Foreign management experience spatial development: the municipal aspect

DOI: 10.33917/mic-4.99.2021.88-93

The article is devoted to the consideration of foreign practice of spatial development management at the municipal level. The theoretical vector of managing the spatial development of regions is considered, the participants of this process are shown. The most important areas of practical activity of local authorities regulating the structure of spatial development management are analyzed. Taking into account the foreign practice of managing spatial development at the municipal level, it is concluded that there is a need for broader interregional interaction of Russian territories, increasing the level of their infrastructure support, and more proactive involvement of municipalities in economic activities.

Redemption of the Right to Use a Patent as a Legal Measure to Reduce the Cost of Innovative Drugs

DOI: 10.33917/es-4.162.2019.120-125

Many innovative drugs used in key therapeutic areas and in such diseases like cancer, hepatitis C, diabetes and many others are an integral part of state insurance programs and reimbursement schemes. Meanwhile, often due to the high cost of medicines and budget constraints, the need of all patients requiring treatment cannot be satisfied. This problem is extremely relevant both in industrialized countries, such as the USA, Great Britain, France, Germany and in such relatively young pharmaceutical markets like Russia. In many countries, there is a law on redemption of patent rights from manufacturers, which allows the state subsequently to provide patients with the necessary therapy almost at the drug’s cost price. However, this practice is not widespread and is really used in isolated instances, even in the leading world countries. The purpose of the present article is to substantiate the need for broad application of the scheme of the patent use redemption by the state using the example of drugs for treating hepatitis C in the USA, where this law has been functioning for many years. During the study, we analyzed the works of leading foreign authors in the field of pharmaceuticals and patent protection, as well as legislative and regulatory documents, statistical materials of international databases on the industry over the past years

Methods of Digital Economy in Terms of Management and Control Activities in the Real Economy

Currently, problems in the system of economic management have reached the level where a global shift has become objectively inevitable. Implementation of digital economy in terms of public administration and control activities through developing scientific principles in conjunction with situation analysis will provide an opportunity to solve these problems in order to ensure increase in real incomes of Russian citizens. The present article deals with creating a digital economy methodology in the real sector of economy for developing a digital system for economic activity management