Cooperation of the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the Fuel and Energy Sector

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.42-47

The article dwells on cooperation between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia in the fuel and energy sector. The author examines the main areas of cooperation between two countries, which takes place despite their potential competition in the energy market, analyzes the current state of their interaction and identifies prospects for cooperation in the future. Particular attention is paid to the regulatory framework in the oil sector, to development of energy projects, including investment interest, as well as to measures for strengthening partnerships between Russia and Saudi Arabia despite the relatively weak mutual trade turnover. The results analysis makes it possible to draw up conclusions on the significance and prospects for further development of cooperation in the fuel and energy sector between the two countries.


1. V Gosudarstvennoy dume proshel “pravitel’stvennyy chas” s uchastiem ministra inostrannykh del Sergeya Lavrova [A “Government Hour” Was Held in the State Duma With the Participation of Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov]. Ofitsial’nyy sayt Gosudarstvennoy dumy Federal’nogo sobraniya Rossiyskoy Federatsii. 2023. 15 fevralya, available at:

2. Ukaz Prezidenta RF ot 31 marta 2023 g. N 229 “Ob utverzhdenii Kontseptsii vneshney politiki Rossiyskoy Federatsii” [Decree of the President of the Russian Federation dated 03/31/2023 No. 229 “On approval of the Concept of Foreign policy of the Russian Federation”]. Konsul’tantPlyus, available at:

3. Upravlenie energeticheskoy informatsii SShA [Website]. EIA, available at:

4. Fazel’yanov E. Energeticheskie otnosheniya Rossii s Saudovskoy Araviey [Energy Relations Between Russia and Saudi Arabia]. Mezhdunarodnaya zhizn’. Arkhiv 2 nomera 2021 g., available at:

5. Soglashenie mezhdu Pravitel’stvom Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Pravitel’stvom Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya o sotrudnichestve v oblasti nefti i gaza [Agreement Between the Government of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on Cooperation in the Field of Oil and Gas]. Ministerstvo inostrannykh del Rossiyskoy Federatsii, available at:

6. Akhmed Mokhamed Abdu Khasan. Energeticheskiy dialog Rossiyskoy Federatsii i Korolevstva Saudovskaya Araviya [Energy Dialogue Between the Russian Federation and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia]. Vestnik Rossiyskogo universiteta druzhby narodov. Seriya: Mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya, 2018, vol. 18, no 2, pp. 342–355.

7. Blizhniy Vostok: “zelenoe” zakonodatel’stvo i printsipy ESG [The Middle East: “green” Legislation and ESG Principles]. TsDU TEK. Tsentral’noe dispetcherskoe upravlenie toplivno-energeticheskogo kompleksa, 2023, 29 marta, available at:

USA, China, Russia: Conflict Vulnerabilities in the Context of Transition to a New Geostrategic Paradigm

DOI: 10.33917/es-6.198.2024.16-25

Trump has become the US president. It doesn’t matter anymore what role the sympathies of voters, political technologies or a well-known force action played. Inviolability of the Atlantic spells about the dominance of democracy has been refuted by the harsh realities of world politics and economics. Vector of the global attack has been determined – China. Is there a chance of success if it has revealed not possible to achieve the goals set with Russia? How will Russia act in the new situation? Who and how will be able to form new, more harmonious foundations of the world order? Is the BRICS+++ group capable of this task?”.


1. Sibileva E.A. Zachem lyudi plachuto prirode slez [Why People Cry: On the Nature of Tears]. MedAboutMe. URL:

2. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. KOMBINATORIKA VTOROGO TRAMPA: Pokushenie. Chast’ I. Geostrategiya [SECOND TRUMP COMBINATORICS: Assassination Attempt. Part I. Geostrategy]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2024, vol. 26, no 4(196), pp. 18–25, DOI:

3. Ageev A.I. Rol’ sanktsiy, konfliktov i spetsoperatsiy: razmyshleniya o budushchem. Chast’ 2 [The Role of Sanctions, Conflicts and Special Operations: Reflections on the Future. Part 2]. Nauchnyy vestnik oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii, 2024, no 1, pp. 33–42.

