The state and possibilities of social development of the regions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.63-74

The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the positions of the regions of the Arctic Zone according to the state of the social (demographic) environment. Such an analysis is carried out in order to identify the previously achieved quantitative characteristics of social (demographic) processes and ranking the positions of regions in the base year of the start of the implementation of the national project “Demography” and the corresponding five federal projects on the territory of the Russian Federation. The study of the approved criteria for the implementation of the national project “Demography” as a list of indicators of annual state statistical reporting to be monitored revealed the problem, the essence of which is that: the approved list of indicators is insufficient; quantitative results of the implementation of federal projects planned for 2022 and projected for 2024 exist only for some indicators from the approved list; in federal projects, indicators that are not contained in the annual state statistical reports are proposed as criteria, which does not allow an analysis of the state of the social (demographic) environment; the criteria contained in federal projects, which are indicators of annual state statistical reporting, have not been officially approved.


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Formation of a mechanism for strategic management of natural gas consumption by industrial enterprises

DOI: 10.33917/mic-3.104.2022.12-20

The work is devoted to the analysis of modern conceptual approaches to the strategic management of natural gas in industrial enterprises. The research was based on a systematic approach, methods of analysis and synthesis of indicators of the economics of natural gas consumption. The analysis showed that at present a number of issues related to the effective management of energy consumption remain unresolved, which affects the quality of the fuel and energy balance of the enterprise. The author proposes a conceptual approach to the strategic management of natural gas consumption, which uses a situational matrix model for planning an energy efficiency strategy for natural gas consumption based on the life cycle of energy efficient technologies.


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3. Tyshkevich K.V. Formation of a comprehensive assessment of the effectiveness of technological innovations at enterprises. N.-Novgorod, 2003. 158 p.

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5. Kirshina I.A. The concept of situational and strategic planning of natural gas consumption at an industrial enterprise. I.A. Kirshina, V.A. Koksharov. Microeconomics. 2021;6 (101):58-68.

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7. Favorsky O. GTU – the basis of the future energy of Russia. Engine. 1999;6:26-30.

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Scientific Basis of Economic Strategies

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.183.2022.38-53

The scientific basis of energy strategies is represented by the sciences of natural-humanitarian synthesis that study the “nature-man-society” system: ergodynamics, system theory of capital, the science of harmony, synthetic evolutionary ecology. Method of their construction is a deductive one: from the laws of socio-natural development to the society and an individual. National wealth, or country (national) capital, is the main indicator of the state of societies. It is considered as the structural energy (energy potential) of societies in value terms. Country capital is calculated as the sum of physical, human, social and natural capital. Natural capital includes reproducible (ecocapital) and non-reproducible (paleocapital) components. Index of the life quality of societies (changes from 0 to 1) is the arithmetic mean of the ratio of the private capital production of each society to the maximum values of the production of these capitals among all the societies under consideration. The purpose of economic strategies is to ensure the systemic progress of societies. It is implemented with the growth over time of the specific (per person) country capital and, accordingly, the quality of life index. Maximum progress takes place with harmonious resolution of the opposites existing in societies. The article proposes a method for calculating country capital, its components and the life quality index.


1. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Osnovy ergodinamiki [Ergodynamics Fundamentals]. Moscow, Energiya, 2002; izd. 2-e, Moscow, Lenand, 2012.

2. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Ergodinamika — ekorazvitie — sotsiogumanizm [Ergodynamics — Eco-development — Socio-humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2010.

3. Golubev V.S. Priroda — chelovek — obshchestvo: Razvitie i garmoniya [Nature — Man — Society: Development and Harmony]. Moscow Lenand, 2016.

4. Golubev V.S. Garmoniya spaset mir [Harmony will Save the World]. Moscow, Lenand, 2017.

5. Golubev V.S. Vvedenie v sinteticheskuyu evolyutsionnuyu ekologiyu [Introduction to Synthetic Evolutionary Ecology]. Moscow, Papirus Pro, 2001.

6. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Orlov I.B. Vvedenie v sistemnuyu teoriyu kapitala [Introduction to Systemic Theory of Capital]. Moscow, Lenand, 2013.

7. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Tarko A.M. Strukturnaya energiya kak potentsial razvitiya: Mir i Rossiya [Structural Energy as a Development Potential: World and Russia]. Moscow, Lenand, 2014.

8. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S., Kurakov L.P. Problemy formirovaniya sotsiogumanitarnoi tsivilizatsii [Problems of Shaping Socio-humanitarian Civilization]. Moscow, IAEP, 2016.

9. Bushuev V.V., Golubev V.S. Estestvenno-nauchnye osnovy sotsial’nogo gumanizma [Natural-scientific Foundations of Social Humanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2018.

10. Golubev V.S. Ocherki ekosotsiogumanizma [Essays on Ecosociohumanism]. Moscow, Lenand, 2021.

11. Korbalan F. Zolotoe sechenie. Matematicheskii yazyk krasoty [Golden Section. Mathematical Language of Beauty]. Moscow, De Agostini, 2014.

