Cooperation of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Fuel and Energy Sector

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.42-47

The article dwells on cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fuel and energy sector. The author examines the main areas of cooperation between two countries, which takes place despite their potential competition in the energy market, analyzes the current state of their interaction and identifies prospects for cooperation in the future. Particular attention is paid to the regulatory framework in the oil sector, to development of energy projects, including investment interest, as well as to measures for strengthening partnerships between Russia and Saudi Arabia despite the relatively weak mutual trade turnover. The results analysis makes it possible to draw up conclusions on the significance and prospects for further development of cooperation in the fuel and energy sector between the two countries.


1. V Gosudarstvennoy dume proshel “pravitel’stvennyy chas” s uchastiem ministra inostrannykh del Sergeya Lavrova [A “Government Hour” Was Held in the State Duma With the Participation of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Gosudarstvennoy dumy Federal’nogo sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 2023. 15 fevralya, available at:

2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31 marta 2023 g. N 229 “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/31/2023 No. 229 “On approval of the Concept of Foreign policy of the Russian Federation”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

3. Upravlenie energeticheskoy informatsii SShA [Website]. EIA, available at:

4. Fazel’yanov E. Energeticheskie otnosheniya Rossii s Saudovskoy Araviey [Energy Relations Between Russia and Saudi Arabia]. Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn’. Arkhiv 2 nomera 2021 g., available at:

5. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya o sotrudnichestve v oblasti nefti i gaza [Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Cooperation in the Field of Oil and Gas]. Ministerstvo inostrannykh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii, available at:

6. Akhmed Mokhamed Abdu Khasan. Energeticheskiy dialog Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya [Energy Dialogue Between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2018, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 342–355.

7. Blizhniy Vostok: “zelenoe” zakonodatel’stvo i printsipy ESG [The Middle East: “green” Legislation and ESG Principles]. TsDU TEK. Tsentral’noe dispetcherskoe upravlenie toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa, 2023, 29 marta, available at:

Characteristics of the Korean transnational corporations’ activities in the modern conditions of development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.97.2021.47-54

The article is an analysis of the features of the key players, development in the South Korean economy – chaebols, which have become the leaders in the production of science-intensive products and have turned into transnational corporations that own a significant share of the world market. The key strategic lines of the current stage of operation of Samsung, Hyundai, LG and POSCO, as well as the impact of the pandemic on their key indicators, are investigated and identified.

Globalization of the World Economy and Pandemic-2020

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.30-43

The impact of the “pandemic 2020” is analyzed both in the short term and taking into account the long-term trend in order to restore national economic sovereignty by national economies; factors of the promotion of economic globalization — the activities of multinational/multinational companies, the US promotion of unilateral sanctions, the level of economic freedom bordering on the ultimate criterion for the loss of national economic sovereignty; financialization of the global economy as a factor in its growth; the dependence of world development on the level of GVCs formed and the existing specialization of the economies of the world, which made them unable to ensure sovereignty, security and health of the nation; it was concluded that the “pandemic 2020” acts as a catalyst for the restructuring of the world economies towards polycentrism and ensuring real reasonable sovereignty, without denying the potential of either vertical or horizontal cooperation and economic interaction

Migration as a Resource of the Global Economy

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.165.2019.58-65

The sociodemographic trends presented in the article show that global migration is becoming a qualitatively new challenge. From principally humanitarian category it’s turning into a factor of global economic and technological competitiveness

Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

#1. Event Horison
Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

Crypto-currency is becoming one of the key factors for competitiveness of major players in national and global monetary and financial markets. Bitcoin has actually become one of the world’s currencies. State regulators’ conceptions about decentralization and autonomy of crypto-currencies create ever greater risks of currency-financial collapses owing to manipulative games and currency attacks of international speculative groups. Real beneficiaries of the crypto-currency volatility, as a rule, remain beyond visibility of the world community. Trends in the development of crypto-currencies as an increasingly important element of the world monetary and financial markets have determined for our country the need to form a mechanism for planning and coordinating the monetary and monetary policy of the EAEU member states with an agreed rate of a single electronic currency, circulation terms and conditions (zones, etc.) applying the principles of forming a transparent and unified organizational structure of financial institutions and markets within the framework of the EAEU.

