Human Self-Sufficiency as the Basis for Self-Sufficiency of Socio-Economic Systems and a Multipolar World

DOI: 10.33917/es-1.193.2024.93-99

The article dwells on relationship between the self-sufficiency of citizens and the self-sufficiency of socio-economic systems (hereinafter referred to as SES) at any level – from a company to a municipality, region and the state. It is shown that equal, self-sufficient states constitute the basis of a multipolar world. On the example of different countries, in particular the USA, it is shown that lack of self-sufficiency of citizens causes large external debt, the risk of reducing self-sufficiency of the state and, as a consequence, its destruction. Through the prism of self-sufficiency of citizens, the author shows the logical result to which Russian Federation is moving and to which it will arrive if it doesn’t change its monetary policy.

Based on her work experience as an expert, the author focuses on consciousness as an economic-cybernetic category and selfsufficiency as a reproductive (economic) function built into human nature to realize human potential.


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US National Debt: What is the Future Preparing for Us?

#7. Foresight Boom
US National Debt: What is the Future Preparing for Us?

The article examines the structure of the US public debt, makes comparative analysis of the periods of the US national debt sharp increase and intensification of the economic domination policy. It is proved that national debt is an instrument organically introduced into the economic mechanism of the US economy, which contributes to maintaining social stability in society. When examining the components of the US public debt, attention is paid to the social component, including medical care, pensions and migration burden on the US budget, as well as to role of fiscal policy in the development of the US national economy. It is revealed that the structure of the US national economy, despite the trends of the economic policy changes announced by the president, remains unchanged, inertial growth, practically not associated with the activities of the new US administration, continues. Attention is drawn to foreign counterparties, holders of US securities, including Russia. The article considers the possibility for the US Congress to raise the national debt ceiling as an instrument of internal political opposition to the current administration of the US president and the presidential policy. In case of significant delay in raising the national debt ceiling by the US Congress, which will also become a factor in strengthening sanctions pressure on Russia, our country can incur real losses.

Federalism Impact on Economic Growth: an Institutional Perspective

#4. Why that is needed?
Federalism Impact on Economic Growth: an Institutional Perspective

Many states include the word “federation” in their name, which allows to assume that most people have positive perception of federalism as a form of governance. Switzerland and some other countries have shown how fiscal federalism can work in practice for the benefit of society. At the same time, the states that try to copy this undoubtedly positive experience, as a rule, encounter significant difficulties. The article shows how fiscal federalism can influence economic growth of the state and explains why “working” federalism occurs so rarely.

Draw a Lesson from Crises: a Look at the Finnish Economy

#2. Mr Wanna-know-All's Questions
Draw a Lesson from Crises: a Look at the Finnish Economy

The article compares the causes and consequences of financial economic crises of 1991 and 2008 in Finland. The basic measures for stabilizing economic situation in the country are listed.

From the Stability and Growth Pact to the Fiscal Pact

#1. Beyond Design Basis Evaluations

The first 8 years of euro existence and 10 years — of stability and growth Pact can be characterized as the time of missed opportunities, when all the prerequisites for the eurozone crisis were formed.

Revolutionary Changes in the Global Financial System and in the Eurasian Economic Community. The Money, their Generation and Control in the Past and the Present

#3. Expectation of Light

In contrast to the U.S. dollar, euro or pound, congested by debt obligations of the corresponding states, there are good prospects for the issue of reserve currency of the Eurasian Economic Community. This role at the present stage could be played by the Russian ruble, especially as there is an objective economic need, defined by the development potential of the Customs Union.

The State in the Economy of the European Union — Impossible to Expand, to Narrow?

#4. Sorrow and Light

The crisis generated by the separation of finance from the real sector can not be considered an occasional phenomenon. On the contrary, such concourse of circumstances is rather natural.