Restoring Syrian Economy: Formation of Russian Infrastructural Nucleus in the Middle East Node of the World Strategic Projects

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Restoring Syrian Economy: Formation of Russian Infrastructural Nucleus in the Middle East Node of the World Strategic Projects

Russian strategy in assisting the legitimate leadership of Syria in their fight against terrorist groups has shown the beginning of a qualitatively new stage: not only the USA, but also Russia can now restore law and order in the most important regions of the world. The next Russia’s step in gaining back its role and recognized status of superpower shall be organization of successful reconstruction of Syria’s economy, destroyed by the terrorist war, in conditions of critical limitations of the Syrian national resources for these purposes. This requires elaboration and implementation of Russia’s equivalent of the Marshall Plan. It is proposed to concentrate Russian economic aid and investments in those sectors of the Syrian infrastructure development, that are the most promising for the Russian and Syrian interests, with the key positioning of objects restored or created with Russian participation. The basic imperative here is adjusting in Syria a new model of the Russian opportunities realization in key sectors (nodes) of the global strategic projects implementation as the new format of the Middle East development.

Business Model: History of the Term and Variants of its Understanding

#6. Forecasts and Results
Business Model: History of the Term and Variants of its Understanding

Article recalls the history of appearance and development of the “business model” concept since the 50s of the last century. Separately is presented classification of the “business model” concepts existing today among foreign management theorists. Based on the analysis of the comprehension varieties of this term the definition that transmits its fundamental meaning is set forth.

The New Model of Responsible Political Leadership

#6. Forecasts and Results
The New Model of Responsible Political Leadership

The paper deals with the problem of defining responsible leadership in international relations and domestic policy. The analysis of theoretical approaches to understanding leadership in politics and specifics of decision-making made it possible to identify responsible leadership criteria, to determine their nature and the minimum quantity required. The table of responsible leadership, generated on the basis of the analysis, allowed to create a new behavioral model of leadership based on the synthesis of two approaches: typology of political leadership by Jean Blondel and the principle of “Nash equilibrium”. Their aggregate gives us the possibility to talk not only about the responsibility of a true political leader, but also about his indispensable accountability, which allows the leader to ensure sustainable development and to achieve the most positive result in foreign and domestic policy.

Methodological Basis for Enhancing Strategy of Innovative Development of Russia

#1. Theodicy of the Future
Methodological Basis for Enhancing Strategy of Innovative Development of Russia

The article presents philosophical and methodological analysis of the innovative development basic models, taking into account the specificity of these models the article evaluates individual projects and strategic documents defining the current state of Russia’s innovative development, it discusses perspective directions of improving the innovative development mechanisms.

Hybrid Warfare. The Armed Conflicts Shape and Palette in the XXI Century

#8. Logic and ethic of fake
Hybrid Warfare. The Armed Conflicts Shape and Palette in the XXI Century

The concept of the “hybrid warfare” has become relevant and quite popular after the Crimea joining to Russia, military operations in the Donbass and growing turbulence associated with the Islamic state phenomenon. These events have substantially influenced the concept of modern warfare, security strategy, combining tools from the conventional, guerrilla, cyber and information warfare arsenals. The report was presented at the special event “Hybrid warfare. The armed conflicts shape and palette in the XXI century” within the XXV Economic Forum in Poland.

The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

#10. Russia Concentrates?
The World Oil Prices Decline: Will Russia Sustain Macro-Organized Instability Translated From Abroad?

Macro-strategic game of world actors around the oil prices — is not a matter of business, it is a matter of global domination. If Russia sustains translated from abroad strategic trend of macro-organized instability in the form of geo-manipulated oil prices decline, it will mean that the Russian model is not inferior to the US and the EU ones as the main models of forming basic segments of society that finally confirms our status: return among the great powers. Statement of the new forces alignment in the global economy: a legal succession of modern Russia (Third Rome) from the Byzantine, then the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as one of the world’s key political, economic and civilizational centers has occurred.

Operationalization of the Firm Strategic Theory

#1. Choice of Identity
Operationalization of the Firm Strategic Theory

The article examines development aspects of the strategic theory of a firm in terms of existing approaches integration, creation of the firm strategic model and its practical application. It analyzes contradictions between various approaches to firms study. It substantiates the method of practical confirmation or disproof of the dynamic capabilities concept.

Game Theory and Real Options in the Investment Policy of Enterprises

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Game Theory and Real Options in the Investment Policy of Enterprises

The possibility of joint implementation of real options theory and game theory as applied to the subjects of the national economy modernizes the system of strategic management. Scenario analysis of competitive enterprises in framework of the market structure of “oligopoly” is presented. The mathematical apparatus of game theory allowing to use competitive enterprise management component as a strategic driver is explained. An example is given illustrating the possibility of exercising rights to specific activities in order to increase the capitalization of company, and the expansion of competitive advantage by optimizing strategic policy.

Etnoforesight: the Future of the Sakha People

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Etnoforesight: the Future of the Sakha People

Foresight is a widespread practice at the national and corporate level, but there are practically no examples of applying this methodology to form a vision of a separate ethnic group future. Based on the analysis of the work of the greatest representative of the Yakut intellectuals A.E. Kulakovsky, the article carries out analysis of the Yakut ethnic group current situation and of different strategies for its development in the 21st century.