Transaction Costs in Development and Creation of New Weapons and Military Equipment and the Problems of Their Diversification


The article examines manufacturing process of a product from the life cycle point of view, identifies the key, according to the author, problematics of each life cycle stage. An alternative view of the product creation process from the stage of conception to the moment of its utilization is formulated.


1. GOST R 15.000–2016 “Sistema razrabotki i postanovki produktsii na proizvodstvo. Osnovnye polozheniya” [GOST R 15.000–2016 “System of Product Development and Launching into Production. Basic Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

2. GOST RV 15.004–2004 “Sistema razrabotki i postavki produktsii na proizvodstva. Voennaya tekhnika. Stadii zhiznennogo tsikla izdelii i materialov” [GOST RV 15.004-2004 “System of Product Development and Delivery to Production Facilities. Military Equipment. Life Cycle Stages of Products and Materials”]. VII SFU, available at:

3. GOST R 56135–2014 “Upravlenie zhiznennym tsiklom produktsii voennogo naznacheniya. Obshchie polozheniya” [GOST R 56135–2014 “Life Cycle Management of Military Products. General Provisions”]. Kodeks, available at:

4. Federal’nyi zakon ot 29 dekabrya 2012 g. “O gosudarstvennom oboronnom zakaze” [Federal Law of December 29, 2012 “On the State Defense Order”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

5. Prikaz Ministerstva oborony RF ot 21 dekabrya 2017 g. N 792 “Ob utverzhdenii Obyazatel’nykh trebovanii v oblasti tekhnicheskogo regulirovaniya k oboronnoi produktsii (rabotam, uslugam), yavlyayushcheisya pod”emnymi sooruzheniyami i oborudovaniem, rabotayushchim pod davleniem, v sostave vooruzheniya i voennoi tekhniki, postavlyaemoi dlya Vooruzhennykh Sil Rossiiskoi Federatsii po gosudarstvennomu oboronnomu zakazu, protsessam proektirovaniya (vklyuchaya izyskaniya), proizvodstva, stroitel’stva, montazha, naladki, ekspluatatsii, khraneniya ukazannoi produktsii” [Order of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of December 21, 2017 No. 792 “About Approval of Mandatory Requirements in the Field of Technical Regulation to the Defense Products (Works, Services) which are Lifting Constructions and the Equipment Working Under Pressure as Part of Arms and the Military Equipment Delivered for the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation According to the State Defense Order, Design Processes (Including Research), Production, Construction, Installation, Adjustment, Operation, Storage of the Specified Products”]. Kodeks, available at:

Human Capital: Fiscal Policy to Support the Development of Labor Cooperatives as a Way to Create the Welfare Society and to Form the National Financial-Exchange Asset

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.116-121

Production cooperative (artel) historically is a native Russian form of collective labour activity, aimed, as a rule, at performing certain permanent or temporary work and requiring mutual guarantee of all workers. Artels and their associations are based only on free creative labour (not hired labour), which allows workers themselves to be responsible for efficiency of managing their time and to improve constantly, providing an increase in labour productivity and production profitability. Such work is fundamentally different from the work under an employment contract. Members of cooperatives do not pass “their time” for rationing “from above”, but independently organize their work, revealing their potential, based on personal experience, ingenuity, freedom and personal motivation, effectively interacting with each other in the workforce.

Perception of Cybersecurity in the B2C Segment of the Russian Market: Problems and Solutions in the Context of the Marketing Strategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.134-142

Russian cybersecurity market shows insignificant positive growth rates due to development of the B2B segment: launch of individual projects in the sphere of digitalization at the federal level, as well as adoption of security systems to deflect cyber attacks and proactively identify threats from major market players. At the same time, the B2C segment is really inferior to B2B. This is primarily attributable to the fact that ordinary consumers do not realize the need to protect digital data. The present paper will consider the main parameters of the macroenvironment, competitive saturation and will analyze a modern consumer of cybersecurity services. These factors will help to identify the roots of negative perception of cyber services among Russian consumers. The article authors suggest a marketing communication strategy to improve the current situation on the example of Kaspersky Lab and the target IT Administrators audience.

