Labour Potential of the Enterprise: New Forms of Activation

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.130-137

The article examines motivational interests that provide economic growth in the context of transformation process. It is proved that the main role is played by integrated interests of technologically related relations in terms of the result-based indicator. It is substantiated that material incentives, though being one of the most important factors in enhancing labour potential, do not reveal the depth of motivational essence of labour relations and lead to decrease in the activities efficiency. The purpose of this study is to develop a mechanism for activating labour processes, on which the efficiency of using resource potential and economic growth depend.

Innovations in Combating the Shadow Financial Segment in Recent Years on the Example of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.172.2020.138-143

The article notes that in relation to the growth of the shadow component in the Russian economy, identifying the essence of the shadow economy is especially relevant. The author addresses shadow processes as the basis of the shadow economy, their place in its structure, basic principles of formation and classification according to various criteria.

Influence of Monetary Policy on Technological Development of the Economy in a Long-Term Aspect

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.171.2020.136-143

Monetary policy currently pursued by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation is a reflection of external market conditions. Regulatory approaches should, in particular, help reduce the dependence of monetary policy on external factors — such as oil prices, foreign loans, access to foreign markets, etc. This is not about completely isolating the monetary sphere of the Russian Federation from parameters and the external environment. It is required to refuse close, automatic communication with the given parameters. It is necessary to increase the stability of the monetary system of the Russian Federation and the economy as a whole in relation to external shocks. This can be done through more active use of a wide range of tools available to the regulator. These include monetary and regulatory mechanisms (interest rates, reserve requirements, foreign exchange positions, etc.), gold reserves, verbal interventions, etc., which can have a stimulating effect on economic growth. The high volatility of the ruble now observed makes it extremely difficult for enterprises to plan and forecast, thereby making it impossible for the normal course of investment processes and expanded reproduction. In order to use monetary mechanisms to stimulate economic growth and eliminate the negative effects of current monetary policy (in particular, implemented since autumn 2014), a departure from inflation targeting and free floating of the ruble exchange rate is necessary. At the same time, it is obviously necessary to abandon many components or closely related elements (for example, “monetary contraction”). In addition, steps will be needed to stabilize the foreign exchange market, which would have positive effects (falling volatility, lower inflation, etc.). Under current conditions, with limited access to external financial resources, it is important to use mechanisms  for generating financial flows based on internal sources. In other words, the monetary base should be formed due to internal factors, and not depend on the dynamics of energy prices. In previous years, the main emphasis in the Russian economy was placed on the external sphere as a source of growth financing. Restricting access to external cheap financial resources (due to low oil prices, sanctions, etc.), as well as continuing geopolitical tensions with regard to Russia, reduce the possibilities for implementing longterm investment projects in the economy. This increases the relevance of national mechanisms and sources of formation of the resource base (including long) necessary to refinance previously taken loans, as well as to implement structural changes in the Russian economy.

Using Contract Forms of Cooperation Between the Business and the State for Strategic Planning Documents Implementation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.126-133

Nowadays economic development governance needs immediate restructuring in accordance with institutional requirements of the new technological mode and world-economy system. The shift to these systems is intermediated by the world financial-economic crisis aggravation. The article considers an promising and qualifying arrangement of the state and the enterprises — contracting mutual obligations. There is a detailed review on a recently implemented in the law framework instrument — agreements on protection and encouragement of capital investments. It is suggested to enhance existing set of tools for strategic planning realisation with the multilateral special agreements — target contracts. Parties to contract can be not only public-law entities but also banks, development institutes, educational and scientific institutions.

Environmental Aspect of Implementing Integrated Programs for Optimizing Local Energy in Russia by the Case of the Khabarovsk Territory

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.134-141

Статья посвящена технологическим и экологическим эффектам реализации комплексной программы оптимизации локальной энергетики, сокращению выбросов CO2 при генерации энергии на дизельных электростанциях. Также рассмотрена возможность использования «зеленых» финансов как инвестиционного инструмента

Sunlight Against Coal

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.169.2020.134-141

The article dwells on the topic of competition between coal and solar energy as types of fuel. The authors provide a comparison of the installed capacity of a virtual solar power station and an existing coal power station located within the land allotment of a coal mine. The development prospects of the coal industry in terms of thermal coal are shown.

Strategy of Knowledge Systemogenesis in Managing Economic Security of the Socio-Economic System

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.136-143

The article presents a new vision for solving the problem of managing economic security of the socio-economic system in the context of a developing knowledge economy through the strategy of systemogenesis for labor activity knowledge. The strategy of knowledge systemogenesis allows to see the labor activity of the socio-economic system holistically, taking into account possible alternatives and evaluating these alternatives in the context of formalized systems and subsystems of subjects’ labor actions. The strategy is focused on maximizing utility of the consumed knowledge of labor actions in the face of an ever-increasing amount of knowledge and differentiating its quality in the sense of utility. This allows to manage the economic security of socio-economic system by optimizing the total and marginal utility of the knowledge consumed in your own systems and in competing with respect to the subject of management ones, as well as to protect own interests in a developing knowledge economy from the control effects of competing management entities


The Criterion Apparatus for Evaluating the Effectiveness of Decisions Using Indicators of Shadow Prices and Production Costs

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.116-123

One of the key issues that arises when forming criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of decisions on the ratio of shadow prices and product costs, criteria for weapon effectiveness and optimum weapon quality are seemingly self-evident, they are widely used in practice. But are they always valid and effective? In fact, not so simple. Obvious criteria like this often turn out to be not quite correct, or, sometimes, completely wrong. The article will consider this issue in more detail

Faults of the Market Mechanism and Public Administration Failures: Methodological Aspects

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.124-133

The article reveals the essence and forms of market mechanism flaws and failures of public administration. Their interaction in market system and influence on the development of the market economy is shown. The cordusion is: public administration should be based on spontaneous market mechanism, soften its’ flaws and prevent (or efficiently fix) the failures of its performance

Assessing the Quality of Socio-Economic Development Strategies: How to Choose the Best Approach?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.134-139

What approach is better to put into practice for evaluating strategies of socio-economic development of cities and regions of the Russian Federation? What are peculiar features of existing approaches? To answer these questions, the author examines strategies evaluating methods proposed in the works by B.S. Zhikharevich, I.N. Ilyina and E.E. Plisetsky, V.V. Klimanov and K.V. Budaeva, P.V. Pogrebnyakov, V.N. Knyaginin, I.A. Nikolaev and O.S. Tochilkina, V.E. Seliverstov. These approaches were divided into four groups depending on the purpose of assessment. It was revealed that considered approaches cover the full life cycle of a strategic document — from setting the task on its development to evaluating the final strategy “from outside”. Many approaches include the image of a sample strategy, with which a strategic document is compared to assess its quality, but at the same time, ideas about high-quality, “ideal” strategy in different works differ significantly. In conclusion, practical recommendations for choosing a methodology for evaluating a strategy are given