Innovation Economy Clustering: Strategic Issues of Development

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.72-77

Conditions prevailing in the Russian economy in 2023 presuppose an increased role of indirect forms of state support for business, where the state acts as a curator, nourishing small businesses with the help of analytical support. An optimal institution for implementing such a support policy is the innovation cluster, due to the formation in the process of “cooperation — competition” of a group of interrelated enterprises that can compete with large companies in innovation markets. Based on the patent analysis, it is shown that Russia has a significant development potential, and innovation clusters should focus on developing those technological areas that are most promising for their target development model.


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Innovation Cluster as an Institution for Developing Russia’s Innovative Economy


Supply support policy, which is becoming more and more relevant in Europe and America due to overheated demand, is also relevant for Russia. At the same time, active growth of the state’s information capabilities can be used to mutually coordinate the goals of social and economic development under condition of the focus on integrated development of the innovation environment and in case when the innovation cluster is the optimal institution. First of all, it forms the structure of innovative industry with a wide layer of small and medium-sized businesses, reducing transaction costs. Secondly, the combination of competition and cooperation in a cluster is especially advantageous in the innovation culture of Russia, which is distinguished by the intrinsic value of mastery and innovative community. Thirdly, the cluster makes possible to resolve a conflict between digital platforms and local economy, using the advantages of digitalization and localization to meet mutual interests that contributes to the public welfare growth.


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Service market segmentation: problems, solutions

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The scientific article summarizes the concept of the service market of services. Based on the analysis of the respondents ‘ personal data, an attempt is made to segment the market by priority market niches that tend to be commercialized in the aspect: medical services, educational services, financial and information services on the example of the meso – level of the study-the Republic of Tatarstan.