To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

#6. Territory Without Aims?
To Work Safely, to Build Beautifully, to Be Proud of Yourself

How to make a city compact, comfortable, to solve complexly a number of transport and social problems — this and many other questions are covered in an interview by the Honorary builder of Russia, General Director of the investment projects management company “INEX”, Advisor to the President of the Group of Companies “MONARCH” Andrey Bakunichev.

Keep Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Keep Putting One Foot in Front of the Other

The project of building a new terminal A at Vnukovo airport was realized in the framework of an extensive program of Vnukovo airport modernization and development. “There won’t be anything analogous to the passengers terminal A for another forty years in Russia”, — says the chairman of the Board of Directors of LLC “Transstroyinvest” Alexey Fomenko. In his interview he dwelled on technical features of the project, on how much efforts it required from the builders, on human resources policy and the need for fundamentally new approach of the government to the sector development.
