Prospects for Russian-Turkmen Cooperation at the Current Stage

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.188.2023.36-43

The article analyzes historical development of the Russian-Turkmenistan relations. Multi-vector nature and flexibility in the development of a strategic partnership with Turkmenistan is substantiated. The author concludes that Russian-Turkmenistan relations should not be limited only to cooperation in the gas sector, but should develop dynamically towards formation of transport and logistics corridors, development of the tourist industry and communications modernization.


1. Parizhskaya rech’ generala v ego kvartire na ryu Pent’er pered serbskimi studentami “Zavety slavyanstvu” [“Testaments to the Slavs”, Parisian Speech of the General in his Apartment on Rue Pentier to Serbian Students]., available at:

2. Mezhgosudarstvennye otnosheniya Rossii i Turkmenii [Interstate Relations between Russia and Turkmenistan]. RIA “Novosti”, 2022, 10 iyunya, available at:

3. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. 69th edition, available at:

4. BP Statistical Review of World Energy 2020. 71th edition, available at:

5. Vyakhirev gotov k kompromissu [Vyakhirev is Ready to Compromise]. Nezavisimaya gazeta, 1999, 18 dekabrya, available at:

6. V Ashkhabade sostoyalsya shestoi Kaspiiskii sammit [The Sixth Caspian Summit was Held in Ashgabat]. Rossiiskaya gazeta, 2022, 29 iyunya, available at:

7. Kaspiiskoe sotrudnichestvo kak sposob resheniya ekonomicheskikh problem Turkmenistana [Caspian Cooperation as a Way to Solve Turkmenistan’s Economic Problems]. CABAR, available at:

8., available at:

9. Turkmenistan prizyvaet strany Kaspiya k rasshireniyu transportnogo sotrudnichestva [Turkmenistan Calls on the Caspian Countries to Expand Transport Cooperation]. Bol’shaya Aziya, 2022, 7 oktyabrya, available at:

10. Proekt Turkmenbashinskogo mezhdunarodnogo porta [The Project of the Turkmenbashi International Port]. GAP.INSAAT, available at:

11. Cherez mezhdunarodnyi port Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan) eksportirovano bolee 6,5 mln tonn gruzov [More than 6.5 million tons of Cargo were Exported Hhrough the International Port of Turkmenbashi (Turkmenistan)]. Internet-portal SNG, 2022, 2 sentyabrya, available at:

Budgeting trends in regional development

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.105.2022.74-79

The article considers the problems of budgeting development in the sphere of regional management from traditional (estimated) budgeting by costs to the new budgeting, aimed at the results of state structures activity. It is substantiated that the implementation of national and federal projects entails the need for the development, approval and implementation of many projects at different levels of state and municipal administration. It is noted that the transition to the new budgeting will allow to formulate the information base, adequate to the development strategy of the region and the vector of political decisions.


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3. Manning, N., Parison, N. Public Administration Reform: International Experience. Moscow: Whole World, 2003. pp. 49-50. (In Russ.).

4. Osborne D., Gaebler T. Reinventing Government: How the Entrepreneurial Spirit is Transforming the Public Sector. Plume. New York, 1992. pp. 117-124, 140-142.

5. Hans de Bruyn. Managing for Results in the Public Sector. Moscow: Institute for Integrated Strategic Studies, 2005. 180 p. (In Russ.).

6. Starodubrovskaya I.V. Result-oriented budgeting at the regional and municipal levels: approaches and recommendations, 2008. 184 p. (In Russ.).

7. Project management in authorities: textbook and practical work for universities / N.S. Gegedyush [and others]; responsible editor N.S. Gegedyush. 2nd ed. Moscow: Publishing house Yurait, 2020. 186 с.

8. Order 74-pv of 31.10.2016 (as amended) «On the Project Management – Project Office of the Administration of the Governor of St. Petersburg». [Electronic resource] // Official website of the Administration of St. Petersburg. URL:

9. Ludinova Yu.V. Organizational and financial mechanism of regional budget planning: theory, practice, ways of development / Ludinova Yu.V. abstract of thesis for the degree of Doctor of Economic Sciences. S.-Peterburg State Engineering.-Economic University. Saint Petersburg, 2011. (In Russ.).

Socio-economic problems of health care in the Republic of Bashkortostan

In the article the state of health care development in the Russian Federation (RF), the Volga Federal District (PFD) and the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) is analyzed. The study applied indicators of the development of health economics. The target values ​​for 2018 and 2020, reflected in the “Forecast of the long-term socio-economic development of the Russian Federation for the period up to 2030,” were used as the criteria parameters. This document was developed by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation. The preliminary assessment of the implementation of the planned indicators of the development of health care in the Russian Federation revealed that in 2015, target indicators for reducing the mortality rate of the population from neoplasms and road accidents were not achieved. In addition, the analysis showed that the ratio of wages of doctors and medical employees to the average wage in the region is below target values, they differ in the regions of the Russian Federation, the Volga Federal District and the categories of employees. The existing problems in health care are solvable only in the conditions of a constant increase in expenditures in this social sphere.