Proposals for Creating an Effective Mechanism for Implementation of the Long-term Socio-economic Strategy of Russia


Today, in a complicated macroeconomic and geopolitical environment, Russia requires fundamentally new approaches to creating an effective long-term socio-economic development strategy. The Government of the Russian Federation has created a federal information system for strategic planning through the state information system “Management”, collection of data on implementation of strategic planning documents is going on.

Currently, there are thousands of strategic planning documents, but it is still missing a unified management of the country’s economic system based on these documents, federal government does not have feedback from regions and enterprises, which could allow coordinating the development goals and objectives of the country as a whole and individual industries and regions.

In this regard, the issue of developing effective methods for converting strategic planning and management of the Russian economy into operational terms is particularly urgent — from a set of thousands of documents, individual strategies and plans to an operate management system with feedback.

Application of the toolkit for intersectoral and interregional  economic balances, transport-economic and fuel-energy balances, in that respect, seems to be one of the priorities. It is also necessary to calculate financial, trade balances, balances of payments, of labour resources, which have always been and still remain necessary elements of economy forecasting and planning. Along with this, it seems appropriate, analyzing the state and prospects of individual industries development to use balance methods within the same industry, showing the ratio of “costs — issue”, balances of fixed assets, based on depreciation degree, the level of renewal, investments.



1. Leont’ev V.V. Ekonomicheskie esse. Teorii, issledovaniya, fakty, politika [Economic Essays. Theory, Research, Facts, Politics]. Moscow, Politizdat, 1990, p. 230.

2. Veduta E.N. Mezhotraslevoi-mezhsektornyi balans, mekhanizm strategicheskogo planirovaniya ekonomiki [Inter-industry-cross-sectoral Balance, Mechanism for Strategic Economic Planning]. Moscow, Akademicheskii proekt, 2016, p. 141.

3. Materialy seminara «Razvitie metodologii prognozirovaniya ekonomiki Rossii na baze mezhotraslevogo i mezhregional’nogo kompleksa» [Proceedings of the Seminar “Developing Methodology for the Russian Economy Forecasting on the Basis of an Inter-sectoral and Cross-regional Complex”]. Moscow, OAO «IERT», 2014, p. 56.

Spatial Development Strategy: Identification Problems of the Russian Promising Economic Specializations


The Spatial Development Strategy (Strategy) needs a radical overhaul, and the priority actions should detail the promising economic specializations of the Russian regions. Methodological and substantive gaps are actively discussed by analysts and the academic community. At the same time, the fact of the absence of one of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation dropped out of account, and therefore, the detailed elaboration of promising activities contains only 84 out of 85 regions. In the presented study, a quantitative analysis of promising economic specializations of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation was made based on a comparison of the Strategy data with the NACE. There is given a constructive criticism of the applied system for identifying the industry specialization of the subjects of the Russian Federation based on the NACE’ approach. There are done recommendations on primary measures in identifying the industry specialization of the Russian state. The results of the study confirm the need for a radical revision of the classification of industry specialization of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

Fundamentals and methods of forming a database of intellectual property of organizations

DOI: 10.33917/mic-5.94.2020.18-25

In modern economic conditions, enterprises that produce high-tech products rely on their existing competencies based on various objects of intellectual property. In this regard, the competitiveness of high-tech enterprises is directly dependent on the efficiency of the use of intellectual property. Thus, there is a problem of constructing mechanisms that allow describing intellectual property objects of knowledge-intensive enterprise and performing their information analysis, which justifies the relevance of forming the organization’s intellectual property database.

Mission of the Territory: How to Develop It and is it Needed at All?

DOI: 10.33917/es-8.174.2020.126-135

There is no generally accepted definition of a territory’s mission either in Russia or abroad. So is it worth including a mission in the strategy of socio-economic development of a territory and what definition of the mission is better to choose? To answer these questions, a content analysis of Russian and foreign definitions of the territory’s mission has been carried out, from which common units of meaning were identified.

It was established that a number of semantic units in definitions of the territory’s mission and the mission of organization coincide. However, from the point of view of the mission statement, there are a number of significant differences between a territory and an organization, which makes some definitions of the territory’s mission hardly applicable in practice.

