Strategic Designing of World Commodity Markets: Lessons of Oil Prices Collapse for Russia

#2. Liberal Indolence Inertia
Strategic Designing of World Commodity Markets: Lessons of Oil Prices Collapse for Russia

Operational result of the strategy being executed by political-economic US clans, which brought to power the current US President Barack Obama and keep under control the majority of European countries political leaders, influence the world economy future and the Russian economy in 2015–2016, is manipulative handling of world oil prices. This strategy is designed to create new economic and political balance of powers in the global arena through trying to expropriate the accumulated financial-economic resources of a number of oil-exporting countries and to focus the short- and medium-term trend of stimulating antirecessionary economic development of the West developed countries, based on increasing natural and industrial resources exploitation, especially Russia, on nonequivalent economic compensation for supplied energy resources. At the same time there is an attempt to unhinge” those political regimes, including Russia, which the West doesn’t like. Russia should draw up adequate conclusions from the current situation, they should form the basis for the national economic sovereignty policy in the ХХI century.

The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

#10. Russia Concentrates?
The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

Macro-strategic game of world actors around the oil prices — is not a matter of business, it is a matter of global domination. If Russia sustains translated from abroad strategic trend of macro-organized instability in the form of geo-manipulated oil prices decline, it will mean that the Russian model is not inferior to the US and the EU ones as the main models of forming basic segments of society that finally confirms our status: return among the great powers. Statement of the new forces alignment in the global economy: a legal succession of modern Russia (Third Rome) from the Byzantine, then the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as one of the world’s key political, economic and civilizational centers has occurred.

“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

#5. Space Like a Punishment
“Space” Strategic Matrix: Concentration of the Russian Competitiveness Key Factors in the Struggle for Dominance in Strategic Business Areas of the Global Economy

Efficient use of space technologies and systems enables us to construct a model of techno-mediated social-economic progress, which will determine the format of states’ and corporations’ dominance in strategic business areas. Space is becoming a bifurcation point of conservation — of real-national sovereignty of those countries that are interested in it and can afford it. It is necessary to form a comprehensive space activity strategy for concentration of the Russian competitiveness key factors in the struggle for dominance in the world economy.

“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

#1. Choice of Identity
“Management of Meaning” as the Basis for Combining Economic Reality Probabilities

An electronic image of the underlying asset in the world economy is becoming stronger than real economic assets, thus defining the format for implementation of a new social quasi-reality model. Surrounding us economic reality is acquiring more and more probabilistic nature, passing from realistic-material sphere to virtual content. In these conditions, the main imperative of the new ontological basis of the world economic development is becoming “management of meaning” providing purposeful formation of a system methods for identification and interpretation of what is happening, serving as the source of action of economic agents.

Restructuring of Global Governance – Key to Fighting Global Financial and Economic Crises

#10. Questions and Answers

The mechanism of macroeconomic quasi-stabilization is found, although its main features are not yet fully understood by the world economic community.

Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results of the Global Economy and 12 Civilizations Development in the Period of 1970-2005. Preliminary Outline

#4. 25 000 000: Wo dein Рlatz, Genosse, ist?!

Relying on the concept of development, it is possible to assume that with well-formed strategy of development, taking into account the construction of the supranational institutions (especially for the USSR – CIS), this group of countries within 50 years (until 2050) will overtake the developed countries in terms of development.

Comparative Analysis of Simulation Results of the Global Economy and 12 Civilizations Development in the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#2. Agenda

In the development of all civilizations it is found one fact common to all of them. In 1987–1993 it changes qualitatively the development type of all civilizations, without exception that indicates the achieving a high degree of integration of all countries of the world.

Comparative Analysis of the Simulation Results of the Global Economy And 12 Civilizations Development In the Period of 1970–2005. Preliminary Outline

#1. Hollywood as a password

The development of the world economy shows systematic complication of the construction with periodicity in 70 years. The work offers a verbal description of the development of the world economy as a complex social system and non-linear dynamic model that is based on the population growth on the earth and two fundamental laws: the law of conservation of the economic potential of a system and the principle of minimum dissipation of resources that are implemented by system ability to self-organization. The main principles of conducting numerical experiment and the analysis of the findings are studied together with the model.