Network Threats to National and International Security: Strategy, Tactics, Hybrid Factors and Technology

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Network Threats to National and International Security: Strategy, Tactics, Hybrid Factors and Technology

The article considers classification of conflict of a new type, their relationship with society and globalization processes. It demonstrates interrelation of postmodern culture with protest movements, the role of communication technologies and the emergence of a new field of confrontation — cyberspace. The paper dwells on criteria of the network society and network conflicts and p ossible tools for their analysis.

Networks as Non-Hierarchical and Non-Market Structures: Realization in Biological and Social Systems

#5. The Forerunners of Memory

Over the past decades, more and more importance in the social and political spheres is acquired by network structures, propagating in different countries and regions of the world and in different spheres of society. In particular, they form the basis of civil society as a “set of civilizational structures and forms, incarnated in … the functions and actions of individuals, social groups, associations, unions”, which are capable in the interests of ordinary citizens to exercise democratic “control … of the state bodies functioning”, that is, of public persons activities. This article focuses on the organizational principles of network structures and exercises biopolitical approach, according to which the structures of human society and biological system are compared. The term “network structures” has at least two different interpretations in the literature, which can be conditionally called its broad and narrow interpretation.

Non-Economic Facets of the Economy: the Unknown Interference

#1. Hollywood as a password

In my opinion, the market overcomes the state because they put an equals sign between business and economy. Business exists within the economy, but not equals to it. And only the state responsible for the economy and for the fates of people, as opposed to business, responsible only for the fate of profits, is capable to represent the interests of society as a whole.

Innovative Practice of Training IT-Specialists in the University “Dubna”

#5. Gradation of the Inadmissible

Modern education – an education that is notable for continuous and rapid growth of the qualification requirements for professionals.