Who Manages the IT of Large Industrial Companies?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.60-67

In any organization, regardless of its scale/dimension (from an enterprise to a state), two goals that are invariant with respect to activity are relevant: sustainability and development of the organization. Neither of these goals should be achieved at the expense of the other. Technological dependence of industrial and financial capital on information technology has made corporate IT an important element of an organization. However, corporate IT of large industrial companies has its  own peculiarities. They focus on sustainability of the IT infrastructure, and give the initiative in developing functionalit y of business systems to the so-called functional customers. In the current turbulent conditions it is necessary to abandon the stereotypes of corporate IT management. The article provides recommendations to general directors and shareholders of large industrial companies.


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Import Substitution of the Culture of Measurements

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.190.2023.78-85

World turbulence has accelerated trends towards cultural changes that emerged at the end of the last century. Today transformation of traditional management forms, corresponding to changing cultural models, is adequate neither to the essence nor the pace of the new reality formation. It’s high time to start thinking about inevitability of losing the comfort of managing an enterprise as a profit-making machine. The well-known postulate “what cannot be measured cannot be controlled” raises a new question: what and how to measure? Possible way out could be the return to corporations of diversity and complexity on the basis of the theory of fractal sets, and allocation of natural processes outside the Euclid and Newton metrics could become the foundation of a self-organization.


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Fantasies on the Cryptocurrency Topic

#5. Digital Agitation
Fantasies on the Cryptocurrency Topic

The article suggests a scenario hypothesis of using geofinans in the format of crypto currency as one of the mechanisms for restructuring the economic space. The paper considers the process of transition from network self-organization to hierarchies with direct inclusion of professional and microterritorial economies, localized through crypto-currencies, into super-large international structures.

Hybrid Warfare. The Armed Conflicts Shape and Palette in the XXI Century

#8. Logic and ethic of fake
Hybrid Warfare. The Armed Conflicts Shape and Palette in the XXI Century

The concept of the “hybrid warfare” has become relevant and quite popular after the Crimea joining to Russia, military operations in the Donbass and growing turbulence associated with the Islamic state phenomenon. These events have substantially influenced the concept of modern warfare, security strategy, combining tools from the conventional, guerrilla, cyber and information warfare arsenals. The report was presented at the special event “Hybrid warfare. The armed conflicts shape and palette in the XXI century” within the XXV Economic Forum in Poland.

The Image of the Teacher. Ten Years Later

#8. Logic and ethic of fake
The Image of the Teacher. Ten Years Later

An outstanding specialist in applied mathematics, interdisciplinary research, philosophy and methodology of science, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Sergei Pavlovich Kurdyumov used to say: “The future tenses the present and clarifies the past”. In addition, the next generations arrive and there is a desire to communicate them the results, hopes, dreams of the previous generations and, if possible, to protect them from already made mistakes. Just from this perspective now we would like to look at the scientific work of Sergei P. Kurdyumov, at the ideas put forward by him and being developed now by his scientific school.

Complexity, net-centrism and self-organization management

#9. Execution Excess
Complexity, net-centrism and self-organization management

The paper proposes an approach that gives a scientific character to the concept of network-centric management, and considered systemic paradigms allow to consider it as an engineering construction. It proposes the concept and management contour models of the first and the second kind, revealing communities’ management mechanisms and processes of their self-organization. They represent not only new opportunities, but also unfamiliar threats. Only basic knowledge of socio-engineering will help to build a security system, to ensure the survival and development of society. However, given any methodological complexity the human factor plays a decisive role. Management of complex systems requires self-dependence, intelligence coordination and real time actions, the synergy of knowledge, intuition and participants’ sagacity as well as harmonious interaction with the environment, including society.

Limited Opportunities of Network Technologies in Providing Modern Complexity Management

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Limited Opportunities of Network Technologies in Providing Modern Complexity Management

It is shown that the current economic crisis, since its beginning in 2008, demonstrated a powerful influence on the economy both of a poorly regulated technologies of resource allocation (monopolistic, financial) and strong market operators (big capital). This influence resulted in draining out resources from the real economy into big capital and causing barriers for development of the real sector business. This impact of unregulated market technologies and strong operators, which became evident about half a century ago and became considerable today, the more influences the economy, the greater is the complexity (the less is the possibility) of forecasting and economic management. Downfall of predictability, effectiveness of used “formal” tools, decrease of market controllability by normsinstitutions and of control of the most big social (economic) systems; facts of accumulation of significant economic problems — disbalances, debt problems, crime and corruption; high and increasing social inequality, impoverishment of the main part of the population, increasing number of billionaires; decline in resource and credit opportunities of small and medium-sized businesses particularly in Europe. These and many other circumstances listed in the article, the aggravation of which is largely due to the above cited complexity of management and forecasting, make deep analysis of this complexity extremely relevant today.

Protests as a Mirror of Global Transformation

#6. Territory Without Aims?
Essence of the “National Security” Concept, Mechanism of its Implementation (Theoretical-Legal Aspect)

The article suggests the definition and describes the common traits of political crisis in the context of globalization. It is considered, that phenomena mentioned above are bind with the new global tendencies that shape the future political management principles. Among them — the high rate of human self-organization and the Internet, that became the public space of the 21st century, the world’s town square, that gave rise to public rebels against the political regimes in post-soviet republics and during the “Arab spring” in 2011.

Practical Applications of the Synergetics Methods

#11. Empty bowl

Methodology and theory of synergetics has a number of the strongest benefits that promote formation of a proper level of competence of the innovative personnel, including systematic approach and management of self-organizing systems, divergencies and changes