Ambivalent Economic Stability. Sustainability vs. Resilience

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.90-97

The author addressed the topic of comparing the meanings of the terms “sustainability” and “resilience” due to the fact that both these terms are used in economic literature, and at the same time they are both translated into Russian as “sustainability”, which sometimes causes incorrect understanding of the meaning of certain texts. The article dwells on genesis and areas of application of these terms, it is noted that the frequency of applying the word “resilience” has increased significantly in recent years. At the same time, a generally accepted definition of this term has not yet been developed, at least in its economic application. The same is referred to the term “sustainability”. Disadvantages of each of the terms are listed and debate on the priority of one term over another is considered. The author briefly discussed the use of terms in the current context of the Russian economy. It is concluded that while in terms of “resilience” the domestic economy has demonstrated visible success, then in terms of “sustainability” prospects there are serious problems.


1. Concise Oxford Dictionary. Tenth Edition. Oxford University Press, Oxford, 1999.

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8. Schmithüsen F.J. Three hundred years of applied sustainability in forestry, available at: handle/20.500.11850/154087/1/eth-7348-01.pdf

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Preserving environmental sustainability: challenges and solutions

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.75-86

In this article, the authors substantiate the concepts of sustainability, stability and risk of conservation and development of three macro–environments — economic, demographic and environmental (natural), based on the provisions of international documents on the creation of sustainable development processes in countries. The level of pollution and the degree of protection of such environmental components as surface water bodies, soil, fauna, flora, land as a territory and waste are based on specific examples of their current state in the Russian Federation and current problems of preserving and improving the economic, demographic and environmental components are identified. Proposals for environmental protection in draft Resolutions of the Government of the Russian Federation are analyzed. Risks expected in the future in the economic sphere are determined for each specific example based on the developed sustainability model, demographic and environmental conditions.


1. The concept of Sustainable Development of the territories of the countries UN Conference on Environment and Development. New York, 1993. Vol. 1–3.

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4. Paris Agreement. Veb-sayt OON. 2023. URL:

5. Babkin A., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302, Issue 1.

6. Babkina L., Skotarenko O. Features of the qualimetric approach in regional studies. Scientific and Technical Bulletin of St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University. Economic sciences. 2013;5:161–165.

7. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E. Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2021. Volume 723, Issue 5.

8. Zaychenko I. M., Kalinina O. V., Gutman S. S. Labor resources of the Far North territories: Problems and prospects Proceedings of the 28th International Business Information Management Association Conference — Vision 2020: Innovation Management Development Sustainability and Competitive Economic Growth. URL:

9. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302, Issue 1.

10. On the national goals and strategic objectives of the development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2024: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated May 7, 2018 No. 204. Legal reference system «Garant» URL:

Economic sustainability of processes in the Arctic regions of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.109.2023.82-92

The article explores different approaches to the term “sustainability” existing in academic literature and used in practice. It describes three methods – two well-known ones and another one developed by the authors – used for quantitative assessment of the degree of economic and financial sustainability in regions. The regions include four Russian federal subjects in the Russian Arctic and three macroregions that include the aforesaid regions. The indicators used for the assessment are grouped by the following aspects: relevance to national projects, type of assessment scale, internal or external economic factors, and income or spending in a consolidated regional budget. The article explores and draws a distinction between the influence of external factors – indicators of the demographic and natural environments – on the economic sustainability of an area.  A comparative analysis is done for three Russian macroregions and four Arctic regions by degree of economic and financial sustainability. The regions and macroregions are ranked based on the results of the comparative analysis using the selected indicators. The ranking helps identify potential strategic vectors and their succession as well as criteria for improvement of economic sustainability in the Russian Arctic.



1. Babkin N., Bespalova S., Senetskaya L., Skotarenko O. Tools for digitalization of economic processes for supporting management decision-making in the Arctic region // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2019. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August. No 012147.

2. Bykovskaia E., Maiurova A., Kustikova M., Timofeeva I., Tyurikova E.  Assessment of the environmental risks in the development of fossil fuels deposits in the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 723. Issue 5. 12 April 2021.

3. Bulletin of current trends in Russian economy, Retrieved, 2020. URL:

4. Kozin M., Plotnikov V., Skotarenko O. Assessment of challenges, threats, and prospects in development of cities and towns in the Arctic zone // IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. Volume 302 Issue 1. 6 August No 012103.

5. Concept of Sustainable Development in Countries United Nation Conference on Environment and Development, 1993.  New York. Vol. 1-3. URL:

6. Towards a Global Pact for the Environment of 10 May 2018: Resolution A / 72 / L.51. URL:

7. National Projects: expectations, results, and prospects. 28.07.2020 Ekspert RA Rating Agency. URL:

8. On national development goals in the Russian Federation until 2030:  Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 21 June 2020 No 474. URL:

9. On Land Territories in the Arctic Zone of the Russian Federation: Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of 2 May 2016 No. 296 // Collected Laws of the RF 05.05.2014 No18 Part I Art. 2136.

Ensuring Sustainability of Territorial Housing Markets in a Turbulent Economy (on the Example of the Penza Region)


The article provides a comprehensive structural analysis of ensuring stability for the territorial housing market in a turbulent economy on the example of the Penza region. The study was carried out in the following fields: structure of developers, volumes and dynamics of construction, the price range of new buildings. In addition, financial express analysis of the main developers in the region was carried out in order to identify their financial stability over the forecast horizon in the face of economic uncertainty. As a separate segment of the research, it is accepted to study dynamics of the main parameters of the mortgage territorial market as the main regulator of the housing market development. Formulated conclusions provide an opportunity to the subjects of the territorial housing market to form innovative individual corporate and government strategies of sustainable development for the short term in a turbulent economy.


