Moscow — Third Rome (and the Fourth do not Happen)


The talk of “vision of the future” that has been going on in recent years actually ignores the fact that in our history this problem has been solved. Having proclaimed: “Moscow is the Third Rome,” Elder Philotheus did not simply formulate an ideologeme, due to the necessity of that time. He expressed the idea of our statehood, which developed from the very beginning of its formation and determined the movement of our country.



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2. Bogdanov A.A. Tektologiya [Tectology]. Moscow, Finansy, 2003.

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4. Khaidegger M. Nauka i osmyslenie: Bytie i vremya [Science and Understanding: Being and Time]. Moscow, Respublika, 1993.

5. Gumilev L.N. Drevnyaya Rusi Velikaya step’ [Ancient Russia and the Great Steppe]. Moscow, Astrel’, 2012.

6. Khaidegger M. Vopros o tekhnike: Bytie i vremya [The Question of Technology: Being and Time]. M.: Respublika, 1993.

7. Gumilev L.N. Ot Rusi do Rossii [From Rus to Russia]. Moscow, Airis-Press, 2001.

8. Stalin I.V. Ekonomicheskie problemy sotsializma v SSSR [Economic problems of socialism in the USSR]. Moscow, Gospolitizdat, 1952.

9. Pyzhikov A.V. Grani russkogo raskola [Facets of the Russian Split]. Moscow, Drevlekhranilishche, 2013.

10. Fromm E. Imetili byt’ [To Have or to Be]. Moscow, AST, 2016.

Movement Forward is Impossible Without Trials And Errors

#9. Plus-minus 40

We ourselves as a nation are guilty of everything that happened. And we ourselves should be responsible for what will happen. Recognition of the risk of degeneration — this horrific fact of life of the Russian people — is the first step towards recovery.