The State and Economy: New Digital Opportunities

#5. Digital Agitation
The State and Economy: New Digital Opportunities

Crisis processes in the economy are often presented as consequences of external factors, and not of inefficient state decisions. The authors of the article propose to consider the economy as a complicated multi-factor system, which should be influenced through state economic regulation. The forthcoming digital transformation of economic processes and immersion of all economic entities in the digital space bring both opportunities and threats for the Russian Federation. Digital images of subjects and digital traces of their interactions in the course of economic processes are beginning to acquire value, becoming digital assets. Using a platform approach in the economy at the state level, on the one hand, will ensure digital sovereignty of the country, and on the other hand it will allow to use digital assets as an accurate and operative information base for modeling economic processes that will provide quality and effectiveness of the state regulation.

Fantasies on the Cryptocurrency Topic

#5. Digital Agitation
Fantasies on the Cryptocurrency Topic

The article suggests a scenario hypothesis of using geofinans in the format of crypto currency as one of the mechanisms for restructuring the economic space. The paper considers the process of transition from network self-organization to hierarchies with direct inclusion of professional and microterritorial economies, localized through crypto-currencies, into super-large international structures.

Road Maps of the Anthropo-Technosphere of the XXI Century

#5. Digital Agitation
Road Maps of the Anthropo-Technosphere of the XXI Century

The article is devoted to understanding socio-anthropological risks associated with the technological developments of modern civilization. In the conditions of new industrial revolution Industry 4.0, the digital economy, implementation of convergent technologies, immersive networked virtual worlds of the Internet question about the prospects of development of human and society is particularly acute. The authors note the possibility of social evolution through two paths: through the implementation of a global mega-project which is able to consolidate humanity, or through the development of a network of civil society institutions and creative reserves. The article highlights the problems and dangers of the Technological Singularity, when machines, endowed with intelligence, can create a situation that threatens the very existence of mankind. The only way to overcome the Technological Singularity the authors see in the quantum-network form of human intelligence superior artificial intelligence, in finding the quantum-synergistic access to the collective mind of the noosphere.

Network Revolution

#5. Digital Agitation
Network Revolution

The article analyzes phenomenon of overall spreading of networks structures in the modern post-industrial society, called the network revolution. Namely network structures based on voluntary co-operation and partnership are becoming the most efficient form of organizing social communities in today’s highly competitive and dynamic social environments. They have advantages over previously prevailing hierarchical structures, as pooling of resources, knowledge and spiritual efforts of people in the network structures provides synergistic effect.

Manufacturing Virtual Corporation in the Digital Transformation of Business

#5. Digital Agitation
Manufacturing Virtual Corporation in the Digital Transformation of Business

Active development of digital technologies contributes to nascency of new organizational and economic forms of enterprises and associations. However, new business models provide work with limited resources and tasks. The article outlines basic principles of industrial virtual corporations that ensure the use of heterogeneous resources for solving a wide range of dynamically changing business tasks. The authors demonstrate versatility of the proposed model, options and scenarios for its application. Possibility of using the concept of production virtual corporation for traditional companies, possessing many “non-digital” assets, as an innovative form of management is considered.

Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric

#4. Monument up to the Sky
Society 5.0: the View of Mitsubishi Electric

The increasing role of artificial intelligence, fusion of robotics with industry and business, introduction of “Internet of things” into automated production have resulted in the fourth industrial revolution. The progressive countries have witnessed qualitative changes in life. But Industry 4.0 is only part of a more global process. Today, the Japanese government speaks about the birth of a superintellectual society — Society 5.0. How the new level of digital opportunities is perceived in Japan and in the world — this is covered in the interview to Alexander Ageev by Uemura Noritsugu, Government & External Relation Div. Senior General Manager at Mitsubishi Electric Corporation.

New Architecture of Digital Economy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Architecture of Digital Economy

Digital economy has become a key trend in building a modern information society, including e-governments, knowledge management, FinTech, industrialization 4.0, clusters, ecosystems, and the like. It offers new fundamental changes in all disciplines and industries. Today the chaotic creation of separate fragmentary software products of the Internet of Things is growing uncontrollably and avalanche-like. Such software products depending on the performer’s tastes or on the customer’s requirements are written in various ways, with various development tools, with various DBMS, GIS, CAD/CAM and other common software. Traditional cybernetics has outlived itself and is dying. At the conceptual level the IT leaders are exhausted. The article proposes a new paradigm and a network GGG-architecture for implementing the instrumental infrastructure of a collective balanced digital economy.

“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

#4. Monument up to the Sky
“Enterprise Architecture” — the Conceptual Framework: Practical Applications and Development Prospects in the Current Context

Information economy is forcing management to redefine drastically the business models of managerial decision making by leveraging the aspects of interdependence and mutual influence of business and information technology and systems. Such interaction, known as the concept of enterprise architecture (EA) in the international practice, opens up new possibilities for an effective strategy of the enterprise. The article analyzes the conceptual framework of EA and considers the tools and the technology of its deployment.

Battle for the Future: Who Will Be the First in the World to Master the Noomonitoring and Cognitive Programming of Subjective Reality?

#2. Alliance Great
Battle for the Future: Who Will Be the First in the World to Master the Noomonitoring and Cognitive Programming of Subjective Reality?

The key factor determining the victory in the battle for the future is not the territory, not the army and not the volume of financial, material and intellectual resources being involved. The key factor of the victory is cognitive programming of subjective reality: mass-individual adjustment of the semantic interpretation of the existence goal and life success to form the material future through self-adjustment of the surrounding subjective reality to the “image of Victory” in cognitive perception of oneself and the surrounding material, virtual and imaginary individual world. Special urgency is acquired by this factor in conditions of building a “digital economy”. The basis of such mechanisms constitutes noomonitoring as a tool for making a “cognitive snapshot” of subjective reality, forecasting, planning and metaprogramming on its basis the “image of Victory” by forming in groups of individuals new knowledge about themselves and the surrounding world, as well as the structure of ideological and professional patterns for interpreting surrounding reality and its subsequent correction within the personal management while developing and implementing management decisions of individuals and groups as a basic reference point for managing groups of interrelated people, machines, technical, including information, systems and natural objects.

Digital Society: Architecture, Principles, Vision

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Digital Society: Architecture, Principles, Vision

Digital technologies are gradually becoming an integral part of each sphere of everyday life for citizens and economic entities of the Russian Federation. This opens up enormous opportunities for creating new and modernizing the existing industries, for high-tech level of interaction between society and state authorities, for increasing Russia’s competitiveness in the world market, and ultimately — for preserving and consolidating the information sovereignty of the Russian state. Digital transformation may cause a new variant of economic relations (Digital economy), a new level of relations between society and the state (Digital government), creation of high-tech infrastructure (Digital space). It seems that the most important goal of the next stage of the Russian Federation’s development could become creation of a Digital society.