1. Asaul A.N., Asaul M.A., Starinskii V.N., Shcherbina G.F. Analiz i prognozirovanie rynka [Analysis and Forecasting of the Market]. Moscow, Yurait, 2022, 296 p. (Vysshee obrazovanie).

2. Asaul A.N., Starinskii V.N., Mamedov Sh.M., Shcherbina G.F. Analiz i prognozirovanie rynochnoi kon”yunktury [Analysis and Forecasting of Market Conditions]. Saint-Petersburg, ANO “Institut problem ekonomicheskogo vozrozhdeniya”, 2018, 464 p.

3. Asaul A.N., Asaul M.A., Lyulin P.B., Chepachenko N.V. Trendy zhilishchnogo stroitel’stva v Rossii i srednesrochnyi prognoz [Housing Construction Trends in Russia and Medium-term Forecast]. Problemy prognozirovaniya, 2019, no 3, pp. 111–117.

4. Asaul A. N., Asaul M. A., Liulin P. B., Chepachenko N.V. Housing Construction in Russia: Trends and Medium-Range Forecasts. Studies on Russian Economic Development, 2019, vol. 30, N 3, pp. 313–318, DOI 10.1134/S1075700719030055.

5. Baronin S.A., Kulakov K.Yu. Genezis upravleniya stoimost’yu kontraktov zhiznennogo tsikla ob”ekta kapital’nogo stroitel’stva i stoimosti vladeniya nedvizhimost’yu [Genesis of Managing the Cost of Life Cycle Contracts for a Capital Construction Object and the Cost of Real Estate Ownership]. Nedvizhimost’: ekonomika, upravlenie, 2020, no 1, pp. 10–14.

6. Baronin S.A., Kulakov K.Yu., Timofeev K. P. Teoriya i praktika upravleniya konkurentosposobnost’yu na pervichnykh zhilishchnykh rynkakh po segment kompanii-liderov [Theory and Practice of Managing Competitiveness in Primary Housing Markets in the Segment of Leading Companies]. Penza, Penzenskii gosudarstvennyi universitet arkhitektury i stroitel’stva, 2017, 156 p.

7. Baronin S., Kulakov K. Development of life cycle valuation with priority of national projects and energy efficiency. E3S Web of Conferences. Rostov-on-Don, October 20–23, 2020. Rostov-on-Don, 2020, p. 07006, DOI 10.1051/e3sconf/202021707006.

8. Buzyrev V.V., Selyutina L.G. Zhilishchnaya problema i puti ee resheniya v sovremennykh usloviyakh [Housing Problem and Ways of Its Solution in Modern Conditions]. Saint-Petersburg, Izd-vo Sankt-Peterburgskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta, 2013, 335 p.

Net-Centric System of Elevated Stability (Survivability) of Energy Management in Russia Under Difficult-to-predict Critical Conditions


Energy sector, like the defence complex, is one of the key industries that serve as a basis for the life support processes of the country and the resulting stability of the state political structure. World practice has clearly demonstrated the key dependence of domestic political and social stability on reliability and sustainability of energy supply. Multifactorial survivability of the energy supersystem under normal and critical conditions of natural and anthropogenic origin can be provided through forming a net-centric system of elevated management stability, based on a distributed network of inter-corporate disaster-resistant data centers for processing and storing extremely large data sets. It is proposed to use data centers as bases for digital “twins” of energy facilities and processes in order to finally achieve a new quality of control based on digital topology within a single digital model of the energy supersystem with the possibility of secure collection, storage, processing and exchange of data, necessary for managing power facilities of various sectoral subsystems of the Russian fuel and energy complex, as well as for regional and municipal authorities. Application of digital topology makes it possible, during local interactions, to search for and implement solutions for moving towards local, network and polycentric resource-operational optima in order to minimize costs (price burden on the consumer) of separate companies and the entire industry with the aim of maintaining reliability and sustainability of energy supply, including security costs of the critical information infrastructure systems

Decision Support System in Complex Entrepreneurial Structures as a Developing Management Tool

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.175.2021.114-121

Information support for making strategic decisions in groups of companies can be, on the one hand, very relevant due to the large number of parameters taken into account, on the other hand, it is quite productive due to the objective measurability of these parameters. Unlike traditional approaches to the economic analysis of an independent business entity, subsidiaries and dependent companies (SDCs) are also evaluated in terms of their impact on the parent company and the group of companies as a whole. Therefore, the authors of the study have formed a set of indicators that can be regrouped for various analytical and forecasting purposes, thereby creating and testing the author’s methodology for assessing the activities of subsidiariesn and affiliates

Emergencies Information Management Systems

#2. Breakthrough Betting
Emergencies Information Management Systems

The paper addresses the issue of forming an intelligent digital infrastructure for managing the country’s economy in special conditions: global disasters, catastrophes and emergencies. The experience of creating large information systems for managing the country’s economy in a special period is evaluated. The convergent approach for creating the required system for management support is proposed. It is shown that under these conditions, high management efficiency can be achieved on the basis of special support for self-organization processes and anti-collapse self-adjusting integration of information system segments and intelligent services that are adaptable to conditions of a known, predictable and unknown nature. At the same time, the integration of network infrastructures involves the distributed processing and storage of data based on interaction and integration of various network environments, which allows to achieve previously unattainable reliability, stability and recoverability of economic management.