Economic and Mathematical Modeling of Russia’s Economic Security in the Period Under Sanctions

DOI: 10.33917/es-2.168.2020.32-39

For the study, the time period of introducing economic sanctions against the Russian Federation was selected. In consideration are taken the data of Rosstat in terms of finding the values of indicators of our state’s economic security (2013–2017). A correlation and regression analysis of this system, consisting of 15 indicators, was carried out. An economic-mathematical model of the sanctions impact on the economic security of Russia was compiled. To solve this problem, the authors used a correlation-regression analysis, the regression equation was found and statistical significance of the constructed model was substantiated. The findings were recommended to specialists in the sphere of improving the state’s economic security

Russia and the EU: Dynamics and Structure of Trade Relations

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.167.2020.36-41

The traditional and most developed form of international economic relations is foreign trade. This article analyzes the dynamics and structure of Russia’s foreign trade with the EU countries in the period from 2011 to 2018. It should be emphasized that external challenges not of an economic but of a political nature have led to the disruption of economic cooperation between the Russian Federation and the EU, including in the field of trade, which underlines the relevance of this study. The purpose of this study is to identify the impact of sanctions and counter-sanctions on the dynamics and structure of mutual trade between Russia and the EU

Innovation Development of Russia: Problem-Based Approach

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.163.2019.90-99

Innovative development is a strategy for creating a new technological and social structure. The implementation of this agenda requires the solution of a complex of problems created by the phenomenon of innovation. The article identifies seven problem areas that impede the formation of a sustainable innovation system in modern Russia. The problem of definitions is associated with a lack of understanding of the deep essence of the innovation culture, which gives rise to a superficial understanding of innovation only as a commercialized innovation, and not as a way of life. The problem of operationalization and evaluation of innovations is associated with the dominance of technocratic and statistical approaches, which leads to linear conclusions and forms a biased picture of the development potential of Russia. The problem of spontaneity of innovation and the focus solely on the investment aspects of innovation policy can turn into significant financial losses and a decrease in the creative potential of people involved in certain branches of science and economics. The problem of the subject forms the wrong idea of innovation as an exclusive product of individual creativity, while they are the result of complex social interaction. The problem of the institutional environment is associated not so much with incubators, venture funds, technology parks and research laboratories, as with the indispensable role of the school and basic science. Last but not least, are the problems of the socio-cultural environment of innovations and their unpredictable consequences. The efficiency and sustainability of the innovation system is directly dependent on the prevailing attitude in society towards unsuccessful attempts to introduce innovations. Negative perception can generate apathy towards innovation at best, and aggression at worst. A calm assessment of failures can be the key to success. The solution of the identified problems – the constraining factors of innovation – is possible with the unidirectional energy of political, economic and research subjects

Recombination of Developing Countries’ Debts to Russia: Conversion of Financial Debt in the Long-Term Lease of Property Assets

The article aims to consider the possibilities of handling the developing countries’ debts to Russia. A model for converting financial debt into long-term lease of property assets (territory, water area, etc.) is proposed. Recombination of debts for the long-term lease of territory will allow our country to achieve geostrategic results now or postpone it for the future, when it becomes especially profitable for us. This model of setting off (paying) the debt of the debtor country for Russia’s right to lease a part of the debtor country’s territory for 100 years ahead with exclusive use rights like a special economic zone should protect the interests of Russia and Russian companies, with regard to possible future situations of both peaceful and military character. Experience of the USA, which leased Alaska from the Russian Empire and is still giving it back, confirms the proposed model effectiveness

The Chengdu Global Think Tanks Forum 2018: Opportunities and Challenges of Global Governance

#1. Minds Confusion
The Chengdu Global Think Tanks Forum 2018: Opportunities and Challenges of Global Governance

The article contains the author’s summary on the 2018 Chengdu Global Think Tanks Forum (China) with the active participation of the Russian delegation and a critical review of the events and a number of reports within the event framework. The purpose of this paper is to analyze the role and capabilities of the think tanks created by the BRICS countries, to identify the benefits and threats of global governance, as well as to promote the results of research activities initiated and realized by scientists and experts from countries with developing, emerging and transforming markets.

Economic Sanctions Against Russia: Damnation of Decrease or Springboard for Free Flight?

#8. Ideas Change the World
Economic Sanctions Against Russia: Damnation of Decrease or Springboard for Free Flight?

