Is it Dawn Soon, Comrade? Emerging Positive Changes in the Domestic Appraisal Industry

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.90-101

The article examines key trends in the development of the Russian appraisal industry in 2023–2024, analyzes problem areas and outlines the points of growth. The author relies on the results of an annual study of the valuation services market, which is conducted by the Rating Center of the Institute for Economic Strategies in order to study the ability of industry companies to adapt to current realities and to identify leaders capable of creating and exploiting high strategic potential. When forming a company profile and constructing a scenario forecast of the company’s strategic potential dynamics, in addition to quantitative indicators, qualitative indicators are analyzed, including the level of the services differentiation, the quality of goal setting, involvement in the activities of professional communities, the company’s attitude to the external environment — from participation in charity programs to attention to details that form the image.


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Country Risk as a Characteristic of Investment Attractiveness

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.80-85

Among premiums for various types of risks, determining the value of the capitalization/reduction rate in the formulas of the income approach to evaluation and efficiency of investment projects, the premium for country risk occupies a significant place.

At the same time, taken independently, it can be considered as an indicator characterizing the investment attractiveness of the country. The article describes many years of experience in calculating the country risk premium for the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other countries. The influence of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine on the value of this indicator is demonstrated. The article is intended for financial advisors, appraisers, teachers, students and scientists in the field of finance and valuation, as well as for specialists in related fields of economics.


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