Evolvement of the company’s competitiveness concept in the context of development of strategic thought

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.100.2021.36-43

The notion of competitiveness has a key value in strategic management. The issues of determining competitive advantage and its usage for reaching company’s goals attract significant attention from business, management, economists, which has led over the past four decades to a gradual conceptualization and an increase in the desire to understand competitiveness at the level of business, regions, nations. Numerous studies have been carried out to study competitiveness theoretically and to test it in practice. This article discusses the ways of forming approaches to study the company’s competitiveness.

Strategy of Business Entities in the Markets of Highly Individualized Demand on the Example of Interior Design Services


Today, Russia is taking measures to support small and medium-sized businesses, because they play a decisive role in the country’s economy. This confirms the creation of various programs that support the development of firms of this size. But the opening of an organization will not attract clients and will not bring profit if you do not use promotion tools, and the combination of these tools, competent building of their sequence is a promotion strategy.

Strategic analysis of the development of the educational sphere of the city of Moscow in the XXI century

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.96.2021.88-102

In the context of the most important legislative acts and documents of strategic planning in Russia, national goals and strategic objectives for the development of the Russian Federation until 2030, the state and prospects for the development of the educational sphere of Moscow in the XXI century are analyzed. Identified external and internal contradictions and challenges to the development of the education sector in the capital of the Russian Federation associated with the dominance of technocratic and liberal – market approaches to strategic planning and education management in the city of Moscow. In this regard, strategic guidelines and prospects for the development of education in the Moscow metropolis in the medium term until 2024 are outlined.

Modeling of conceptual principles for the formation of an energy strategy for natural gas consumption by industrial enterprise

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.26-38

A study of the methodological and methodological aspects of managing economic processes allowed the authors to determine the basic conceptual principles for the formation of an energy strategy for the use of natural gas in industrial enterprises and distribute them into groups. This article presents the author’s classification of the system of principles for the formation of an energy-efficient strategy for using natural gas at an industrial enterprise, analyzes the principles considered on this issue, which allowed them to be combined into the following target groups: organizational, economic, financial, environmental, technological, methodological and specific. The authors propose, formulate and justify two new specific principles for the formation of an energy strategy: the risk principle of the energy strategy and the principle of reorganization of energy chains of natural gas consumption by an enterprise. For most of the principles presented, regression models have been developed for their quantitative assessment. Conclusions are made regarding the proposed classification of principles, according to which all principles are of equal importance in the implementation of the energy strategy and should be implemented and investigated simultaneously.

Strategy of a Legal Framework Formation in the Field of Determining Liability for the Harm Caused by Technologies with the Use of Artificial Intelligence Elements

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.118-124

In the modern world, introduction of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence into all spheres of life is developing rapidly, significantly ahead of the development of legislation. In this regard, the problem of determining liability for the harm caused by the use of such technologies arises. The problem can be solved by creating a comprehensive strategy for the development of the legal field in this area and bringing the current legislation to the level of information-oriented Society 5.0, the concept of which assumes technical breakthrough in the field of cyber technologies. The aim of this research is to analyze current situation in the field of legal regulation of liability for the harm caused by technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence and to determine the strategy for the formation of legal framework in this field. In the first part of the article the analysis of the current legal situation on the basis of scientific developments in this area is carried out, as well as the solutions proposed by the strategy for the development of artificial intelligence technologies as the basis for the formation of the legal framework are shown. The second part of the article is devoted to the strategy of a legal framework formation in the field of determining responsibility for the use of technologies with the elements of artificial intelligence. In conclusion it is said that the strategy under consideration can be realized by developing a set of measures aimed at implementing the provisions that define responsibility for the use of technologies with elements of artificial intelligence into current legislation.

“Black Dragon” and Management Problems

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.70-81

The coronavirus pandemic this year has become one of the main topics on the world agenda and is now being analyzed from different angles — biological, medical, economic, political, social, historical. But another aspect to take into account is administrative, since this virus has infected not only individuals but also society, government and business systems. The pandemic is very complex, large-scale and multidimensional and, as is well known, it is hard to control the increasing difficulty and uncertainty, especially when the time factor is involved. There is a principle in methodology: if a problem identified at a certain level of the system’s complexity is not solved by means of the same level, then you need to rise to a higher level. In other words, it is necessary to rise to the metalevel, and this is where the problems of public administration and management are identified, and they are two-sided. The first one is practical — what to do and how to manage the unfolding processes to minimize damage to people, economy and society, what strategy to develop for recovery from this pandemic and how to implement it. This is a focus of everyone’s attention now, but it is too early to fully assess the effectiveness of various current measures and strategies, especially given the new wave of the pandemic. The second side — theoretical — how this problem can be viewed conceptually through the prism of changing the paradigm of the society existence and the paradigm of management. The present article deals with some fundamental aspects of the latter aspect of the problem.

Strategic aspects of realisation of anti-recessionary management of the enterprises of the industry on economic level

In the scientific article the mechanism of anti-recessionary management on which basis are generated strategic alliances the enterprises on an example of an industrial complex is offered.