2000s and 2010s are usually called “transition period”. On the one hand, during this time we observe the strengthening of the international cooperation actively being started with reforms under the rules of the G20 as the response to the intensification of global financial system’s development internal contradictions and the emergence of global economic crisis. On the other hand, these years are characterized by an increased level of conflicts manifested in the vigorous and collective application of sanctions and the declaration of trade wars. The subject of the article is especially relevant for Russia having been already sanctioned for 5 years. The purpose of this research is to analyze the impact of sanctions on the target economy. The paper provides a brief description of the existing sanctions against Russia since 2014. The second part of research is devoted to the identification of conditions for the effectiveness of economic sanctions. The third section includes the analysis of the negative sanction effect’s reasons and evidence. Finally we provide arguments in favor of real and potential opportunities for Russia to obtain economic benefits from the sanctions. In 2014–2016 we observed the negative effect of economic sanctions expressed in the form of losses and lost profits and caused as logical consequence of Russian economy’s development features. There are preconditions for creating a positive effect from sanctions — an impulse that can bring Russian economic system to a qualitatively new stage of growth. These positive trends need to be developed and sustained by domestic government support.

Assessing the Current State and Prospects of Russian-Chinese Economic Cooperation: Exchange of Views and Joint Position of the Parties

#6. For the High Norm
Assessing the Current State and Prospects of Russian-Chinese Economic Cooperation: Exchange of Views and Joint Position of the Parties

This article contains the results of joint scientific and diplomatic work of the two research groups — from the Chinese and Russian side: under the leadership of Chongyang Institute for Financial Studies, Renmin University of China (RDCY) and Counselor to the President of the Russian Federation. The uniqueness of this publication lies in the fact that a reader has the opportunity to observe the joint work including analysis of the Sino-Russian financial and economic cooperation benefits and “bottlenecks” of scientists, heads of leading institutions and officials in real time and in the process of coordinating the positions of the parties, to understand the complexity of diplomatic work and to assess the importance of agreements and results having been achieved.

Cryptocurrency Management Model for Forming the EAEU Unified Electronic Currency

#6. For the High Norm
Cryptocurrency Management Model for Forming the EAEU Unified Electronic Currency

The article discusses the possibility of forming (based on cryptocurrency principles) a single electronic currency of the EAEU. On the basis of a cryptocurrency approach — e-currency emission — it becomes possible to solve the problems of increasing investments, including to overcome the limited capabilities of national financial institutions in their competition with financial and banking groups — non-residents of the EAEU member states. A cryptocurrency management model allows to solve the problem of rearranging volumes, structure and conditions of emission and turnover of digital financial assets within the EAEU as a kind of bundled package of various types of investment resources based on an integrated cryptocurrency control, mining and ICO (Initial Coin Offering) in conjunction with economic activity and exchange rates of the EAEU Member States. The unified financial system of the EAEU in terms of financial resources amount will be able to withstand the risks of currency and financial collapses due to manipulative games and currency attacks by international speculative groups.

Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

#1. Event Horison
Crypto-Currencies, Markets and Institutions

Crypto-currency is becoming one of the key factors for competitiveness of major players in national and global monetary and financial markets. Bitcoin has actually become one of the world’s currencies. State regulators’ conceptions about decentralization and autonomy of crypto-currencies create ever greater risks of currency-financial collapses owing to manipulative games and currency attacks of international speculative groups. Real beneficiaries of the crypto-currency volatility, as a rule, remain beyond visibility of the world community. Trends in the development of crypto-currencies as an increasingly important element of the world monetary and financial markets have determined for our country the need to form a mechanism for planning and coordinating the monetary and monetary policy of the EAEU member states with an agreed rate of a single electronic currency, circulation terms and conditions (zones, etc.) applying the principles of forming a transparent and unified organizational structure of financial institutions and markets within the framework of the EAEU.

Trans-Asian Geo-Project of the Russian Transport Domination at Sea and on Land

Trans-Asian Geo-Project of the Russian Transport Domination at Sea and on Land

Trans-Asian geo-project of Russia’s transport domination at sea and on land is proposed to be considered as a global Russia’s counteraction to threats in accordance with time and space. Its business content is focused on transformation of Eurasia with the help of “soft power”: through construction of facilities that will improve the life quality of population in Russia and its partner countries. The article outlines approaches to organizing “general cleaning” of the territory for cooperation between historically friendly countries of the Middle Eurasia. The essence of improving the territory between the Kara Sea and the Persian Gulf with the innovative transport infrastructure is to ensure transport domination of Russia both on the sea and the continent, expansion of its economic space. It provides a stable source of acquiring large-scale benefits and advantages for Russians and the country as a whole for many years to come. Without Trans-Asian Corridor of Development prosperity of EAEU, SCO and BRICS will be inadequate.