Economic Mechanism of Public Pension Liabilities Formation (Pension Formula)

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Functioning and development of the national pension system today is constantly dependent on external factors (macro-economic, demographic, etc.), which directly influence the pension amount, the indexation rate, the size of the premium tariffs and other pension characteristics. The global financial crisis had a negative impact on macro-economic and demographic parameters of the country. In these sircumstances the problem of state regulation of the pension system development, creation of favorable macroeconomic and demographic conditions for its long-term financial stability becomes especially urgent. In the context of elaboration of the pension system long-term development strategy (up to 2030), the most pressing problem of pension reform at the present stage seems to be the need to modernize the formula of calculating the retirement pension in accordance with the insurance principles.

Integration Processes: Practical Aspects of Russian Customs Modernization

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

The article deals with the matters of Russian customs further perfecting in the framework of integration processes within the Customs Union by means of developing interaction between the FCS Russia and Federal bodies of executive power, on the basis of new mechanisms for exchange of information necessary for customs control and other types of state control carried out at the border check-points.

The Impact of Natural Monopolies’ Tariffs on Inflation

#4. Cognitive Dissonance

The article deals with natural monopolies’ tariffs, their impact on inflation. No doubt that this factor should be taken into account, as it affects the economy and its slight increase can instigates growth of prices.

Development Strategy of Regional Pension Provision (on the Materials of the Republic of Dagestan)

#3. Conceptual viruses

This paper describes the main indicators of socio-economic development of the republic of Dagestan and the prospects for further development of the region. The strategy of pension schemes in the Republic of Dagestan, identified ways to improve the pension system in the region, analyzes the impact of demographic factors on the development prospects of pension schemes in the Republic of Dagestan and the level of pensions in the region. Developed a demographic forecast of the Republic of Dagestan in 2012-2025 years.

Forming Current Macroeconomic Policies Subject to Expectations (by the Example of the U.S. Federal Reserve System)

#2. The Ice Age

The crisis has shown that government together with the central bank can secure financial market stabilization by allocating additional funds to credit institutions for increasing risk reserves and mitigating effects of “toxic” assets accumulation.

Segmenting by Dynamic Corporate Performance as the Core of Industrial Marketing Complex Development

#1. Beyond Design Basis Evaluations

Benefits of customers segmentation are obvious: division of customers into groups allows to meet more accurately the needs of each client, while optimizing marketing and promotion costs.

Climate Geopolitics of the “Golden Section”

#10. Talkative Times

We understand the indefatigable desire of scientific world for epoch-making discoveries, but all sensations of the recent decades are no more than invariants of the Northern Hemisphere temperature and humidity oscillations of Petterson-Shnitnikov directed by the Moon and the Sun.

Information Aspect of Functioning of the Catastrophic Risk Insurance Models

#10. Talkative Times

Disasters consequences directly affect not only the interests of insurance companies and reinsurance business, the state budget is subject to considerable stress, which is especially true for countries with low per capita GDP index.