Actual Directions of the Marketing Concepts Application in Healthcare
For health care institutions the most productive is the concept of socially responsible marketing.
For health care institutions the most productive is the concept of socially responsible marketing.
In the published block of interviews on strategic issues three global strategic topics converged: what is happening to the human brain and human health, how social turbulence rolls in wave after wave, and that a new model of economic development is being worked through step by step. All these topics are “around-zero” ones. Each of them promises tremendous changes. It is already possible to begin to predict their scale and impact on our everyday life, but it is impossible to imagine them like all the “around-zero”.
The main reason of the health care crisis is that federal government has actually withdrawn from the responsibility for population health care, shifting it onto regions and municipalities, which do not have sufficient funds for it.
Russia needs at least five percent growth so that in a historically foreseeable future — the lifetime of the current working generation (20-30 years) to reach, by economic and social indicators, the leading civilized countries standing on a par with the most developed countries in the world