On Russia’s Long-Term Economic Strategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.70-77

Overcoming the main problems of the Russian economy based on domestic demand and potential for the internal development will require a significant change in its structural proportions. Necessary transformation, spurred by defence needs, is already underway with results surprising the West, which had hoped that unprecedented economic sanctions would break Russia’s resistance to its dictates. Moreover, the comprehensive aggression of the West against Russia seems to be backfiring and, instead of destroying it, contributes to its strengthening, creating conditions for a powerful economic breakthrough of the Russian state.


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Social Dominant of the Time Concept in the Process of Cardinal Transformations of Society

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.189.2023.86-93

The author examines a number of topical aspects of socio-political practice and futurology of the ongoing process of cardinal transformations in post-Soviet Russia. It is shown that this process constitutes the essence of global trends of permanent renewal of state-public institutions, socio-political and production practices; it is associated with abandoning outdated ideologemes, economic concepts, with the elites change in the ongoing struggle for dominance in power structures.


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A Qualitatively New Infrastructural Matrix of Russia as a Territory of Safe Solidary Development. New foreign policy paradigm

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-6.186.2022.52-65

“The world will never be the same again,” says the overwhelming majority of socially active Russians, referring to the “old world” as the planetary community until February 24, 2022. At the same time, the most rapid, cardinal, unmistakably projected transformations are announced as crucial tasks for Russia all Russian life support systems and accelerated modernization. The most important of them, according to the authors of the article, is the logistics project proposed in 2006 by Academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.A. Sadovnichim and G.V. Osipov, which in the new edition is presented in the article as “United Eurasia – Transsib 2.0”. It is based on the concept of the spatial economy, which is made up of transnational megaprojects that have been successfully implemented over the past 70 years.

“United Eurasia — Transsib 2.0” at the initial stage is intended to overcome the attempts of Europe and the United States to implement a transport blockade of the Russian Federation. Such a blockade could hinder the development of our country, which would lead to a decrease in the living standards of the population and, as Russia’s enemies suggest, corrosion of national unity and consolidation of the masses with power structures after the start of the military operation to liberate Donbass. In the future, after the successful solution of the Russian transport problems proper, the proposed logistics project can successfully develop as a transcontinental one, linking different regions of the world along new economically and politically promising vectors and directions. In particular, we can talk about pairing with the Chinese logistics corridor “Silk Road”, to counter which at the June G7 summit in South Bavaria, the countries of the “golden billion” proposed to allocate unprecedented investments of 0 billion.

The article contains a list of the main threats to the Russian Federation, consisting of 10 points, and a summary of their prompt relief with subsequent complete elimination. The technology for the implementation of the megaproject “United Eurasia — Transsib 2.0” has been prescribed — along with budgetary financing of the new Transsib, it is planned to attract investments from the regional budgets of those entities through which the proposed route will pass, as well as to co-finance the capital of private investors and issue marketable “Trans-Siberian” loan bonds.

Obviously, after conducting a special military operation in Ukraine, Russia will have to equip its Eurasian space between Europe and East Asia in the shortest possible time in the neighborhood of five civilizations — Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Shinto and Buddhist — so that it can finally become a territory of safe solidarity development.

Peculiarities of the Valuation Activities Ttransformation in Russia Based on the Value Management Priorities of the Life Cycles of Goods, Works and Services

DOI: https://doi.org/10.33917/es-3.177.2021.72-85

The article discusses particular features of the appraisal activities transformation in the Russian Federation, focused on the priority methodology in cost management of the appraisal objects’ life cycles as the basis for sustainable socio-economic development, especially in implementing national projects. The relevance of this study is based on the importance of solving such a national economic problem as providing the launch of innovative high-tech investment cycles in development of industries, enterprises and investment projects based on forming an updated methodological base for appraisal activities focused on long-term strategic cycles with planning horizon up to 60 years. Furthermore, as the main national evaluation ideology it is proposed to use the concept of formalizing evaluation and value management processes in economic systems, where the main object of assessment is the life cycle of goods, products and works, which are characterized by innovative, high-tech qualities of a breakthrough highly competitive type, as well as by the effect of emergence and synergy.