4. Teoriya i strategiya stanovleniya ustoychivogo mnogopolyarnogo miroustroystva na baze partnerstva tsivilizatsiy (Yaltinskogo mira – 2): Vol. 1. Nauchnye osnovy stanovleniya ustoychivogo mnogopolyarnogo miroustroystva i Bol’shogo evraziyskogo partnerstva [Theory and Strategy for Forming a Sustainable Multipolar World Order Based on the Partnership of Civilizations (Yalta Peace – 2): Vol. 1. Scientific Foundations for the Development of a Sustainable Multipolar World Order and the Greater Eurasian Partnership]. Monografiya. Sost. i nauch. red. Yu.V. Yakovets, A.A. Akaev, S.Yu. Malkov. Moscow, MISK — INES, 2020, 816 p.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15. DOI:

6. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Strategicheskaya predopredelennost’ spetsial’nykh voennykh operatsiy v mirovoy supersisteme [Strategic Predetermination of Special Military Operations in the World Supersystem]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 4(190), pp. 6–19, DOI:

7. Loginov E.L. Tsifrovye tekhnologii politicheskoy bor’by: neyrosetevye imperativy informatsionnogo protivodeystviya popytkam perekhvata upravleniya v sotsial’no-politicheskoy srede [Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts at Interception of Control in the Socio-Political Environment]. Moscow, Rusayns, 2024, 234 p.

SECOND TRUMP COMBINATORICS: Assassination Attempt. Part II. Geostrategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-5.197.2024.6-13

The article dwells on technology developed and tested in the United States for constructing political future with the help of targeted force actions within the framework of the fuzzy logic of political multi-steps. The failed quasi-assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is a political combination preempting the civil war. Its goal is to reduce destructiveness of the political clash following the expected and even more dubious than in 2020, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2024 election, which implied incorrect ways of removing Trump from the presidential race. As a result, a bifurcation point in the US political development has been passed: now there is someone to implement a package of unpopular strategic measures to reorganize the US. Essentially, the murky episode of the assassination attempt turned out to be a way out of the political deadlock.


[1] — [8] no 4/2024, p. 25.

9. Loginov E.L. Velichina dobavlennoy stoimosti v eksporte-importe kak vazhneyshiy geoekonomicheskiy faktor pobedy Rossii v torgovo-ekonomicheskoy voyne: Vneshnepoliticheskie interesy Rossii: istoriya i sovremennost’: Sb. materialov XII Vserossiyskoy nauchnoy konferentsii. Samara, 26 aprelya 2024 g. [Added value amount of exports-imports as the most important geo-economic factor of Russia’s victory in the trade and economic war: Foreign policy interests of Russia: history and modernity: Sourcebook of the XII All-Russian scientific conference. Samara, April 26, 2024]. Samara, SAMARAMA, 2024, pp. 122–126.

10. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15, DOI:

11. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Strategicheskaya predopredelennost’ spetsial’nykh voennykh operatsiy v mirovoy supersisteme [Strategic Predetermination of Special Military Operations in the World Supersystem]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 4(190), pp. 6–19, DOI:

12. Loginov E.L., Karoyan K.E., Kosakyan D.L. Podkhody k formirovaniyu universal’noy modeli zarubezhnogo klastera rossiyskikh finansovykh struktur v perspektivnykh zonakh mirovoy ekonomiki [Approaches to forming a universal model of a foreign cluster of Russian financial structures in promising areas of the world economy]. Samoupravlenie, 2019, vol. 2, no 1(114), pp. 88–91.

13. Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R., Vu Ts., Vu Z. Gibridnye voyny v makroekonomicheskoy supersisteme XXI veka [Hybrid Wars in the Macroeconomic Supersystem of the XXI Century]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2023, vol. 25, no 2(188), pp. 6–23, DOI:–23

Second Trump Сombinatorics: assassination attempt. Part I. Geostrategy

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.196.2024.18-25

The article dwells on technology developed and tested in the United States for constructing political future with the help of targeted force actions within the framework of the fuzzy logic of political multi-steps. The failed quasi-assassination attempt on the US presidential candidate Donald Trump on July 13, 2024 is a political combination preempting the civil war. Its goal is to reduce destructiveness of the political clash following the expected and even more dubious than in 2020, Joe Biden’s victory in the 2024 election, which implied incorrect ways of removing Trump from the presidential race. As a result, a bifurcation point in the US political development has been passed: now there is someone to implement a package of unpopular strategic measures to reorganize the US. Essentially, the murky episode of the assassination attempt turned out to be a way out of the political deadlock.


1. Brat’ya Strugatskie. Obitaemyy ostrov [Inhabited Island]. Moscow, Detskaya literatura, 1971. 320 p., ill. (Biblioteka priklyucheniy i nauchnoy fantastiki.)

2. Ageev A.I. Rol’ sanktsiy, konfliktov i spetsoperatsiy: razmyshleniya o budushchem. Chast’ 2 [The Role of Sanctions, Conflicts and Special Operations: Reflections on the Future. Part 2]. Nauchnyy vestnik oboronno-promyshlennogo kompleksa Rossii, 2024, no 1, pp. 33–42.

3. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Krakh dollara: proektirovanie deystviy Rossii v usloviyakh global’nogo ekonomicheskogo kollapsa [The Dollar Collapse: Projecting Russia’s Actions in the Face of Global Economic Collapse]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 4(184), pp. 56–69, DOI: 4.184.2022.56-69

4. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Mirovoe soobshchestvo v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskoy bifurkatsii: Upravlenie slozhnymi organizatsionnymi i tekhnicheskimi sistemami v usloviyakh sverkhkriticheskikh situatsiy: Materialy mezhdunarodnoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii, Moskva, 21–22 aprelya 2022 g. [World Community in Conditions of Supercritical Bifurcation: Management of Complex Organizational and Technical Systems in Conditions of Supercritical Situations: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference, Moscow, April 21–22, 2022.]. Moscow, Institut ekonomicheskikh strategiy, 2022, pp. 9–12.

5. Loginov E.L., Zarbaliev S.M., Grigor’ev V.V. Otsenka veroyatnostnykh kharakteristik sluchaynykh protsessov v mirovoy ekonomike v usloviyakh nelineynoy dinamiki s sushchestvennoy khaoticheskoy komponentoy [Assessment of Probabilistic Characteristics of Random Processes in the Global Economy under Conditions of Nonlinear Dynamics with a Significant Chaotic Component]. Iskusstvennye obshchestva, 2020, vol. 15, no 1, p. 5.

6. Loginov E.L. Tsifrovye tekhnologii politicheskoy bor’by: neyrosetevye imperativy informatsionnogo protivodeystviya popytkam perekhvata upravleniya v sotsial’no-politicheskoy srede [Digital Technologies of Political Struggle: Neural Network Imperatives of Information Counteraction to Attempts of Intercepting Control in the Socio-political Environment]. Moscow, Rusayns, 2024, 234 p.

Experience of military-civilian merger in the USA and China: new organizational and strategic engineering is needed in the Russian defence and civilian industries

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.117.2024.5-17

In the United States and China, in conditions of preparing for a major war, there is an intensive restructuring of not only the armed forces, but also the industry that provides military needs. The key trend is the development and implementation of civil-military merger strategies. The Russian experience in conducting Special Military Operation, including an analysis of NATO’s problems with providing equipment and weapons to Russia’s real and potential military opponents and countering these processes by the Russian defence industry, has actualized the problem of developing a new approach to organizational and strategic engineering in the Russian defence and civil industries and scientific-technical sector.


1. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L. Russia in the new economic reality. Moscow, INES, 2016. 460 p.

2. Ageev A.I. Dynamics and structure of global risks. Civil defense strategy: problems and research. 2013;3(2(5)):7–8.

3. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions. Economic strategies. 2023;25(3(189)):6–15. DOI:

4. Ivanov S. US military innovation. Infrastructure and projects. Mirtesen, 2021, September 15. URL:

5. Kokoshin A.A. Military reform in China in 2015–2020: defense and foreign policy aspects. Moscow, ISPI RAN, 2016. pp. 39.

6. Ageev A.I., Kapustyan S.G., Korobkin V.V. State and forecast expectations for the development of the global robotics market. Artificial Intelligence. Theory and Practice. 2023;3(3):50–58.

7. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L., Chinaliev V.U., Epishkin I.I. Management of the development of complex scientific and technical complexes based on intelligent digital platforms (implementation of the competencies of the USSR State Committee for Science and Technology in the digital economy). Moscow, Institute of Economic Strategies, 2023. 504 p.

8. Ageev A.I., Loginov E.L., Efremov D.N. The State committee for Scientific-Technical Policy: center of network concentration of Scientific-Technical Ties in Key Knowledge Areas for Integrated management in the Science and engineering field. Economic strategies. 2014;16(8(124)):12–21.

9. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Management of research, power engineering and electric power companies as elements of an integrated industrial technological complex: Instrument making in the 21st century – 2020. Integration of science, education and production: Sat. materials of the XVI All-Russian Scientific and Technical Conference. Izhevsk: Izhevsk State Technical University named after M.T. Kalashnikov, 2020. pp. 16–21.

10. Grabchak E.P., Loginov E.L. Formation of an integrated information environment for digital support of life cycle management processes of scientific and technical research and development in the Russian electric power industry: Modern information technologies. Theory and practice: Materials of the V All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference. Cherepovets: Cherepovets State University, 2020. pp. 32–35.

Country Risk as a Characteristic of Investment Attractiveness

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.80-85

Among premiums for various types of risks, determining the value of the capitalization/reduction rate in the formulas of the income approach to evaluation and efficiency of investment projects, the premium for country risk occupies a significant place.

