Artificial Intelligence as a Tool for Strategizing Innovation Development of Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.50-59

Innovation is a key factor in the modern economy development. At the same time, strategic planning in the context of innovation development is a primary step towards scientific and technological leadership and sovereignt y. In the modern world, key powers are investing enormous amounts of money in the race for leadership in the field of ar tificial intelligence, defining innovation for the coming years and decades. At the moment most countries, including Russia, have already formed their strategic vision for this sphere’s development. If we consider ar tificial intelligence technologies not just as a way to automate production processes, but as a tool to transform the entire economy due to the synergistic ef fect from introducing these technologies, then the question of the current role of AI in strategizing innovation becomes paramount. Analysis of the relationship between strategic planning documents and the National AI Development Strategy will mak e it possible to identify its place in the existing hierarchy of strategic documents and, as a result, to determine the strategy’s potential in stimulating Russia’s innovation development and economic transformation.


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Strategizing Education Development in the Context of Digital Transformation: European Experienc

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.194.2024.64-69

The COVID-19 pandemic has created a powerful additional incentive for digitalization of education. The article examines the example of strategizing education development through the prism of digitalization presented by the European Union. In the context of increasing global competition for talent in the IT field, the European Union recognizes the current pace of IT personnel training as insufficient and aims to introduce effective measures to attract IT talent from all over the world. This poses a threat of intensified “brain drain” from Russia, which must be taken into account when strategizing the education development in Russia.


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Post-non-classical Strategizing of the Problem Situations in the Concept of Social Navigation: Transition from Target Management to Attributive Designing

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.166.2019.94-101

The article deals with issues related to the concept of “strategizing” — the evolution of ideas about strategizing (classical, non-classical, post-non-classical and post-classical approaches). A new understanding of the concept of problem-solving strategies is presented from the point of view of the concept of socionavigation, as a process of maneuvering using attribute design: management/regulation of intensity, direction (balance) and complexity of the discourse of a single creative field (EKP) with regard to the level of disequilibrium (K-level) system/environment, allowing to increase the efficiency of teamwork. A new construction of the notion “problem situation” is proposed as a non-zero conjunction of the actors’ ideas about the problem/ problems underlying the problem situation, their (actors) problem states and systems of key goals and values that form the problem-target area (PTA)