Development of Strategy for Innovation Processes Management in Higher Education Institution

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

Educational and scientific-research services of universities are successful only if they are developed and implemented for quite definite consumers, sales areas, etc.

Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results of the Global Economy and 12 Civilizations Development in the Period of 1970-2005. Preliminary Outline

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

Relying on the concept of development, it is possible to assume that with well-formed strategy of development, taking into account the construction of the supranational institutions (especially for the USSR – CIS), this group of countries within 50 years (until 2050) will overtake the developed countries in terms of development.

Strategic Planning System in Implementing the State Policies for Stabilization of the Common Economic Area

#3. Expectation of Light

Evaluation of each subject of the Russian Federation as an object of systematic management of the country’s economy, focus of the state integration policy on the achievement of real strategic goals, such as meeting social requirements and development of socio-economic potential of the country in the long run — all this is lacking today in domestic economic policy.

Equilibrium Exchange Rate of the Ruble and the Problems of Optimum

#2. Agenda

The practice of manipulating the exchange rate to achieve the “unfair” competitive advantage in international trade has repeatedly led to waves (more properly to be termed wars) of devaluations in response

Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results of the Global Economy and 12 Civilizations Development in the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#2. Agenda

In the development of all civilizations it is found one fact common to all of them. In 1987–1993 it changes qualitatively the development type of all civilizations, without exception that indicates the achieving a high degree of integration of all countries of the world.

Comparative Analysis of the Simulation Results of the Global Economy And 12 Civilizations Development In the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#1. Hollywood as a password

The development of the world economy shows systematic complication of the construction with periodicity in 70 years. The work offers a verbal description of the development of the world economy as a complex social system and non-linear dynamic model that is based on the population growth on the earth and two fundamental laws: the law of conservation of the economic potential of a system and the principle of minimum dissipation of resources that are implemented by system ability to self-organization. The main principles of conducting numerical experiment and the analysis of the findings are studied together with the model.

Trends of Modern Science and Education In Terms of Complex Systems Theory

#12. Evil People

If we manage to convince engineers that the car of the future must not only have a powerful engine, but should also take into consideration environmental issues, if power engineering specialists realize that successful are only solutions that correspond to the idea of sustainable development, rather than to a strategy focused on shortterm profits, then it will be great success of practical philosophy.

Problems of Regulatory-Legal Provision of Financial Relations of Integrated Structures in the Sphere of Recreational Services

#12. Evil People

Existing legal norms, regulating relations of the integrated structures, are interpreted by each branch of the law in its own way and are not systemic in nature.

On Stress-Testing of Banks

#11. Life resources

During stress-testing the researcher is not interested in why the “volcanic eruption” happened, as well as in the probability of such event origin. He enquires what will happen to us (a specific bank or banking sector) if this event happens.