IT-Economy in 2016 and in 10 Years

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
IT-Economy in 2016 and in 10 Years

IT is the fastest growing sector of the economy, where information is the product: description of technologies, software and services, digital multimedia material, e-books, patents, etc. Payment systems also represent a kind of information. If previously the period of technological structures change constituted hundreds of years, now it happens during one person’s life. Gartner company conducted a survey and published the list of priority directions of IT development in 2017: artificial Intelligence and deep learning; intelligent applications; intellectual things; virtual and augmented reality; digital counterparts (dynamic program models of real objects and systems); blockchain (cryptocurrency) and distributed expenses book; conversational systems; network applications and architecture; digital platforms; adaptive security architecture.

Edges of the Internet Legality and Ethics

#8. Hunting for Scientists
Edges of the Internet Legality and Ethics

In the recent annual Message of the Russian Federation President to the Federal Assembly he repeatedly addressed the sphere of information technologies and defined the digital economy development as an essential condition to ensure the country’s independence. In an interview with the parliamentary columnist of the “ES” magazine Valentina Nikolskaya, Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy, Information Technologies and Communications Leonid L. Levin told about new laws in the field of information technologies, peculiarities of the state’s interaction with printed media. In the conversation he also touched upon the legal gap, regulating rapid prevention and spreading in Internet the information on potentially dangerous psychoactive substances.

Institute of Super-Drivers — a Tool of New Innovation Reality

#8. Hunting for Scientists
Institute of Super-Drivers — a Tool of New Innovation Reality

In the context of rapid changes in society everything is transforming — the workforce structure, business processes, management techniques and forms of organization, the nature of creativity and assets structure, property rights. With simultaneous reduction in the period of innovation cycles, there is an urgent need for establishing the institute of experts-drivers along with the institute of patent attorneys. Namely experts-drivers will have to lead coordination of the whole complex of interdisciplinary problems: organizational, legal, psychological, investment, economic and others. Such organizational-legal form may be called the institute of super-drivers as an interdisciplinary tool for managing innovation reality of society. Institute of super-drivers, including patent attorneys, will allow inventors and entrepreneurs to overcome many barriers of complexity in their way from concept to realizing idea in the form of a useful product. Also crucial is the opportunity and prospects of collective intelligence development through forming “smart fields”, which contain the innovative potential of the future society.

EU Digital Single Market: Better Access to Online Goods and Services

#8. Hunting for Scientists
EU Digital Single Market: Better Access to Online Goods and Services

Impact of the scientific-and-technological advance on the modification of commercial variety of goods and organization of forms and methods of trade is one of the most important conditions for the market environment change. The study of the situation in the field of trade in goods and services via the Internet made by the European Commission (the EC) revealed significant problems hampering the industrial development, innovation and further European integration. To remedy the situation, the EC proposed to provide better access for consumers and businesses to online goods and services across Europe. This is one of three pillars envisaged by the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. The task is carried out through developing rules of conducting cross-border e-commerce to make it easier, ensuring a more efficient and affordable parcel delivery, preventing unjustified geo-blocking of access to goods and services, providing better access to digital content with parallel improving European copyright framework, reducing VAT related burdens. Measures proposed by the European Commission are to be implemented in 2015-2016.

With the Speed of Tsunami?

#8. Hunting for Scientists
With the Speed of Tsunami?

The authors of the article examine the place of the world telecommunications industry in the process, called “Industry 4.0”. The article also considers the main technology trends within the industry. On the basis of experts’ opinions survey the authors conclude that the major trend in telecommunications field is the development of 5G networks and commercial distribution of SDN and NFV technologies. The basic tendencies of economic development of the global market largest players and the situation in the Russian telecommunications market are considered.