Conclusion is made: it is better to define the territory’s mission through its role in the external environment, functions and unique features of the territory. The article examines advantages and disadvantages of alternative options: not to develop a mission at all or to develop it in a purely formal way. Practical recommendations on developing a territory mission, examples from Russian and foreign experience are given

Development of program and target management in Russia

DOI: 10.33917/mic-6.95.2020.5-20

The purpose of this work is to prepare proposals for further development of the methodology and tools for target management in the Russian Federation. The article addresses the following issues: 1) as a result of the analysis of domestic and foreign scientific sources, as well as regulatory documents of the Russian Federation in the field of strategic planning, the main directions for its further improvement are formulated; 2) a methodological approach to the development of state programs for economic and social development of the country is proposed; 3) the expediency of using the coefficients of relative and absolute importance (mutual utility), as well as the method of hierarchy analysis (MAI), when optimizing the distribution of resources between alternative directions – branches of the “tree of goals and objectives” of state programs is justified); 4) methods of forming an information base for calculating the volume of resource support for state programs (standards: specific capital investment, the maximum consumption of the most important types of material resources and the specific labor intensity per unit of the parameter reflecting the main consumer quality of the product) are proposed.

Comparison of Methodologies for Strategic Forecasting and Planning of Economic Development in Developed Countries and Russia

DOI: 10.33917/es-7.173.2020.24-31

The authors considered the organization of strategic planning and forecasting of five countries that are among the world’s economic leaders — USA, Great Britain, Germany, France, Japan and Russia. The main features of the organization of the process of strategic planning and strategic forecasting in these countries are revealed, and a brief description of the organizational paradigms in the area under consideration is given. The purpose of the article is to determine the possibilities of borrowing in the field of methodology of strategic planning and forecasting. While there are no borrowing problems in the field of technical forecasting methods, there are a number of obstacles in the organizational field, determined by various factors. The authors identified nine such factors, and concluded that the prospects for the development of strategic planning and forecasting in Russia lie outside the directly specified area

Methodical approach to managing sustainable development in the electric power complex of Russia

The article shows the approach to the organization of interaction between the state, energy companies and power engineering companies for the purpose of sustainable development of the electric power complex of Russia. The necessity in the preparation of strategic plans for the development of enterprises complex evaluation and accounting not only the best available technologies, but also the best available resources, including human resources.

Using Contract Forms of Cooperation Between the Business and the State for Strategic Planning Documents Implementation

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.170.2020.126-133

Nowadays economic development governance needs immediate restructuring in accordance with institutional requirements of the new technological mode and world-economy system. The shift to these systems is intermediated by the world financial-economic crisis aggravation. The article considers an promising and qualifying arrangement of the state and the enterprises — contracting mutual obligations. There is a detailed review on a recently implemented in the law framework instrument — agreements on protection and encouragement of capital investments. It is suggested to enhance existing set of tools for strategic planning realisation with the multilateral special agreements — target contracts. Parties to contract can be not only public-law entities but also banks, development institutes, educational and scientific institutions.

Special Investment Contract Instrument Reforming

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.64-71

In July 2019 the Federal Law of December 31, 2014 N 488-FZ “On industrial policy in the Russian Federation” that determines legal and regulatory basis of the usage of special investment contract instrument (SPIC) was extensively revised. At this moment a package of new secondary legislation is being developed, regulatory framework in the sphere of SPIC is due to be reviewed locally. The article analyses key changes and distinctions between ‘SPIC 2.0’ and the previously used variant of the instrument. In the article there are given the results of SPIC’s application in the previous version during 4-year period. Taking into account that the reviewed changes of the instrument not only clarifies its content and masters its application but also changes subject focus of SPIC one can be talking about complex reforming of the instrument at present time

Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

#8. Ideas Change the World
Methodology System and Strategic Planning Logic

The world economy is a dynamically developing system, where various processes continuously take place, being connected both with interaction and with opposition of the various participants’ interests in the context of globalization, regionalization, economic integration and competition. Today, under the effect of both objective and subjective factors, the environment itself has changed, the course of processes taking place there has changed. As a result, the world economy is undergoing complex transformations and humanity is going through a civilizational crisis. The world is entering a phase of turbulence, chaos, instability and uncertainty. No single country, including developed ones, can yet offer a way out of this phase. Due to disharmony in relationship between scientific-technological progress and spiritual development of mankind, the world is on the threshold of a global catastrophe. This situation has caused a complex problem that we plan to solve on the basis of a scientific approach. We believe that the main reason for violating the right course of events, processes and phenomena lies in the imperfect system of governing society, the state and the world development as a whole. The management system has left the natural path of development, has abandoned the canons of the Universe and the all-round laws of the Universe. Building on new knowledge, theories, concepts and technologies, it is necessary to create such a system of planning and management that will ensure safety and harmonious development of the system “nature – society – man”.