International scientific and technical cooperation: from partnership to conflict

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.32-37

International scientific and technological cooperation is a dynamic and innovative form of international economic cooperation. It involves the exchange of knowledge, technologies, and expertise between countries. However, it is often perceived as a static process, with little understanding of its dynamics. The aim of this study is to investigate the key stages of international scientific cooperation and propose a strategy for its future development. Three stages have been identified since the 1990s: the initial stage of development, the separation of developed and developing countries’ cooperation, and the current stage of technological confrontation. The study demonstrates that international scientific and technical collaboration is directly linked to globalization processes and follows their dynamics. Based on this understanding, a forecast for the future shape of international scientific collaboration is made. Scientific and technical ties will form around the core of globalization, with each core having a distinct technological focus.


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