Modern features and contradictions of economic security development in Russia

DOI: 110.33917/mic-2.103.2022.98-103

The article deals with the conceptual provisions of Russia’s economic security. The authors analyzed the existing approaches to the definition of the concept of «economic security». It is concluded that social, technogenic, informational and other processes directly affect the provision of economic security of the state. On the example of the situation in Russia, the main areas are identified, the impact on which with the help of economic instruments can cause significant damage to security in the context of the problems of «economic stability» at the national and regional levels. An assessment of the key threats to the economic security of the Russian Federation is given.


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4. Neu C.R. and Wolf Ch. The Economic Dimensions of National Security. Santa Monica: RAND, 2014. 269 p.

The Economic Attack on Russia and the Policy of Counteraction


The purpose of the study is to show the patterns of the deployment of an economic attack on Russia. The research methodology is a comparative and retrospective analysis, elements of a structural approach. In the course of the analysis, a result was obtained that boils down to the fact that the current model of the world economy with a high level of integration and dependence of the economy poses a threat to the national security of the country. Economic warfare is carried out through damaging sanctions. Good conditions for it were created by the liberal economic policy pursued in Russia, which held back growth. Moreover, such outcomes are typical not only for economic activity, but also for the functioning of science and education — “invisible” sanctions, which creates a long-term perspective of dependent and driven development. It is necessary to ensure control over the distribution of property owners in the domestic market, planning procedures that are reduced to the establishment of thresholds in the field of imports, exports in various areas of activity, as well as the admission of foreign resources and institutional rules to the domestic market. With the implementation of such an institutional policy, sanctions would cause much less damage or their negative effect would be absent. Today, it is necessary to resist the economic attack by maximizing the withdrawal of assets from the dollar denomination, pursuing an anti-devaluation policy, cutting off the banking system from the speculative depreciation game, and intensifying efforts to replace imports in each industry. It is required to close the contours of production to the domestic market with the re-profiling of production, practicing the seizure of foreign property as a response to similar external actions. Such actions require a systematic state policy in all areas of coordination of industries and activities.



1. Glaz’ev S.Yu. Bitva za lide rstvo v XXI veke. Rossiya, SShA, Kitai. Sem’ variantov blizhaishego budushchego [The Battle for Leadership in the XXI Century. Russia, USA, China. Seven Options for the Near Future]. Moscow, Knizhnyi mir, 2017, 352 p.

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3. Sukharev O.S. “Izvrashchennyi monetarism” budet diktovat’ ekonomicheskuyu strategiyu razvitiya Rossii? [“Perverted Monetarism” will Dictate the Economic Development Strategy of Russia?]. Investitsii v Rossii, 2017, no 6, pp. 27–35.

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5. Sukharev O.S. Ekonomicheskie sanktsii: problema otsenki ushcherba [Economic Sanctions: the Problem of Damage Assessment]. Ekonomika i predprinimatel’stvo, 2017, no 8-4, vol. 11, pp. 80–87.

6. Anchishkin A.I. Prognozirovanie tempov i faktorov ekonomicheskogo rosta [Forecasting Rates and Factors of Economic Growth]. Moscow, Maks-Press, 2003, 300 p.

Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Russia’s Economic Security in the Period Under Sanctions

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.32-39

For the study, the time period of introducing economic sanctions against the Russian Federation was selected. In consideration are taken the data of Rosstat in terms of finding the values of indicators of our state’s economic security (2013–2017). A correlation and regression analysis of this system, consisting of 15 indicators, was carried out. An economic-mathematical model of the sanctions impact on the economic security of Russia was compiled. To solve this problem, the authors used a correlation-regression analysis, the regression equation was found and statistical significance of the constructed model was substantiated. The findings were recommended to specialists in the sphere of improving the state’s economic security

Russia and the EU: Dynamics and Structure of Trade Relations

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.36-41

The traditional and most developed form of international economic relations is foreign trade. This article analyzes the dynamics and structure of Russia’s foreign trade with the EU countries in the period from 2011 to 2018. It should be emphasized that external challenges not of an economic but of a political nature have led to the disruption of economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the EU, including in the field of trade, which underlines the relevance of this study. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of sanctions and counter-sanctions on the dynamics and structure of mutual trade between Russia and the EU