Transformation of the Mechanisms for Managing the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of Russia in Order to Reduce Risks and Threats: the Kremlin-2018 in a Complex Economic Reality

#6. The Charm of Unattainable Peaks
Transformation of the Mechanisms for Managing the Fuel and Energy Complex (FEC) of Russia in Order to Reduce Risks and Threats: the Kremlin-2018 in a Complex Economic Reality

The purpose of the present article is to substantiate the directions of transforming the mechanisms of the fuel and energy complex management in Russia in order to eliminate risks and threats to the national economic interests of our country, manifested in the period of oil prices falling and introduction of anti-Russian economic and political sanctions. The authors propose approaches to substantiate the ways for protecting Russia’s economic interests in relation to the fuel and energy complex (FEC) of Russia, including concentration in the state’s hands of export flows of fuel and energy resources management (supply routes, volumes of extraction, transportation), cpecification of payment terms; intercorporate coordination of measures for development, reconstruction and modernization of fuel and energy infrastructure; formation of a qualitatively new infrastructure for wholesale and retail markets for fuel and energy resources (FER); transition to setting-up abroad the energynodal management mechanism regarding supply and transportation of Russian fuel and energy resources; clarification of measures for coordination and operation of profit centers, corporate financial centers, concentration centers of possession and management of property and financial assets in relation to large Russian energy corporations, including their subsidiaries and associates of the company abroad and others. Technology under consideration is proposed as an integral part of the management technologies of the Russian economy branches in relation to possible economic fluctuations of the world economy under conditions of significant changes related to new political realities in the USA, EU, etc.

International Energy Hubs: New Strategic Model of Integrating Russian Energy Companies in the Global Economy

#4. Monument up to the Sky
International Energy Hubs: New Strategic Model of Integrating Russian Energy Companies in the Global Economy

One of the major goals of political and economic sanctions, imposed on Russia in post-Crimean period, is an attempt of Western geostrategic players to intercept the trade and financial flows between Russia and the countries importing energy and raw resources of Russian or transit origin. These flows are the basis of economic, political and social well-being of Russia. Under extremely severe change of external economic conditions of the Russian energy companies activities an urgent development of a new strategy for their integration into the world economy is required. Such a strategy should be based on the organizational model of the space-stream arrangements and interaction of Russian energy companies, which could be implemented in the most effective way based on the concept of forming energy hubs abroad as a kind of energy infrastructure nodes combining different business profiles of Russian economic agents activities.

Restoring Syrian Economy: Formation of Russian Infrastructural Nucleus in the Middle East Node of the World Strategic Projects

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Restoring Syrian Economy: Formation of Russian Infrastructural Nucleus in the Middle East Node of the World Strategic Projects

Russian strategy in assisting the legitimate leadership of Syria in their fight against terrorist groups has shown the beginning of a qualitatively new stage: not only the USA, but also Russia can now restore law and order in the most important regions of the world. The next Russia’s step in gaining back its role and recognized status of superpower shall be organization of successful reconstruction of Syria’s economy, destroyed by the terrorist war, in conditions of critical limitations of the Syrian national resources for these purposes. This requires elaboration and implementation of Russia’s equivalent of the Marshall Plan. It is proposed to concentrate Russian economic aid and investments in those sectors of the Syrian infrastructure development, that are the most promising for the Russian and Syrian interests, with the key positioning of objects restored or created with Russian participation. The basic imperative here is adjusting in Syria a new model of the Russian opportunities realization in key sectors (nodes) of the global strategic projects implementation as the new format of the Middle East development.

Big Eurasian Partnership: Project, Counter to Trans-Pacific Partnership

#6. Forecasts and Results
Big Eurasian Partnership: Project, Counter to Trans-Pacific Partnership

In conditions when the USA are implementing the global geo-economic project (Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership), designed to radically reformat zones of strategic influence in the global economy, there is a need for a new management model, the counter Russian project (Big Eurasian Partnership) relying on fuel-energy and transport-logistics infrastructure based on cooperation of states — the EAEU participants. Big Eurasian partnership should be aimed at globalizational-strategic transformation of post-Soviet economic integration and cooperation to expand the spheres of profit extraction and increase of added value, obtained by the EAEU companies at accessible markets in Europe and Asia.

Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

#3. TARGET'S Issue
Changing the Strategy of Dollar Handling: US Launch of New Credit-Investment Cycle in Association with the Currency Wars

One of the US most important competitive advantages is the ability to carry out multi-way strategic financial transactions allowing to export arising crisis phenomena out of the US economy, providing the stability of proper development. Institutional mechanisms of financial and economic balancing of the US economy form the basis for these operations. With their help logical chain of managerial global iterations is implemented: “formation of the money supply in the US dollars currency” → “manipulating financial flows volumes and directions in the form of real dollars (cash and non-cash) and in the form of derived financial instruments (derivatives etc.)” → “the US possibility to transfer world crises into the format of phased strategic financial transactions in the US interests”.