Lessons of Centralized Procurement of Domestic Office and Antivirus Software in 2019–2020 Years

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.179.2021.122-133

The article shows effects assessment of procurement process centralisation and centralized purchasing; describes case of centralized procurement of domestic office and antivirus software for federal government bodies; explain advantages and disadvantages; forms recommendations for future centralized procurement.

Printing Outsourcing: Local Market with Global Dominance


Using the example of print outsourcing, the article examines the problems of analyzing and forecasting markets that significantly depend on the global players’ behaviour. At the same time provisions of the economic domination theory allow, through highlighting the typical strategies of market participants, to identify a number of new trends emerging in the market and opening up for Russian companies. First of all, they have to do with such processes as transition to electronic document management, expansion of the sphere of product labeling and traceability systems. In addition, the 2020 crisis has resulted in creation of a new demand for organizing home workplaces, changing the requirements for IT systems architecture in large offices. Based on the case studies of the companies that are present on the market, the author draws up conclusions on notable changes in the role of large Russian companies in this market, including under the impact of transformations on the related markets

Factors and Tools for Managing the Competitiveness of the Machine-Building Complex


The article defines the main factors of increasing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex in the integration economic area. The relationship between the factors of comparative competitive advantages of export-oriented engineering production and the structure of commodity exports is presented in the article. A methodology for assessing the competitiveness of the machine-building complex is proposed, which is focused on determining its comparative advantages in prospective segments of export commodity groups. The results of testing the methodology on the basis of statistical data of export segments of the commodity groups of machine-building industry in the CIS countries are presented

The Role of the Curator in the Professional Self-Determination of First-Year Students of the University in the Humanitarian Areas of Training


The article reveals the role of university curators in the professional self-determination of first-year students in humanitarian areas of training. The concept of “professional self-determination” is being clarified. Possible directions of professional orientation work with students are indicated. The relevance of the topic of obtaining a humanitarian education in society is substantiated, the reasons for the emergence in society of the need for professions of a social and humanitarian orientation are indicated. The works of research scientists studying the areas of professional self-determination are analyzed. The dynamics of personal changes that occur with firstyear students as a result of their professional orientation are analyzed. The meaning and tasks of curatorial work are presented, as well as problems that university curators may face today: possible mistakes of the curator in working with first-year students, namely lack of experience, lack of conscientiousness, incompetence. The main directions of the curator’s work with first-year students are revealed. The directions of activity of the university curators in conjunction with the psychological and pedagogical service are proposed. The conditions for the successful implementation of the curator’s activities with students in the direction of professional self-determination, such as planning, organization, control, motivation, are noted.

Strategy of Business Entities in the Markets of Highly Individualized Demand on the Example of Interior Design Services


Today, Russia is taking measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, because they play a decisive role in the country’s economy. This confirms the creation of various programs that support the development of firms of this size. But the opening of an organization will not attract clients and will not bring profit if you do not use promotion tools, and the combination of these tools, competent building of their sequence is a promotion strategy.

On Modernization of Information Services for the National Economy Production Cluster


The purpose of the present article is to draw the specialists’ attention to the fact that in order to create a self-sufficient and competitive national economy, it is necessary to start developing a new generation information service, primarily for its production cluster. The submission discusses how this can be done

Assessing the Possibility of a Gas Hub Emergence in East Asia

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.136-141

The article examines the problem of emergence in East Asia of a regional trading center (hub) for liquefied natural gas (LNG) with its own independent price index, which can become the basis for pricing in long-term contracts for supplying gas to the countries of this region. The author identifies the main factors stimulating Asian players in the gas market to pass to a new pricing system while signing gas purchase contracts. The countries — the main candidates for creating their own LNG hub — are considered. The article analyzes current situation and the prospects for developing regional LNG hubs in such countries as China, Japan and Singapore.

The paper also identifies the main obstacles to creating developed exchange trade of LNG in the Asia-Pacific countries and estimates the most likely places for the emergence of a gas hub.