Inflationary Processes in Russia: Analysis of Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Inflationary Processes in Russia: Analysis of Monetary and Non-Monetary Factors

The article dwells on inflation processes in Russia. The main factors, which have significantly affected it, are identified and analyzed. The factors themselves are considered from monetary and non-monetary points of view. Particular attention is paid to non-monetary factors of inflation being its main source.

Capital Concentration and Centralization. Similarities, Differences, Economic Importance

#10. Russia Concentrates?
Capital Concentration and Centralization. Similarities, Differences, Economic Importance

In today’s world a profit of certain companies is constantly changing, their mergers or acquisitions are very often. But is it possible to predict these indicators’ behavior or at least to explain how they work behindhand? The answer to this question is related to the capital concentration and centralization concepts and to the corresponding theoretical apparatus developed by Karl Marx. But how does this apparatus work in real life, are all its prerequisites to be performed, are there any factors that it does not consider? Or maybe this whole theory is worth no more than the paper on which it was written? The answers to all these questions constitute the contents of this essay. Thus, the paper considers practical application of Marx’s theoretical theses on capital concentration and centralization.

Devaluation and its Impact on the Russian Economy: a View Through the Foreign Trade Prism

#6-7. 100 Years of War: The Point of Beginning
Devaluation and its Impact on the Russian Economy: a View Through the Foreign Trade Prism

The article analyzes problems of Russia’s participation in international economic relations. It dwells on different aspects of Russian external economic policy and the experience of several countries, including oil exporters, in supporting their national economy. The paper analyzes rouble devaluation occurring in 2013–2014.

Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

#5. Space Like a Punishment
Competitiveness Assessment of Projects on Equipping Health Institutions with High-Tech Medical Devices

The article deals with the problem of assessing competitiveness of projects on equipping health institutions with high-tech medical devices, for example — medical devices for active-passive mechanical therapy, taking into account their price characteristics, functional and operational capabilities as well as the type of health care institution and patient population needing rehabilitation with the use of such high-tech products. To assess the competitiveness and financing of such projects it is proposed to apply the expertise method and principles of project financing, widespread in the economy.

Influence of Production Factors on Land Use Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprises

#4. Why that is needed?
Influence of Production Factors on Land Use Efficiency of Agricultural Enterprises

The article discusses the problem of land resources use in agricultural enterprises. It dwells on the issues of production factors interaction and their impact on the efficiency of agricultural land utilization. It identifies production parameters of land resources utilization in the operating cycle of the company. A model of an agricultural enterprise with an indicative value of the industrial complex center of inertia is proposed.

Tax Burden as an Efficiency Indicator of Tax Incentives for Russia’s Modernization

#1. Choice of Identity
Tax Burden as an Efficiency Indicator of Tax Incentives for Russia’s Modernization

The article presents the author’s calculations of the tax burden in specific sectors of Russia’s economy. In result of the industry analysis of the tax burden in Russia the author identifies tendencies of inter-branch tax burden distribution. The article classifies directions of strategic tax reforms in Russia to implement the strategy of real innovative development and to enhance investment attractiveness of the economy.

Reform of Yuan Exchange Rate

#1. Choice of Identity
Reform of Yuan Exchange Rate

The article deals with the reform of the RMB (Yuan) exchange rate, determines its steps and main guidelines, gives analysis of the corresponding legal and institutional changes. The reform of RMB exchange rate represents a unique experience of structural changes in the economy, particularly during the financial crisis. Today we are witnessing the Yuan progressive strengthening in the global economy. The author concludes that strategic goal of the reform is progressive transition of the Yuan to free convertibility and its acquiring the status of the world reserve currency.

Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning Socio­economic Development of Russia

#8. The Repertoire of Domination
Gosplan — Basic approaches to Planning  Socio­economic Development of Russia

The article examines organizational approaches to formation of Gosplan in Russia as a system of qualitatively new tools for monitoring and planning of market socio-economic development through infrastructure of well-ordered complex system of commodity resources formalized electronic markets within the framework of developing the system of Electronic trading platforms. The amount of data, collected from the interconnected electronic trading platforms, is an information base of Gosplan for issuing analysis results of the market trends and optimization recommendations (“planned targets”) for state structures and government authorities of the relevant product markets.

Innovation Centers: Basic Concepts and Approaches

#7. Pandora’s Deceit
Innovation Centers: Basic Concepts and Approaches

Research parks of various types and sizes are more often considered like effective mechanisms of improving returns on investment in research and development. In addition, innovation parks are considered a proven means, promoting formation of new and increasing competitiveness of existing high-tech companies, as well as creation of new jobs and increase of the general welfare and society stability.

Essence of the “National Security” Concept, Mechanism of its Implementation (Theoretical-Legal Aspect)

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Essence of the “National Security” Concept, Mechanism of its Implementation (Theoretical-Legal Aspect)

The paper discusses theoretical and legal aspects of the national security of the Russian Federation. The author analyzes the “national security” definitions offered by different researchers and provides his own definition. Considering the national security issue the author draws attention to associated problem blocks, indicates the activities that may be conducted for this purpose. The author analyzes basic documents adopted in Russia, which form the legal basis of the national security system of our country, traces the relationship between national security and international security.