches to formation of a national data management system (NDMS). The first approach is based on applying statistical data for predictive analytics to forecast the future. However, to ensure social progress, a proactive approach is required, aimed at creation of such a NDMS, which can be used to build the future implementing moral values. The authors substantiate that a proactive approach should be based on the principles of economic cybernetics, which allow to develop and introduce proactive artificial intelligence (AI) for improving the economic management efficiency. Its core is a Dynamic Model of Interbranch-Intersectoral Balance (MIIB), representing a system of algorithms for matching end consumers’ orders and manufacturers’ capabilities. The MIIB table, which presents all the relationships of economic agents, defines the architecture of the National Data Management System (NDMS) for the proactive AI functioning

About Architecture as a Systemic Approach to Enterprise Development in Digital Transformation of Business

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.106-117

In the article, enterprise architecture is characterized as a “system of systems”, covering the business strategy of the company, IT architecture and IT strategy and representing a multidimensional system of interconnections and interactions controlled by the architectural process and ensuring cumulatively the implementation of the company’s strategic goals. It is demonstrated that in the context of digital transformation, the speed of enterprises’ technical and structural changes should be extremely high, otherwise organizations won’t be able to implement their strategies and transform their structure and new competitors will have a chance to gain certain positions. Processes of technological changes that require new organizational capabilities deserve particular attention in a digital environment. The paper sets out an approach to developing an innovative business model as a focused system of organizational changes based on a systemic technological basis typical for high-tech enterprises rather than on innovative products or processes. It is shown that the role and place of strategy in the digital enterprise activities, unlike enterprises operating on the third and the fourth generations technologies, change significantly due to the different organizational structure of modern companies, where the strategy is integral to architecture. In these conditions, the strategy stands out as a tool for the enterprise development and for implementation of its goals. Discussion of systemic concept of Enterprise’s Architecture (EA) as a whole is the purpose of the present article

Thorny Path or Why the State Should Not “Wait” for the Digital Platforms Advent

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.106-113

Era of digital changes concerns everybody. Under the slogan of digitalization government bodies have begun implementation of national projects understood mainly as creation of GIS, infrastructure and electronic services. Big business, sensing new profitable opportunities, is trying its hand in building platforms and developing new technologies, gradually filling up the digital space and leaving less and less space for implementing the duties, assigned to state bodies by the Constitution, in new economic environment. At the same time, there is a growing expansion of “our Western partners”, especially in industry areas. Only small and medium-sized businesses remained aloof from digitalization — this segment of economy has simply got neither desire nor the capital. The state bodies’ operation according to old patterns, expectation that business will draft and develop everything on its own, and ministries and departments will only have to choose and promote the “best cases”, generating presentations on forums instead of real steps demonstrates confusion of our “digital leaders”, the lack of clear vision of the existing processes transformation and further development of public administration in the context of digital economy. We call your attention to an article that will reveal the approach to creating a new economic management model — state digital platforms. Described solutions are shown by the authors using the example of the transport and logistics complex of the Russian Federation

Digitalization of Economy and Energy Sector: Prospects and Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.164.2019.96-105

The article discusses the main prospects and problems of developing digitalization concept not only of Industry 4.0 (fourth generation), but also of all units of the new civilization based on energy-informational conception of ecos — our planetary home, including the economy (economic activity system), ecology (system of harmonization of human relations with the environment) and energy sector as a system of life support and vital activity itself in this house

Digital Navigation in the Matrix of Realities: Operating with Bifurcation Trajectories of Movement of the Future Key Points on the “Tree” of Rambling Event Chains

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.48-55

The article examines the possibilities of operating with probabilities of reality (understood as a human interpretation of a picture of the surrounding real and fictional world with derived patterns of conduct) to counteract systemic failures in the social control mechanisms functioning. It is proposed to identify system-parametric interconnections, including the value of information flows and its computational processing, clustering, refinement and application in implementing the “exploration of the future” technology within the framework of a certain supersystem of the digital structure for society management. The article describes the possibilities of penetration into the level of conscious (semantic) and unconscious (emotional) interpretation of events, when it is necessary to provide individuals and groups with logical chains (event series) to interpret history and interpret events regarding problems that may affect maintaining stability of the future basic image. It creates the opportunity for the key points of the future on the “tree” of rambling event chains to navigate a controlled set of possible movement trajectories while managing society as part of the process of shaping the material future, realized through self-tuning of the surrounding subjective reality to the “matrix of key semantic images” in the direction of the basic image of the future.

Distributed Production Model and New Approaches in National Economic Strategies

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.40-46

The article is dedicated to distributing the production process along the elements of global value chains, to the countries’ participation in such chains and the resulting principles of the national growth policy. Special attention is paid to specifics of the Russian situation

Digital Economy Toolkit for Solving the Problems of Separate Accounting of Financial and Economic Performance Results

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.28-39

The main problem of managing economy at the military-industrial complex enterprises is the separate accounting of results of financial and economic activities in terms of introducing separate bank and personal accounts for each contract with the buyer of a particular type of product in order to establish control over the payments costs through the performers’ cooperation chain within the requirements of state regulation of the state defence order. Physical division of financial flows of each defence industry enterprise into separate accounts has already caused sharp increase in the number of accounts – from several ones to one and a half thousand — and to significant increase in debt loan, which doubled in half a year and by July 2019 amounted to more than 2 trillion roubles. The problem is aggravated due to conflicting requirements of regulatory legal acts, which requires to fill out report forms reflecting the different contract price structure according to the state defensive order for submission to the Defence Ministry and the Federal Treasury. But most of all, they contradict the economic nature of operations reflected in accounting and do not provide control over payments, since the chosen implementation technology is wrong. It is necessary to change radically the approach to solving the above problem, which can be eliminated only by developing an innovative model of digital system for managing economic activity through reflecting the economic activity data in the indicators codes of accounting objects and codes of business transactions in digital form. And above all, it is necessary to make all payments on one individual account, taking into consideration financial and economic flows reflecting business operations on an accrual and cash basis, to implement separate accounting of financial and economic activities results and to establish effective control over payment costs.