Strategy of a Legal Framework Formation in the Field of Determining Liability for the Harm Caused by Technologies with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Elements

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.118-124

In the modern world, introduction of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence into all spheres of life is developing rapidly, significantly ahead of the development of legislation. In this regard, the problem of determining liability for the harm caused by the use of such technologies arises. The problem can be solved by creating a comprehensive strategy for the development of the legal field in this area and bringing the current legislation to the level of information-oriented Society 5.0, the concept of which assumes technical breakthrough in the field of cyber technologies. The aim of this research is to analyze current situation in the field of legal regulation of liability for the harm caused by technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence and to determine the strategy for the formation of legal framework in this field. In the first part of the article the analysis of the current legal situation on the basis of scientific developments in this area is carried out, as well as the solutions proposed by the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence technologies as the basis for the formation of the legal framework are shown. The second part of the article is devoted to the strategy of a legal framework formation in the field of determining responsibility for the use of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence. In conclusion it is said that the strategy under consideration can be realized by developing a set of measures aimed at implementing the provisions that define responsibility for the use of technologies with elements of artificial intelligence into current legislation.

The Problem of Unemployment in the Digital Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.110-117

The article analyzes a special type of unemployment, the occurrence of which is associated with the development of the digital economy. Shown are the main problems that digital can bring to social life and the fate of an individual worker. Chief among these problems is that with the further digital transformation of the economy, more and more jobs may be threatened with extinction, and the disappearance of old jobs this time will not be accompanied by the emergence of new ones. A situation may arise when workers released due to digitalization will become not only unemployed, but also generally inoperable. A global question arises — what to do with those who do not work, and how to support them? It also examines the related measures of population regulation and global mechanisms for managing demographic processes.

Neuromanagement: Convergent Integration of the Human Brain and Artificial Intelligence

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.46-57

World achievements in the field of neuroscience have provided previously inaccessible opportunities for creating fundamentally new control systems based on neurointerfaces (brain — computer — brain). Hybridization of environments — gradual blurring of the boundaries between physical, cognitive and digital realities — is taking place. Descriptions of social and cognitive practices of real people are transformed into forming an artificial electronic subject, which becomes more real, replacing a biological object in society (a person is how he is represented in the electronic information environment). At the same time, development of the neurointerface perspectively leads to conversion of nervous tissue and changes biological substrate of the human brain and body in the vector of convergent collaboration of living and artificial nervous systems. Our American competing partners (the US Department of Defence represented by DARPA) carry out multidisciplinary comprehensive research in this area, leading in real results, the US leadership is increasing government funding. A qualitative change in technologies for managing people, society and the state is taking place. Russia’s objective in these conditions is to form its own segment of Neuronet, relying on domestic neurotechnologies, by analogy with the policy of import substitution in Russian nuclear energy.

Classification of Artificial Intelligence Systems

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.58-67

The article considers the classification of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems. The role of AI has increased significantly recently in all areas of life. The use of AI in public administration, in production, in medicine, in the military, in the social sphere, etc., raised a number of questions related to the definition of AI and classification of AI systems. Classification of AI is necessary to understand the role of AI in the digital economy. Classification becomes important in the context of intensive development of international standards for AI systems and knowledge-based systems (expert, neural, multi-agent, cyber-physical systems and systems based on the industrial Internet)

Cellular Paradigm of Network Organization: Implications for Present-Day Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.68-77

Microorganisms and cultivated cells from human or animal tissues form complex network structures (colonies, biofilms, flocs, granules, etc.) that are characterized by efficient communication and behavior coordination in the absence of a central pacemaker. The decentralized (flat) network organization of such structures is due to the functioning of (a) information-transmitting intercellular contacts, (b) a signal field created by distant communication systems, including the quorum-sensing system; and (c) a biopolymer matrix that cements the cells of the whole network structure. Microbial network structures exist in the human organism, especially in the gastro-intestinal (GI) tract. The cellular networks engage in complex interaction with the host organism. The organism represents a complex combination of hierarchical structures and decentralized networks and includes the brain, the peripheral nervous system, the immune system, and the endocrine system.

The interaction between the microbiota and the host may produce both positive and negative effects on the host’s physical and mental health, because decentralized networks are known to possess not only useful but also potentially harmful properties. Communication between microbial cells and the host organism involves neurochemicals, i.e., chemical compounds, whose functions include impulse transmission between nervous cells. In the final section, the cellular paradigm of network organization is envisaged as the conceptual basis of organizational technology aimed at creating efficient non-hierarchical creative teams that are cemented by common values and goals (the network matrix).

Digital Economy: Problems and Solutions

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.51-57

The article examines the role and importance of international information standards in the digital economy. The importance of standards in building a single digital space as a key element of the digital economy is shown. Particular attention is paid to international standards of integration on the level of ontology, semantics and languages of interaction of information systems. The structure of the standards of the European initiative in the digital economy — “Industry 4.0”, as well as the development of the digital economy in the directions: Digital Corporation and Digital Industry. The possible directions of the development and application of information standards within the digital economy are defined

Robots, Digital Twins of People, Dialectical Models of Society and Economics

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.58-67

Demographic crisis remains one of the main challenges to socio-economic development of Russia. The COVID–19 pandemic

has aggravated preconditions for a possible recovery from depopulation. The present article substantiates the need to develop and approve the RF social doctrine upon completion of national projects in 2018–2024. The authors suggest their own approach to overcoming the socio-demographic crisis with regard to the long-term demographic dynamics in Russia. Various scenarios of the “post-coronavirus” future of both specific countries and the world as a whole are proposed

National Digital Currency: a Look into the Future

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.74-81

Demographic crisis remains one of the main challenges to socio-economic development of Russia. The COVID–19 pandemic

has aggravated preconditions for a possible recovery from depopulation. The present article substantiates the need to develop and approve the RF social doctrine upon completion of national projects in 2018–2024. The authors suggest their own approach to overcoming the socio-demographic crisis with regard to the long-term demographic dynamics in Russia. Various scenarios of the “post-coronavirus” future of both specific countries and the world as a whole are proposed

Role of the Industrial Complex for the Country’s Sovereignty in the New World Order and Emergence of the IT Industry After Digital Transformation of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.82-91

The quality of industrial complex (IC) is crucial for the country’s sovereignty and the living standard of people in the context of survival and development in the new world order. Therefore, IC is increasingly becoming an object of competition and an instrument of some countries’ pressure on the other. However, the terms “industry” and “industrial complex” in the scientific economic community and government bodies do not have a generally accepted scientific definition. It is important to understand that the IT model of a developed state, with regard to digital transformation, should also include IT and a socio-strategic unit. Given these factors, the structure of an ideal IC model of a developed state in the emerging information society is proposed. The IC structure, along with industrial groups A and B (the means of production and consumer goods) includes new industry groups: C + D groups (manufacturing universal products — energy-electricity and information-knowledge) and X group (production of public and collective goods contributing to the state goals).

When the Possibility of Joint Action Come True

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.92-99

The issues of simplifying settlement operations have been and are still facing the participants of both domestic national and international markets. With a certain approach to their use, money can become a special commodity or may take the form of algorithms that apply cloud technologies, the level of volatility of which does not always meet the expectations. The present article outlines views on the possibility of resolving these issues through creating within the economic integration association of a common accounting unit in a digital format that is linked to one of the most liquid types of energy