The aim of the present study is to elaborate a set of relevant search methodological proposals and recommendations for modeling the transformation processes of the national evaluation activity of Russia based on the priorities of cost evaluation and of the life cycles management of goods and works that can provide sustainable and breakthrough socio-economic development of the country on the long-term strategic basis with a planning horizon of up to 50-60 years, with a view to ensuring priority implementation of national projects.

The study is focused on the processes of genesis and  transformation of national appraisal activity in the course of exploratory fundamental research in the field of modeling theoretical provisions and conceptual approaches to structuring methodological framework of evaluation and management of costs, life cycles of goods in the process of implementing national projects based on minimizing the cost of their life cycles, contracts on life cycles, total costs and life cycles’ cost of ownership.

Integrated and systemic approaches based on analysis and synthesis, logical analysis, expert approach, methods of economic and mathematical modeling and forecasting were used as research methods.

New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

#4. Monument up to the Sky
New Economic Reality: Onthos and Gnosis (Philosophic Reminiscences)

The paper presents an original interpretation of both economy at large and current economic reality, fraud with dramatic changes which may entail the transformation of economy into post-economy or technomy. The author views the economy as a value-driven phenomenon of active consciousness within which it is implemented accepting specific digital (monetary) expression. The author argues that at the basis of any economic organization lies the notion of ‘creating chaos’ which, thanks to consciousness as synergy attractor, constantly generates a certain economic order, chaosmos, overcoming initial chaos but not attaining sustainable order of cosmic character. The economy is chronically changeable either towards growth and development or towards decline and stagnation. Here the negentropy is combined with entropy, thus reflecting the apocalyptic nature of economy, where crisis is a natural anomaly. Overall economic self-organization, or self-governing, is necessarily coupled with assertive selective organization, or management (various forms of dirigizm). In general, the organization of economy is not only diversified, but also is much more large-scale than economy itself; it is bound to be supported by an external organization, mainly not economic one but institutional, legal, governmental, political, etc. Managerial ecology of economy implies taking into consideration the importance of economic self-governance through dirigizm; managing the economy is only possible on the basis of self-governnance combined with economic freedom. Massive introduction of computing and analytical devices in economic processes creates an opportunity not only for greater administrative efficiency in the economy but also for the replacement of economic organization proper (homo-socio-value type) with non-economic technotronic organization, and of the economy with technomy. Hence, there exist a probability of transgressive revolution in the economy and then in the society. Presently, world economy, undergoing overall qualitative and organizational crisis, is on the brink of transition from uni-centered global type to the poly-centered integrated one, which, in turn, will put an end to the dominance of the US dollar, the Wall Street, the USA and the West.

International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

#3. Immortal Power
International Distribution of Power in a Multipolar World under the Circumstances of Global Financial Imbalances

This article deals with the analysis of global financial imbalances that have emerged in the modern world. A review of the international division of powers at the stages of development of the capitalist world-economy is submitted in the article. The role of the BRICS countries as regards to overcoming global imbalances is defined. Formation of the complete balanced global financial system is the way to a qualitatively new stage of development in the world economy.

Target Centralized Architectures — a Jump in Time for Russia

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Target Centralized Architectures — a Jump in Time for Russia

Creation and management of an integral functional architecture — a prerequisite of a sustainable system of state governance, its controlled development and logic. Transformation of cross-border processes, transition from the current state to the advanced forms of governance are required.

Need for Market Reforms in the Strategy of Socio-Economic Development of Russia

#6-7. Springs of Surprises

Moscow is one of the most expensive cities in the world primarily because of administrative obstacles to the creation of competitive environment in the city.

Where is Humanity Going?

#9. Any problem with?

A cluster of the current crisis – is not a sign of the end of history, it serves as an impetus for new immense transformations, including the waves of epochal and basic innovations, which will take probably the whole space of the second quarter of the XXI century, and perhaps even more.