Shaping Business Value: Research Program of the Douglass North Institutional Framework

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.136-141

Research program of the institutional framework of Douglass North, which was not implemented in practice by either the great researcher himself or his followers, is examined. Application of D. North’s methodological approach to analysis of a specific problem – shaping business value – allowed the author to draw the following conclusions.

It is determined that formation of business value is a process of value imputation. It was found that as a result of the process of imputing the business value, carried out within a certain institutional framework, the formed value of business can be considered as a converted form of value of a particular product. The author gives an institutional explanation of how, on the basis of the institutional framework for determining the value of business, main logically contradictory approaches to estimating the value of business are combined, and how the final quantitative value of the business worth is formed on this basis.


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Features and Directions of Real Estate Valuation for the Purposes of State Economic Policy in the Context of Digitalization


The article deals with topical issues of digital cadastral accounting, calculating the value of a real estate object in the context of the dynamics of market indicators. The statistics of the distribution of Russian cities by the indicator of the average level of real estate prices in the context of market types in 2020 are reflected. An approach to the formation of reports on the results of real estate valuation is proposed.



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2. Zinkovskii M.A. Ekonomika i grazhdanskii oborot: nekotorye aspekty vzaimosvyazi [Economics and Civil Circulation: Some Aspects of the Relationship]. Gosudarstvennaya vlast’ i mestnoe samoupravlenie, 2021, no 5, pp. 29–34.

3. Belyaev M.K. Tsifrovye metamorfozy torgovli [Digital Metamorphoses of Trade]. Problemy natsional’noi strategii, 2021, no 2, pp. 85–98.

4. Volovich N.V., Kovalev D.V. Voprosy osparivaniya rezul’tatov opredeleniya kadastrovoi stoimosti ob”ektov nedvizhimosti. Part 1. Metodologiya [Issues of Challenging the Results of Determining the Cadastral Value of Real Estate Objects. Part 1. Methodology]. Imushchestvennye otnosheniya v Rossiiskoi Federatsii, 2021, no 2, pp. 53–64.

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8. Yarotskaya E.V., Matveeva A.V., Zaitseva Ya.V. Osnovy otsenki ob”ektov nedvizhimosti [Fundamentals of Real Estate Valuation]. Ucheb. posobie, Krasnodar, KubGAU, 2020, 66 p.

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10. Lavrova E.V., Morgun T.N., Polyakova O.E. Analiz rynka nedvizhimosti kak istochnik informatsii dlya formirovaniya kadastrovoi stoimosti [Analysis of the Real Estate Market as a Source of Information for the Formation of the Cadastral Value]. Fundamental’nye issledovaniya, 2018, no 6, pp. 148–153.

Managing the cost of knowledge-based technologies and businesses

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.21-29

This scientific article covers the issues of managing the cost of technologies and businesses based on knowledge, which means first of all the ability to assess the cost of such technologies and businesses, and then manage this cost in accordance with the goals defined by the relevant structures. Technologies and businesses based on knowledge belong to the objects of intellectual property.

The authors analyze modern methods of determining the value of property, including intellectual property; identify the peculiarities of assessing the value of a business based on knowledge; determine the features of managing this business; study and systematize the Russian experience of doing business based on knowledge.

New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

The paper presents an original interpretation of both economy at large and current economic reality, fraud with dramatic changes which may entail the transformation of economy into post-economy or technomy. The author views the economy as a value-driven phenomenon of active consciousness within which it is implemented accepting specific digital (monetary) expression. The author argues that at the basis of any economic organization lies the notion of ‘creating chaos’ which, thanks to consciousness as synergy attractor, constantly generates a certain economic order, chaosmos, overcoming initial chaos but not attaining sustainable order of cosmic character. The economy is chronically changeable either towards growth and development or towards decline and stagnation. Here the negentropy is combined with entropy, thus reflecting the apocalyptic nature of economy, where crisis is a natural anomaly. Overall economic self-organization, or self-governing, is necessarily coupled with assertive selective organization, or management (various forms of dirigizm). In general, the organization of economy is not only diversified, but also is much more large-scale than economy itself; it is bound to be supported by an external organization, mainly not economic one but institutional, legal, governmental, political, etc. Managerial ecology of economy implies taking into consideration the importance of economic self-governance through dirigizm; managing the economy is only possible on the basis of self-governnance combined with economic freedom. Massive introduction of computing and analytical devices in economic processes creates an opportunity not only for greater administrative efficiency in the economy but also for the replacement of economic organization proper (homo-socio-value type) with non-economic technotronic organization, and of the economy with technomy. Hence, there exist a probability of transgressive revolution in the economy and then in the society. Presently, world economy, undergoing overall qualitative and organizational crisis, is on the brink of transition from uni-centered global type to the poly-centered integrated one, which, in turn, will put an end to the dominance of the US dollar, the Wall Street, the USA and the West.