All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

#2. Breakthrough Betting
All This Jazz. Strategic Trends in 2018

The article is a review of strategic trends of the past year, which has become traditional for the Economic Strategies magazine. According to the authors, despite the fact that the year was not particularly remarkable, a number of significant events occurred. The main trend of the year was the confrontation of President Trump and the Democrats. This reflects the trend of cyclical development, when at a certain point a concentration of efforts of one or another nation occurs, and, if it is successful, then external expansion follows. Currently, the US foreign expansion, called globalization, does not have sufficient resources for its continuation. The authors describe the situation in nine different areas of the country’s life, corresponding to parameters of the national integral power: economics, foreign policy, army, territory, natural resources, culture and religion, science and education, population, government.

Russian Business Elite: Adaptation Scenarios for Companies and Individuals in 2018. Announcement of Scenario Report

#1. Event Horison
Russian Business Elite: Adaptation Scenarios for Companies and Individuals in 2018. Announcement of Scenario Report

The purpose of this report is to initiate a wide-ranging discussion (both on open platforms, and in corporate and state-public closed mode), and to help organizations and individuals affected by extrajudicial sanctions and persecutions to work out a strategy and tactics of confrontation, both for their own benefit and for the benefit of the public. The authors give scenarios of financial and economic dynamics in 2018 and identify probable parameters of collapse or “controlled demolition”, analyze the consequences of external influence on Russia and its political and economic elite.

Assessment of the Sanctions Impact on the Economic Situation in the Russian Federation

#1. Event Horison
Assessment of the Sanctions Impact on the Economic Situation in the Russian Federation

Introduction of sanctions, contrary to the statements of Russian politicians, has an impact on the Russian economy, and the impact is quite negative. The crisis in the Russian economy is confirmed by macro-indicators. Despite this, distortion of statistical data allows to demonstrate the illusion of economic growth, although it is seen only in certain sectors of economy. Real incomes of the population have also decreased and continue to fall down. The article proposes a number of strategic measures that will allow to minimize the damage caused by the imposed sanctions and even partially to benefit from them for the Russian economy.

Progenitor of Eurodollar

#1. Long-Lasting Choice
Progenitor of Eurodollar

The article tells the history of creating a widespread now financial instrument — Eurodollar, about the role in its appearance of the USSR and the Soviet banks abroad — Moscow Narodny Bank in London and Eurobank in Paris, about the events preceding its appearance — the International Monetary and Financial Conference in Bretton-Woods, about the USSR’s attempts to escape from American sanctions. The article describes the consequences of introducing Eurodollar, of establishing new order for US dollar use in the world and the punishment of countries not supporting these new rules. One example of control over implementation of sanctions imposed by the United States is the story of punishing the Soviet Union for trade with Cuba, when US dollars, been applied by Moscow Narodny Bank for buying Cuban sugar, were blocked for 30 years. The article is dedicated to professionalism and ingenuity of the Soviet bankers and to the errors they committed, by inexperience.

Free Cash or How “Life on the Loan” has Failed in Russia

#5-6. Five Scenarios for a Century
Free Cash or How “Life on the Loan” has Failed in Russia

The present-day crediting is a social technology of fail-free individual involving in the system of imposed consumption. In the basis of technology there is a manipulation based on separation of purchase and payment, which dulls the sense of responsibility and risk perception. Crediting intensifies consumption, contributes to maximize corporate profits, but also simulates the desired social structure. The price of such economic and social upward distortions, sooner or later, is paid in a form of consumer credit crisis and massive social defaults, which happened in Russia in 2015. It’s an illusion to associate these processes only with sanctions and the geopolitical situation in which Russia finds itself today. Persistent symptoms, that the population has gained too much credit and that in the short term it will cause big problems not only for banks but also for the state, appeared in 2013. In 2013 nobody could imagine the sanctions, events in the Ukraine and the Crimea, future attempts of Russia’s geopolitical isolation. But experts were persistently saying that, if crediting continues at the same rate, in 2015 massive defaults on unsecured retail loans may occur.

Network Wars in the World Economy and International Finance

#4. The Square of Transformation
Network Wars in the World Economy and International Finance

Network wars are the wars of new, sixth generation. The purpose of the present paper — to show the complex nature of warfare on a broad range of life areas.