At the same time, taken independently, it can be considered as an indicator characterizing the investment attractiveness of the country. The article describes many years of experience in calculating the country risk premium for the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, Ukraine and other countries. The influence of the Russian Special Military Operation in Ukraine on the value of this indicator is demonstrated. The article is intended for financial advisors, appraisers, teachers, students and scientists in the field of finance and valuation, as well as for specialists in related fields of economics.


1. Trifonov N.Yu. Kompleksnaya otsenka nedvizhimosti [Comprehensive Real Estate Valuation]. Ucheb. posobie. Minsk, Vysheyshaya shkola, 2022, 238 p.

2. Trifonov N.Yu. Evolyutsiya ponyatiya “stoimost’” v sovremennoy otsenochnoy deyatel’nosti [Evolution of “Value” Concept in Modern Evaluation Activities].

Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2020, no 4, pp. 96–103, DOI:

3. Trifonov N.Yu. Dokhodnyy podkhod k otsenke stoimosti: poslednie dostizheniya [Income Valuation Approach: Recent Advances]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2021, no 3(177), pp. 100–109, DOI:–109

4. Trifonov N.Yu. Razvitie metoda nakopleniya riskov dlya rascheta stavki kapitalizatsii [Development of the Risk Accumulation Method for Calculating the Capitalization Rate]. Ekonomicheskaya nauka sovremennoy Rossii, 2021, no 1, pp. 7–14, DOI:

5. Metodicheskie rekomendatsii po otsenke effektivnosti investitsionnykh proektov (vtoraya redaktsiya) [Methodological Recommendations for Assessing the Effectiveness of Investment Projects (Second Edition)]. Ofitsial’noe izdanie. Ministerstvo econ. RF, Ministerstvo fin. RF i dr.; ruk. avt. kol. Kossov V.V. i

dr. Moskva, Izdatel’stvo economika, 2000, 421 p.

6. Sharp W.F., Alexander G.J., and Bailey J.W. Investments, 6th Ed., Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1998.

7. Damodaran, A. Investment Valuation: Tools and Techniques for Determining the Value of Any Asset, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Sons, Inc., 2012.

8. Ibbotson R.G. Stocks Bonds Bills and Inflation 1996 Yearbook: Market Results for 1926–1995 (Stocks, Bonds, Bills and Inflation (Sbbi) Yearbook. Chicago, The Associates, 1996.

9. Federal Reserve Board – Home, available at:

10. Trifonov N.Yu. Premiya za stranovoy risk kak pokazatel’ investitsionnoy privlekatel’nosti (na primere Respubliki Belarus’) [Country Risk Premium as an Indicator of Investment Attractiveness (Case of Republic of Belarus)]. Obshchestvo i ekonomika, 2023, no 8, pp. 112–116, DOI:

Potential for Economic Sanctions Effectiveness

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.34-43

The article analyzes mechanisms of sanctions action and the problems that are faced by countries that use this political instrument. Particular attention is paid to cases of applying sanctions against the Russian Federation and Iran without expressing any subjective opinion on the legality of these countries’ actions. It is proved that economic sanctions in most cases are fraught with economic costs for all participants in sanctions episodes, including countries that initiate these sanctions. The country, against which the sanctions are imposed, is likely to develop trade relations with the third parties that do not participate in the sanctions coalition.


1. Alekseeva T.A. Sovremennaya politicheskaya mysl’ (XX–XXI vv.): politicheskaya teoriya i mezhdunarodnye otnosheniya [Modern Political Thought (XX–XXI centuries): Political Theory and International Relations]. Moscow, Aspekt Press, 2015.

2. Timofeev I.N. Ekonomicheskie sanktsii kak politicheskoe ponyatie [Economic Sanctions as a Political Concept]. Vestnik MGIMO-Universiteta, 2018, no 2(59), pp. 26–42, DOI: 10.24833/2071-8160-2018-2-59-26-42

3. ES i SShA otsenivayut vliyanie sobstvennykh sanktsiy v otnoshenii Rossii [The EU and the US Assess the Impact of their own Sanctions Against Russia]. Otkrytyy zhurnal, 2022, 5 marta, available at:

4. Khaffbauer G., Shott D., Elliot K., Egg B. Peresmotr ekonomicheskikh sanktsiy [Revision of Economic Sanctions]. Elsevier. Zhurnal mezhdunarodnoy ekonomiki, 2007, vol. 76(1), pp. 135–137.

5. Rezolyutsiya 1929, prinyataya Sovetom Bezopasnosti na ego 6335-m zasedanii 9 iyunya 2010 g. [Resolution 1929, Adopted by the Security Council at its 6335th Meeting on 9 June 2010]. Sovet Bezopasnosti OON, available at:

Why did the Russian Economy not Collapse under the Influence of Sanctions?

DOI: 10.33917/es-3.195.2024.16-27

Chronicles of the trade and economic war (sanctions, restrictions, etc., in fact, attempts to organize an economic, scientific and technical blockade) of the conventionally united West against Russia after 2014 in general and after the beginning of the Limited Military Operation in particular clearly demonstrate that Atlantic opponents didn’t manage to defeat us economically. They don’t understand why that happened… Russia, to the whole world’s surprise, is successfully realizing its economic potential, monetizing it into stability of the political regime and building up a victorious defence potential. What’s the cause of such macroeconomic stability (national strength) of Russia?


1. Isard W. Interregional and Regional Input-Output Analysis: A Model of a Space Economy. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1951, vol. 33, pp. 318–328.

2. Leontief W., Strout A. Multiregional Input-Output Analysis. Structural Interdependence and Economic Development (ed. T. Barna). London, Macmillan (St. Martin’s Press), 1963, pp. 119–149.

3. Koopman R., Wang Z., Wei Shang-Jin. Tracing Value-Added and Double Counting in Gross Exports. NBER Working Paper no 18579, Cambridge, National Bureau of Economic Research, 2012.

4. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Sushko E.D. Natsional’naya strategicheskaya sila stran, mezhdunarodnaya torgovlya i ekonomicheskaya uspeshnost’ stran v nestabil’nom mire [National Strategic Power of Countries, International Trade and Economic Success of Countries in the unstable World]. Strategirovanie: teoriya i praktika, 2023, vol. 3, no 3(9), pp. 277–297.

5. Ageev A.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Makarov V.L., Loginov E.L., Khabriev B.R. Ekonomicheskiy fundament pobedy: strategicheskiy prognoz ustoychivosti ekonomiki Rossii v

usloviyakh sanktsionnykh atak [Economic Foundation of Victory: a Strategic Forecast for the Russian Economy Stability in the Face of Sanctions]. Ekonomicheskie strategii,

2023, vol. 25, no 3(189), pp. 6–15, DOI:

6. Makarov V.L., Il’in N.I., Bakhtizin A.R., Khabriev B.R. Natsional’naya sila stran mira: otsenka i prognoz [National Strength of the Countries in the World: Evaluation and Forecast]. Ekonomicheskie strategii, 2022, vol. 24, no 6(186), pp. 38–51, DOI:

7. Makarov V.L., Bakhtizin A.R., Loginov E.L. Primenenie ekonomiko-matematicheskikh metodov i modeley optimal’nogo planirovaniya v tsifrovoy ekonomike budushchego (TsEMI AN SSSR i TsEMI RAN: prognosticheskaya interpretatsiya i razvitie nauchnogo naslediya nobelevskikh laureatov L.V. Kantorovicha i V.V. Leont’eva) [Application of Economic-mathematical Methods and Optimal Planning Models in the Digital Economy of the Future (CEMI AS USSR and CEMI RAS: Predictive

Interpretation and Development of the Scientific Heritage of Nobel Laureates L.V. Kantorovich and V.V. Leontief)]. Moscow, Tsentral’nyy ekonomiko-matematicheskiy

Normative-dynamic approach to assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 2

DOI: 10.33917/mic-2.115.2024.92-105

The article proposes a normative-dynamic approach, new for Russia, to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the management of the implementation of the state program «Development of Education» for the period 2018-2025 and the national project «Education» for the period 2024-2030. Based on the use of rank correlation methods and taking into account the current legislative acts and strategic planning documents, various options for the current, short-term, medium-term and long-term normative and dynamic assessment of the development of education in the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is made about the weak scientific validity and low effectiveness of the state strategic planning of the State Program for the development of education in the Russian Federation.


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Normative-dynamic approach to assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in Russia. Part 1

DOI: 10.33917/mic-1.114.2024.94-100

The article proposes a normative-dynamic approach, new for Russia, to the assessment and analysis of state strategic planning for the development of education in the Russian Federation, aimed at improving the management of the implementation of the state program «Development of Education» for the period 2018-2025 and the national project «Education» for the period 2024-2030. Based on the use of rank correlation methods and taking into account the current legislative acts and strategic planning documents, various options for the current, short-term, medium-term and long-term normative and dynamic assessment of the development of education in the Russian Federation are considered. The conclusion is made about the weak scientific validity and low effectiveness of the state strategic planning of the State Program for the development of education in the Russian Federation.


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